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Yes, I'll have you know people ARE watching Shop Extra. Actually, they've already held a Shop Extra meet & greet. Every person who's ordered something was invited and they ALL attended, so there!

Here's an exclusive pic of the event ...

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Lol, you had me going there as I only started reading the visible text, thinking, really, what do they know, what have I missed, maybe I'm wrong, what on earth are they going on about... until the punchline! 👍
He said earlier he lives on his own
With 2 dogs, I believe.

And from what we've heard from both @snakesnakesnake and @GrantB he's a very nice chap off-screen.

I don't think his heart's in it, tbh. Maybe he still has the mortgage to pay... Surely not by now though.

It's the male equivalent of Sunset Boulevard...

Wonder if the travel might be one issue, making them tired. Getting down to Feltham, from his Northern pile, is further than Peterborough and may be staying in hotels for now, and not their 2nd Peterborough homes? Either way, it's a haul and living out of suitcase, like a travelling salesman. And possibly sorting sale of the 2nd Peterborough home, if he had one like the others?

Or he's also staying in a caravan round the back, near the airport, keeping him up at night... 😜
In his head, he clearly thinks his legacy as an entertainer is in his non-shopping tv work. Hence all the name dropping, references back to being a children's tv icon, the "award winning Peter Simon" intros.

In reality …his legacy is his shopping tv antics. The snot. The falling over. The innuendos. The flogging absolute tat as though it's an undiscovered Monet.

On Bid Up TV it was easy to laugh with Peter Simon, these days, more often than not, everyone is laughing at him. He used to be able to finish a sentence, or start a joke and know where he was going with it…

Now he's degenerated into incoherence, babbling the same phrases ("check out your baskets", "go to the phones", "this truly is, and I really do mean this, so forgive me dear viewers, I say it as it is me", etc) endlessly, and his "comedy" routines reduced to saying smutty things in a camp tone of voice as though it's 1973 and that's funny by itself.
Spot on.

We all need money/work, so I wonder what the motivation for becoming a TV shopping presenter was apart from that. Being on TV still? Presumably any TV presenter/acting jobs or whatever he was doing before offers had dried up?

If I was HR or TJC/IW management, I'd be constantly worrying he's on the borderline of a lawsuit or complaints from offended viewers re his outdated 'comedy' routines and smutty, innuendo and plain unfunny skits. The one reported here by someone 'pick a number... wrong, take your clothes off' in joking with the floor manager, etc. sounds like he's lost the plot, wide of the mark, beyond the pale, outdated values and behaviour.

I don't dislike him and wish him well. Would just like to see him improve his TV selling, ethics and style. He was one of those that made me laugh and notice IW on Freeview, but for all the wrong reasons.
And that's surely not the draw, to have someone so noticeable and offensive to make you watch IW in the vain hope the audience might buy something after they've stopped laughing at him.
No wonder the business model was weak.

Bring back Eric Knowles, all is forgiven... 😜
On his brother's FB page there's a 'Cameo' sideline with the great buffoon PS sat 'at ome' or somewhere, in civvies, looking weird, spouting great and wonderous words to whomever pays him £11 for a short clip.

Nice little Christmas stocking filler maybe 🤪
Geez. Is that the same gig that Dave Gorman's '...Goodish...' show on Dave channel showed people like Martin Roberts (Homes under the Hammer) and Nigel Farage recording video 'birthday greetings' to strangers (and Hugh Janus!) for £25 a pop?

How many of them do you have to do to get a Coutt's bank account? 😃
With 2 dogs, I believe.

And from what we've heard from both @snakesnakesnake and @GrantB he's a very nice chap off-screen.

I don't think his heart's in it, tbh. Maybe he still has the mortgage to pay... Surely not by now though.

It's the male equivalent of Sunset Boulevard...

Wonder if the travel might be one issue, making them tired. Getting down to Feltham, from his Northern pile, is further than Peterborough and may be staying in hotels for now, and not their 2nd Peterborough homes? Either way, it's a haul and living out of suitcase, like a travelling salesman. And possibly sorting sale of the 2nd Peterborough home, if he had one like the others?

Or he's also staying in a caravan round the back, near the airport, keeping him up at night... 😜
I suppose we don't really know what drives some of them. Of course the most likely thing as with most of us is 'bills to pay' and we know nothing (which is quite right) of their personal life from a financial point of view.

If you take someone like Shona, her heart lies on stage and the west end. That's most likely what she'd rather be doing. However a job's a job so she finds herself on selly telly having to talk up a £9.99 piece of tat for half an hour. It's no wonder the mask occasionally slips with some of them.

