For anyone who missed Mr Russell falling over the clothes dummy a few weeks you go;
He looked incredibly smart last night. I like his new hairstyle. It makes him look cleaner and more polished. Even though he was wearing a three piece cheapo suit that was coming up, he made it look very nice. He has to be the best turned out presenter by far :up:
Yes Momma I must agree, James always looks very smart.
I heard a rumour that Justin Hazell is Bid's stylist, he specialises in making a small wardrobe go a long way.
Is that book anything to do with Justin? It's called 50 Suits of Grey?
Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. He just happens to be turned out better than the others, for example Steve McDonald who is often incredibly scruffy, his bitten to the quick piggy fingernails look horrible when he is doing close ups. He reminds me of a door to door Utility salesman.
But as much as I acknowledge James making an effort with his appearance i'd much prefer him to make more of an effort with the accuracy of his pitches. Still, we can help him with that.
Steve McDonald is younger than my daughter but looks 10 years older. I too have noticed his finger nails, bitten to that extent is always a sign of insecurity. Is he still married to that strange looking woman?
I'm giving James a break here.
I haven't forgotten him saying about 'peddling tat to the public' but he's definitely changed for the better.
He's being compliant (unlike one certain revolting presenter!) and he's lost some of his cynicism, I think James has grown up (probably coz he's about to become a dad)
And he is totally the best dressed and best groomed presenter on the channels.
Hey mommabear, Cant you leave James to me. I watched last night and heard any day now he is to become a father.
I find it interesting you say you could listen to him all day. I dont like the wide boy/Essex boy voice but I could look at him all day for sure.