I would take anything said by any selly telly presenter with a pinch of salt when it comes to their off-screen life. Of course certain elements will be true (to varying degrees depending on the presenter) however you essentially can't believe much of what they say. Note I'm not even saying that in a poking fun or horrible way, it's simply a fact. It's not the best analogy but it's a bit like a comedian using 'real life' situations from their family life for the purposes of telling a funny story. Sometimes the 'real' event will have happened, equally sometimes it will all be fabricated.Pedro Simone says 10 mins ago while selling fur boots "r'Bet my soulmate got these this morning" then has just said "I hope r'bet gets these....I really do"
I reckon he just says words and more words and more words no thought at all.
Or skills either!Interesting guy. Has absolutely no internet or social media profile at all.
Must be empty!!I would take anything said by any selly telly presenter with a pinch of salt when it comes to their off-screen life. Of course certain elements will be true (to varying degrees depending on the presenter) however you essentially can't believe much of what they say. Note I'm not even saying that in a poking fun or horrible way, it's simply a fact. It's not the best analogy but it's a bit like a comedian using 'real life' situations from their family life for the purposes of telling a funny story. Sometimes the 'real' event will have happened, equally sometimes it will all be fabricated.
Viewers should look on these presenters as they would look on an end of pier entertainer nearing the end if their career. Saying any old guff to get a sale the way the entertainer does to get a laugh.
The likes of Peter S try to do both and usually fail certainly on the laugh part. However as we keep saying, he maybe shifts product well otherwise why keep asking him back. Or is the talent pool really that empty?
Hash is what's needed to get through 10 mins of watching this!I’ve never heard the word hashtag so often
Take a christmas tree on holiday with you if you arent going to be home at christmas........
I'm not making that up, that was just said.
Yeah I've just watched 2 mins of the YT feed and she sounds and looks totally bored.Shona sounds bored
I dipped into IW on Sunday afternoon and it was more like QVC!I don't know what it is exactly about it but I simply cannot stand it. I suppose part of it is I can't stand The Jewellery Channel either with their outrageous and theatrical price starts. It all seems so cynically manipulative to me. Still, those poor old dears they feature from the local whist drive on the promo seen to be in love with it.
Lol. Is anyone watching Shop Extra though? I'm not, as it's not on my standard Freeview TV and I forget to watch online after 4-12. And when I finally remember it's past midnight and finished!It makes Shop Extra look award winning
This won't last ...And the new presenters I've seen have not been going totally OTT about the products, with the notable exception of the usual reprobates.
Yes, I'll have you know people ARE watching Shop Extra. Actually, they've already held a Shop Extra meet & greet. Every person who's ordered something was invited and they ALL attended, so there!Lol. Is anyone watching Shop Extra though? I'm not, as it's not on my standard Freeview TV and I forget to watch online after 4-12. And when I finally remember it's past midnight and finished!
Just looked at SE now at 4pm. Collagen products. Later: bed linen (Earl's of Witney?!) and a 2hour Vostok Europe watch slot. Yawn. Boring. Not for me, thanks.
At least I can dip in and out of IW on Freeview 51 and check TJC occasionally to see what jewels or homeware offers they might have.