Please note, I'm not defending the underhand sales techniques etc etc, I'm simply referring to the subject of what drives them to keep on going. For all we know Peter S maybe hates every minute of it but needs to keep on going for whatever personal reason, so he paints on the smile and off he goes ...
Lol. Is anyone watching Shop Extra though? I'm not, as it's not on my standard Freeview TV and I forget to watch online after 4-12. And when I finally remember it's past midnight and finished!

Just looked at SE now at 4pm. Collagen products. Later: bed linen (Earl's of Witney?!) and a 2hour Vostok Europe watch slot. Yawn. Boring. Not for me, thanks.

At least I can dip in and out of IW on Freeview 51 and check TJC occasionally to see what jewels or homeware offers they might have.
I'm the same. I only watched Shop Extra once online as I couldn't be bothered even though I was actively reading this forum. I have dipped into Ideal World a few times just to see what's going on, usually in the adverts if I'm watching live TV.
Bar Peter Simon the other presenters do seem more human,
I feel that everything about Peter Simon is an act, a character he's trying to portray, the tall tales about showbiz people he claims to have worked with. He contradicts himself, lives alone/doesn't live alone etc.

He comes over to me as a pretty sad individual. I know somebody else here has said you could do a great Alan Bennett type of play based on someone like him. Someone who has known better days but now living in a bedsit and jealous of contemporaries continued success.

However I have no knowledge of how he lives or what his private life is, its only my perception. He may live in a mansion and hold wild all night parties with A list celebrities like The Chuckle Brothers🤔🤣
Geez. Is that the same gig that Dave Gorman's '...Goodish...' show on Dave channel showed people like Martin Roberts (Homes under the Hammer) and Nigel Farage recording video 'birthday greetings' to strangers (and Hugh Janus!) for £25 a pop?

How many of them do you have to do to get a Coutt's bank account? 😃
Nigel Farage's video message costs £74😳 (I just looked it up). I wouldn't pay 74p. Not sure whether he fell for the Hugh Janus one, or whether he didn't care cos he was getting paid!
Have they been down to BHF shop and rounded up some ghastly handbags left after an over 90s house clearance? Old Foghorn Shorthorn is squeaking them up for us. Let’s face hard facts - she wouldn’t be seen laid out with one, let alone while still semi-sentient. A bigger load of crap I’ve yet to see…
As I said previously, Simon is an interesting case study of a human being. Full of contradictions and inaccuracies in many of his on-screen ludicrous anecdotes, wanting to portray himself as years older than an actually is, wildly fluctuating stories about his so-called private life. You’d love to sit in a pub with him, and have a good old chat about what he really thinks about his work and why he still does it? But what could he do more mainstream in televisual terms after decades away from it? You do wonder, though, if he is the archetypal example of somebody living to work than working to live?
As I said previously, Simon is an interesting case study of a human being. Full of contradictions and inaccuracies in many of his on-screen ludicrous anecdotes, wanting to portray himself as years older than an actually is, wildly fluctuating stories about his so-called private life. You’d love to sit in a pub with him, and have a good old chat about what he really thinks about his work and why he still does it? But what could he do more mainstream in televisual terms after decades away from it? You do wonder, though, if he is the archetypal example of somebody living to work than working to live?
I think he is living to work, He wouldnt be able to work in Mainstream TV, any organisation that gave him a opportunity, would be scared he’d say something which would get ofcom involved
There isn’t a mainstream TV role for him though, Jazzy. Not one I could see. His whole ‘act’ is so deep-rooted in the past. Fronting The Good Old Days might suit him. If only there were any now.
I don't know what it is exactly about it but I simply cannot stand it. I suppose part of it is I can't stand The Jewellery Channel either with their outrageous and theatrical price starts. It all seems so cynically manipulative to me. Still, those poor old dears they feature from the local whist drive on the promo seen to be in love with it.

I know it is an early start in terms of what they're going to sell but the crap they had on air last night and the amount of time they spent on each item was horrendous to even comprehend trying to watch. They did two hours on a ****** pillow. Could be used as a very useful torture technique at Guantanamo Bay.

I also can't bear to see those smug faces that walked away from the previous channel when that went down back on as if nothing has even happened.

No. I'm afraid it's just not for me and is nothing like the channel it replaced and the channel that replaced and the channel that replaced and the channel that replaced and the channel that replaced...

Also noticed old Reg Varney is back doing the voiceovers. It really is a little club on wheels, isn't it?
Why do you watch it then ?
There isn’t a mainstream TV role for him though, Jazzy. Not one I could see. His whole ‘act’ is so deep-rooted in the past. Fronting The Good Old Days might suit him. If only there were any now.
We all know showbusiness is brutal and fickle even for those who are current and talented. Trust me, there's NO role for most selly telly presenters in mainstream telly, a fact most of them will be acutely aware of.

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