Is QVC a dirty little secret?


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Mar 21, 2015
We see QVC courting many a celebrity well-being known in the wider word, but even when it would be appropriate there is never any mention of QVC.
Even many guests don't mention QVC outside of Chiswick Park.
Same with the models, it's not listed.

I remember when I first used to watch DF used to say to the viewing public, you don't have to say you bought it from QVC, you bought it on the internet...seemingly acknowledging that for some customers at least it's embarrassing to say you watch and buy from a home shopping tv channel.

Personally, I've been quite happy to tell people I buy from QVC, which some shoppers won't say unless talking to someone else they know shops on QVC. But there does seem to be widespread reluctance all round about admitting any involvement with QVC unless they are on screen on the channel. So why on earth is it still seen as something to keep under wraps when for many it's significant in their business lives?
The presenters sometimes forget and they do this too. They point out that no one would know you had bought something from QVC and that people would think you bought it from some exclusive little boutique!
Every time that I get a parcel delivered from Q, the rest of the office really take the mick out of me. Not that it bothers me at all though. If anyone asks where I bought something, I'd always tell the truth.
It does annoy me when the likes of Ruth L, Mandy Holden & Kelly Hoppen flog their wares to us mere mortals on TV but their range never gets a mention in any interviews they do outside of Q. It just seems that they're happy taking the mega money for fronting the range but not willing to mention it to the rest of the plebs that don't watch Q. That does get on my nerves a little bit to be honest.
I have had "ridicule" from people for saying I've bought something from QVC and others don't bat an eyelid. In fact, a few have asked what QVC is so I tend to say "shopping telly" if I mention it at all.

One reason I haven't mentioned my QVC shopping to some people is I might be going to give them a Molton Brown item or some other known brand for Christmas and I don't want them to know how much cheaper it might have been! Then again, some might say that's counterproductive because a lot of stuff from QVC is not the cheapest!

I have to say I don't know anyone else at all in my everyday life who has ever shopped with QVC - that includes neighbours, work colleagues, and friends far and wide. So either they really don't or they won't admit it. That's why it's nice to come on here and discuss everything QVC, if only to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Im the same! I dont know anyone who shops with QVC and if I mention it, people do sometimes take the Michael. Then when they discover I only use Molton Brown and buy Decleor, Elemis etc they seem to think I am wildly extravagant. Trying to explain the concept of a TSV is a pointless exercise so I just dont bother any more!

Oh, now I come to think of it I did know one person who used to use it, years ago, from work.
Any time I have been asked and this happened last weekend where I bought something I openly say QVC. Last weekend it was a pair of earrings, I was asked where I got them? Now the said earrings must be over 10 years old.

As for the so-called celebs unless QVC is paying them they will never mention selling on QVC.
I don't care who knows I shop from the telly. I hate going "to the shops" and this suits me. There have been occasions when someone has asked me where I've got something and I've said "QVC telly shopping" and they've been surprised, gone and looked and then ordered themselves. Others have some kind of snob thing going on where it's just too low class to telly shop. Doesn't bother me.

I've been with the Q since they launched in the UK. I despise what it has become which is a pity because over the years I've had excellent service & bought some quality items. My sister is the only other person I know who is a customer, however, like me she now only buys online & commented the other day that it's been so long since she last watched it on tv she didn't know any of the newer sales assistants. I'm amused by the thought that the zelebs who tout their brands so happily on the Q have separated their lives into compartments & this premier shopping channel doesn't get a mention when they're showing off about their lifestyles.
In years past, I bought most of my gem / gold jewellery from QVC, because of the designs that couldn't be bought on the High Street and because the prices were around the £100 mark back then. I did, and still do get compliments, and did admit to buying from a shopping telly channel.

I have actually spent a small fortune over the years with Q, particularly during the crafting years, and I must have bought something from every department they possessed ! It wasn't so much the 30dmbg but more the variety and not having to venture out to trawl around the shops.

Since the demise of the jewellery and crafting years, my spend has diminished big time, and even the Elemis tsv's don't have the pulling power anymore.

I had a lot of Indigo Moon items in my wardrobe, but the beaded ponchos and tasselled jackets from Dreamkeeper were my all time favourites - all I still have, and will never relegate them to charity. My fashion now is bought online from various outlets here and abroad, so I dont' need QVC in my life anymore.

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