I've saved up all my bitching.....


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Jun 26, 2008
I've dipped in and out of QVC all day as and when I nipped indoors for some respite from the sun. Little niggles have built up.

1, The faux french accent used for the Decleor promo - surely they could afford a french voice-over woman ?

2. Ultrasun - Alison Keenan has the temerity to spend an hour persuading us to pay £30 for an SPF 20 when it is patently obvious that she uses olive oil as her sun protection of choice. She sat there with a big red shiny face and a neck/decollete/upper arms that were tanned to a "saddle leather" consistency. On second thoughts perhaps the subliminal message of this hour was -buy this stuff or you too will end up like AK.

3. SJ on one of the bare Escentuals shows, telling us that she gets her makeup bag out on the plane and ends up doing everyone else's make up for them. Well, I hope she uses a different kabuki brush for each passenger, you don't know what germs etc you can pick up from people's skin. Also she must travel first class or in a private jet, because there's no way she could be buzzing in and out of the rows of economy seats in a Ryanair or Virgin plane.

4. Ann Dawson repeatedly listing the contents of the bare Escentuals TSV - "you've got the foundation, you've got the mascara, you've got the two eye colours, you've got the lipgloss." She then asks SJ or Leigh to tell us what's in the TSV - "you've got the foundation, you've got the mascara, you've got the two eye colours, you've got the lipgloss." . What I got was the feeling that the TSV was sticking and she was under orders to stress what good value it was.

Ah that's better, I'm off to look for some ice cream in my freezer.

Linda xx
I missed all but the last 30 mins of Beauty day but having read your post I've had a good laugh and feel I haven't missed much after all. Love the idea of Ali K as an awful warning sales pitch for sun protection.
I sort of dipped in and out, did wander off to watch I Was A Cannibal Convict at one point. Or perhaps it was was still QVC after all.:giggle:

What I noticed was Ann Dawson seemed to be bright red in the face and chest. Now it could have been a hot flush but didn't say much for the BE which she do use. The way its suppose to cover etc.
i was watching Skynews and thinking that now Raoul's been caught, that lovely police lady Wendolene should have time to pop over to beauty day for a makeover...

it was just the same old same old, no new brands to entice us to experiment, A Y yelling and hectoring, I just dipped in and out as was trying to save my tubs and hanging baskets from the heat (wore Simple sun protection only £9 ish from Boots!). How refreshing it would have been to have had something other than Elemis, decelor, etc. Maybe its a sign that I watch too much QVC as have heard and seen it all before.
i was watching Skynews and thinking that now Raoul's been caught, that lovely police lady Wendolene should have time to pop over to beauty day for a makeover...


Good idea ! I felt uncomfy watching her press conferences, it was obvious by his body language that her (male) underling didn't have much respect for her. Good luck to her success in such a "man's world". (sorry, tangential)

Linda xx
i was watching Skynews and thinking that now Raoul's been caught, that lovely police lady Wendolene should have time to pop over to beauty day for a makeover...


That is so funny, d'you know I was sitting there thinking who does she remind me of and you hit the nail right on the head!! First time I saw her, I did think she's just had a blow dry especially for the press conference!!!
What I got was the feeling that the TSV was sticking and she was under orders to stress what good value it was.
None of the TSV options went limited last night and the last BE presentation was at 5pm and there was no mentioning of the TSV in the last beauty hour at 11 pm, that was really weird I thought.
I was cross that now that BE have come out with a matte foundation it's suddenly vital to have both options in your makeup bag to suit every occasion. Perlease. However did we get by before?
(mum writes)

I can't stand the pretentiousness of the BE woman and the idea of the products drives me mad, it's awful stuff IMO. As for that matte 'powder' they aired, it really did make the older model look her age! It's like going back to granny's powder (and I am a granny and can say it :D) Each to their own but to be plied with it all day is too much. I didn't watch much in the end as it was a very disappointing show. I'm not sure how they could get away with calling it beauty day. Same old same old, what has happened to their brands?

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