It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......


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Still snowing here

I've got cabin fever now image.jpg
Isn't it amazing, i'm about 30 miles probably from you and not a drop of snow at all. Weird
Just been out in the car and walking with wintertrax. All passable with care. I think a lot of the problems are due to this culture we have of not taking any risks. I remember 1963 as well. Did you see the programne with Cliff Michelmore on BBC 2 on Saturday night?
Just been out in the car and walking with wintertrax. All passable with care. I think a lot of the problems are due to this culture we have of not taking any risks. I remember 1963 as well. Did you see the programne with Cliff Michelmore on BBC 2 on Saturday night?

yes we watched it FP...VERY interesting...! I blame Elf & Safety! I just started work 62/63 and I must've got there and back okay. My Dad didn't run about after us like my OH does, it was the bus for us!
Hope everyone stays safe.

We've had quite a bit of snow over the last 24 hours but it's not snowing at the moment. We are in a rural area and live in a road that's over a mile long with just 6 or 7 houses along it. The road outside our house is a bit iffy and I think only one vehicle has been along it. We are lucky because we are the nearest to a busier road which looks fairly clear, but we are still about 200 yrds from it.
I was living in Essex as a teenager and can remember the snow in 1963. It lasted from about december to march. Snow drifts everywhere but I'm sure the country didn't grind to a halt. We just walked everywhere. I didn't drive then but can clearly remember still going to school - about 5 miles away - So by todays standards we are all a load of whimps!

Did you see 'Winterwatch' on Saturday, ND?
It was a programme all about the winter of 1963 and how people coped. We were watching it at teatime on BBC2, so it's probably on BBC iPlayer now, if you take a look.

It's an odd programme - it dawned on me that in 1963, women were either invisible or hadn't been invented yet.
The programme [introduced and staffed by men] featured men clearing snow, driving trains, herding sheep, digging coal, yadda yadda. Not a woman in sight, not even struggling through a snow drift with a pile of washing, heavily pregnant with a child on each hip. Maybe they all stayed indoors and weren't available for interview.
Very strange.
We had our first fall of snow last night & another one this morning.

Not too heavy but enough for my grandchildren to enjoy playing out & one year old Caleb got his first glimpse & kept going 'Wow' !

My new 2 week old granddaughter Millie was here this morning as she had an appointment with the baby nurse over at the medical centre.

I was hoping that maybe the snow would come down more heavily & she would have to stay overnight.

Sadly,it didn't :sad:
we have bright sunshine and not a cloud in the sky here today - SO much more cheerful! Pity there's not enough heat in it to melt this snow tho!
I haven't actually been outside other than to see my hairdresser off earlier! I'm sitting in the kitchen watching the two Simon B's on Cooks Essentials and I'm not going to move far from this spot!
I've been outside brushing the melting snow off the patio. It's much milder here today. I hope the thaw keeps up.
I'm going to have to get out.

Redrum. Redrum. Redrum

What about Room 237?

Heeeeeeerrrrrre's JOHNNY!

Cabin fever.
Think you need to get out NOW minim. And has poor Meg been out in it yet?? Hopey was out twice this a.m. when i was up at 7.oo a.m and then later, didn't stay out long He he . Snow here lying but starting to melt, and messy
Meg's had a bit of a wander outside.
Laughed at her yesterday stepping out - every step was a curtsey. She seemed unfazed though.
She's snoring at the moment.
Been snowing here for the last couple of hours, large flakes. Was going to go out in the car tomorrow because thought that our road would be clearer by then not now though, getting cabin fever aaaaaahhhh!!!!
:song: Snow had fallen, snow on snow
Snoww-wooh-woohh on snoooow ... :song:

We're maroooooned, I tell ye! Marooooned!!


Sorry. Just had a mental white-out.

It's bucketing down again in Cardiff. Thick, swirly white flakes have blanketed us in another thick layer of snow.

Fool that I am, I promised to take on a colleague's work if she can't make it into the city. At this rate, there's a fair chance I won't even make it through the front door.
Tut. Very bad form, two posts in a row, I know, but I had to share this:

It's a selection of the best snow photos that the BBC has received, showing both the joys and the tribulations. Some of the photos are stunningly beautiful, and some made me laugh out loud. [Look out for the dog racing the sledge downhill!]
I muted the sound and just enjoyed the pics.
It didn't even drop below freezing here last night as they'd forecast ..I was too warm in bed, had to chuck the throw off!

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