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Dear Mr. Simon,

I have submitted, by recorded delivery (second post), a formal request for you to record a very short health and welfare advice video for the members of our shopping group. The payment of £11 is in the form of a sheet of Second Class stamps and a Postal Order for the remainder. I would have informed you by telex, but the spod pin in the gangle crangle has gone on our machine. Please say as follows:-

Good Day to you all at Shopping Telly Forums. I have been asked to give you the following morality and general spiritual and physical health advice:-

1) Please avoid having unprotected sex with a ghost on a first date, or you may risk a phantom pregnancy.

2) I fully support the Forum’s collective view that young offenders should do more time, or indeed any other herbal remedies for their rehabilitation back into society, including parsley.

Finally I have been asked to say a particular hello to two of your long-term members, Samuel and Ella - both great fans of mine, I am told. I’m informed both have been ill with food poisoning of late. I have been asked to say: ” Get well soon, and I love you Sam and Ella.”….
I was thinking about Mike Mason the other night, No not like that

He has probably done the right thing keeping quiet, he probably doesn’t fit in right with how the channel is currently, But maybe after Christmas when they have a new studio. If they then ask him, I don’t think he would turn them down, he is being quiet, waiting for it to settle
I was thinking about Mike Mason the other night, No not like that

He has probably done the right thing keeping quiet, he probably doesn’t fit in right with how the channel is currently, But maybe after Christmas when they have a new studio. If they then ask him, I don’t think he would turn them down, he is being quiet, waiting for it to settle
I think he quite likes selling decent products and not items from a pop-up decorating table..
Spot on. I got a feeling from him that he actually enjoyed presenting known brands to viewers. I think it’s fair to say he’s got an element of pride about himself, and isn’t desperate to take on anything, like one or two of his colleagues have done. I suspect you get absolutely no satisfaction from selling unbranded, cheap goods with very little kudos about them. Fair play to him on that if that is indeed the case. A 20 quid dash-cam from a Vauxhall Roundhead? A plastic writing tablet from Tandy’s closing down sale??
Just heard them say the Extended Guarantee stops, once the box is opened, really, Imagine saying to a loved one at Christmas, here’s a present, but you have to make sure you want them from looking at the box, you don’t get to see the item

Also they had TJC Branded Bluetooth EarPods for £14.99, according to the presenters they are better than Apple ones, I’m gonna sell my Apple ones, and buy these, NOT
Just heard them say the Extended Guarantee stops, once the box is opened, really, Imagine saying to a loved one at Christmas, here’s a present, but you have to make sure you want them from looking at the box, you don’t get to see the item

Figured that was the case - not that most of these presenters seem to know that! Peter Simon was selling the mattress topper under the extended guarantee saying "take all the wrapping off, sleep on it for 3 months, if you don't like it, return it" when then TJC website (where the product comes from) is quite clear: if it's not in its original sealed wrapper/if it's been used, it can't be returned.
Figured that was the case - not that most of these presenters seem to know that! Peter Simon was selling the mattress topper under the extended guarantee saying "take all the wrapping off, sleep on it for 3 months, if you don't like it, return it" when then TJC website (where the product comes from) is quite clear: if it's not in its original sealed wrapper/if it's been used, it can't be returned.
Sensible question, what would happen if you bought the TJC Bluetooth EarPods as a example, and you opened them on Christmas Day, and they didn’t work, does that mean you wouldnt get the money back
Sensible question, what would happen if you bought the TJC Bluetooth EarPods as a example, and you opened them on Christmas Day, and they didn’t work, does that mean you wouldnt get the money back

Faulty products are covered under general consumer rights, so they (like all retailers) have to accept returns for those.

Some places accept returns based on "I tried it and I don't like it". TJC don't (which is somewhat fair).
Figured that was the case - not that most of these presenters seem to know that! Peter Simon was selling the mattress topper under the extended guarantee saying "take all the wrapping off, sleep on it for 3 months, if you don't like it, return it" when then TJC website (where the product comes from) is quite clear: if it's not in its original sealed wrapper/if it's been used, it can't be returned.
This is the same with Opatra, it really annoys me when they stress that you can keep it for 3 months, and return it if it’s not suitable. How can you tell if you can’t open it? The extended warranty is ridiculous in a lot of these cases.
I think I’ll definitely stick with Ideal Shop than World of Ideal. Ideal Planet is really nothing like Ideal World Third Version that Extra Ideal Universe seems to replicate much better. Ideal Jewellery Channel Beauty Tat is trying its best to be Ideal Earth but is actually more like Ideal Pluto.
I think I’ll definitely stick with Ideal Shop than World of Ideal. Ideal Planet is really nothing like Ideal World Third Version that Extra Ideal Universe seems to replicate much better. Ideal Jewellery Channel Beauty Tat is trying its best to be Ideal Earth but is actually more like Ideal Pluto.

TatJC's Ideal Third-World

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