James Russell takes BS to a new a level


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Aug 14, 2012
He's selling some "London Treasures" bracelet tat and has mentioned that it's not knock off or fake it's genuine London Treasures. :whew: Can he tell us who would be mad enough to fake a London Treasures bracelet?:confused:
He uses the same tack on other products-'This is a GENUINE Christin Lars !!!!!!'
I don't mind this,after all how else are you going to sell a crappy watch or bracelet?-you have to say something.
One has to feel sorry for the presenters to some extent,they seem to be, in the main,failed actors/entertainers trapped in the strange world of shopping telly.
It's hard work keeping it up for hours on end plus the preparation and if they don't make the sales they are out.
What bugs me is when they lie-the biggest liars have been named in this forum and we know who they are-or when they exploit the elderly with fake sentimentality or bogus concerns about safety or security.
If people are daft enough to buy a London Treasures bracelet or a Stephen Gayford print then it's their own lookout!
He's not the sharpest knife in the box so maybe London Treasure and Christin Lars is the height of elegance for him? Don't forget he looked at the camera, apparently, and talked about Christian (sic) Lars as if 'he' was a real person rather than a made up brand name. You gotta be pretty thick to come out with that
I dunno about this one! I know I mentioned in a thread that a Links or Pandora "style" bracelet ain't quite gonna cut it for me....but one of these, maybe, if you really like this style why spend ridiculous amounts of money on what essential is a few mass produced beads tied together with string! There's no precious metal involved. Ok, I guess the crystals could be obviously inferior quality, haven't examined the items, but from what I've seen at a glance they don't look one hell of a lot different. Perhaps it's in the string, maybe the cheaper ones use really thin strands of string.

But, there's no need to tell us it's a geniune London Treasures, no one's ever heard of it!

. Perhaps
He's not the sharpest knife in the box so maybe London Treasure and Christin Lars is the height of elegance for him? Don't forget he looked at the camera, apparently, and talked about Christian (sic) Lars as if 'he' was a real person rather than a made up brand name. You gotta be pretty thick to come out with that

Actually Christin Lars is supposedly a person. The great Peter SImon refers to Michael Christin Melkussen Lars as the world famous painter, horologist and I have known Russell refer to him as a master horologist. However even under the full name nothing comes up on a google search. I wish someone on this forum could trace this mythical Christin Lars and while they're at it could find Dr Cringles too:giggle:
I'm convinced that Christin Lars is a made up name, and that Russells allusions to 'him' as a designer,hirologist ect are just total bull.
In any event Russell seems to think that if you say 'hirology' or 'hirologist' enough times people will buy the damn thing-and maybe they do!
The rest of the pitch is total b******s -'they've taken the watch world by storm' 'we've had so many emails asking us when we will be getting this one in stock' and you've probably read about Christin Lars on the watch forums' ect ect.
The whole thing is like watching a snake oil salesman in a Wild West medicine show!
Peter Simon said that christin lars watches were showcased at the basel watch show, obviously I couldn't find anything. Please somebody prove conclusively that christin lars is a made up name and not a world famous artist, painter, sculptor and horologist as Russell and Peter Simon keep claiming.
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Peter Simon said that christin lars watches were showcased at the basel watch show, obviously I couldn't find anything. Please somebody prove conclusively that christin lars is a made up name and not a world famous artist, painter, sculptor and horologist as Russell and Peter Simon keep claiming.

well i spent some time earlier looking for the elusive 'world famous horologist' and guess what? yeah you guessed it.... it looks like he has never existed...
nothing on Wikipedia, and he would be on there if he was anyone, also, surprise surprise when you Google his name all you get is links to the good old
sit-up channels.... So just as everyone had already guessed its just a load of made up name ******** as usual..
well i spent some time earlier looking for the elusive 'world famous horologist' and guess what? yeah you guessed it.... it looks like he has never existed...
nothing on Wikipedia, and he would be on there if he was anyone, also, surprise surprise when you Google his name all you get is links to the good old
sit-up channels.... So just as everyone had already guessed its just a load of made up name ******** as usual..

so that means Russell and Peter Simon have come up with the most outrageous lie and cock and bull story.
I've actually heard dear od Peter Simon claim that Chrstin Lars watches are sold in over 40 countries!

Lars is only one letter short of Liars!!!!!
I suppose Mike Delboy Mason will be on here soon under his alias, telling us that the man really does exist and lives next door to Dr Cringle and across the park from Tommy & Kate

Again, I'm not Mike, but just wondering why, if someone truly has a problem
with these 'alleged' lies by Mr Russell & Mr Simon, they haven't contacted the ASA?
Again, I'm not Mike, but just wondering why, if someone truly has a problem
with these 'alleged' lies by Mr Russell & Mr Simon, they haven't contacted the ASA?

Well, in my case why should I bother? I don't buy from them and they provide my family with a useful service:

1) Good for a laugh
2) Now and again suggest something which might be worth Googling to find at a decent price elsewhere
3) Encourages the grandchildren to work harder in school " If you don't work harder at your exams, you'll end up doing a job like this bunch"
4)If someone doesn't know what a 'spiv' is, just direct them to have a look asitups

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