Is Marv for real?


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Jun 24, 2008
I watch very little QVC, as I am always at work. As I am on annual leave, and am doing some online training, I have QVC on in the background. Marv is, unconvincingly, endeavouring to persuade us what an absolute, unbelievable bargain we are being offered (209432), by calculating the cost of each individual component and, simultaneously, looking into the camera, displaying a facial expression, which suggests the price can't be right. A kind of 'why wouldn't you buy it, at this giveaway price' look. Is this the norm for her?
She's a graduate of the Ican'tbelieveitsnotmoreexpensive verbal training at the QVC School of Presentation. Previous graduates include virtually everyone we see on screen.

The advanced diploma involves studying for the open mouthed eye-rolling expression when looking at the monitor and back to the camera, in mock horror.

There's a transatlantic PhD in it, presumably from Harvard Business School, employed by the American guests, such as Tova and Basso. This consists of a rigmarole which starts with them guesstimating what the price would be when they were in the USA, and then, voice rises in pitch, they got here and were told the price this morning in UK for the TSV and they are shocked.

Slightly off topic of Marv's presentation, did you notice the Ican'tbelieveitssuchgoodvalue pitch this morning for the collagen gloop (can't work, Google any scientific reviews on collagen and skin). The pretend value of the 5 products bought separately (why would you?) was £107... but that included 5 x p&p, so a good bit of the extortionate price is not even for the collagen gel, but their postage charges!
Ah, Marv! Don't you just love her? Answer = NO!!!! Don't know about anything else she's been trained in, but she's definitely a Graduate (with Honours) of the How to Over-act, Roll your Eyes and Look Dumb School of Presenting. Just one thing mystifies me: how the heck did anyone ever employ her?:thinking:

YES -- and this is a good day !
MBA, yes, they all excel in that. A* all around!
Oh I can`t watch Marv, I really can`t, she makes me anxious and not in a good way. I find myself clutching a cushion just waiting for the eye rolling as if she`s accidentally stood on a marble kind of eye popping face and that lazy drawl she speaks with. Nope, can`t do it, really can`t do it and it`s my idea of mental waterboarding, the nearest thing to torture. Thankfully these days there is absolutely nothing I`m desperate to buy from Q so when Marv`s on screen and I refuse to either watch the TV or video clips, then I don`t feel I`m missing out on anything.
Oh I can`t watch Marv, I really can`t, she makes me anxious and not in a good way. I find myself clutching a cushion just waiting for the eye rolling as if she`s accidentally stood on a marble kind of eye popping face and that lazy drawl she speaks with. Nope, can`t do it, really can`t do it and it`s my idea of mental waterboarding, the nearest thing to torture. Thankfully these days there is absolutely nothing I`m desperate to buy from Q so when Marv`s on screen and I refuse to either watch the TV or video clips, then I don`t feel I`m missing out on anything.

Oh Vienna, I laughed. Ditto!
When Marv laughs at her own jokes and puts on those silly voices she sounds deranged. I think she must've gone to the Debbie Flint school of presenting where they can't just talk normal, they have to talk in a funny, high, faux surprised voice when getting a point across...........I can't watch Marv either, for one I don't buy from QVC, for two I think she nearly hypnotised me once with those continuously blinking eyes.
She's a graduate of the Ican'tbelieveitsnotmoreexpensive verbal training at the QVC School of Presentation. Previous graduates include virtually everyone we see on screen.

The advanced diploma involves studying for the open mouthed eye-rolling expression when looking at the monitor and back to the camera, in mock horror.

There's a transatlantic PhD in it, presumably from Harvard Business School, employed by the American guests, such as Tova and Basso. This consists of a rigmarole which starts with them guesstimating what the price would be when they were in the USA, and then, voice rises in pitch, they got here and were told the price this morning in UK for the TSV and they are shocked.

Slightly off topic of Marv's presentation, did you notice the Ican'tbelieveitssuchgoodvalue pitch this morning for the collagen gloop (can't work, Google any scientific reviews on collagen and skin). The pretend value of the 5 products bought separately (why would you?) was £107... but that included 5 x p&p, so a good bit of the extortionate price is not even for the collagen gel, but their postage charges!

Re SBC products. their own website has monthly special offers. At the mo, it is 2 tubs of superfruits body butter, for £25, instead of £50, and no p+p!
She's a square peg in a round hole. I'd also like to know who employed her and why? Is she simply a token black female? If so, they really need to rethink because she makes for embarrassing viewing and I can't watch her, let alone buy anything from her. She's probably quite a nice, intelligent person but she's not imho suited to the job.
Her voice just grates on me, too. I saw her once when the voice was so high and squeaky I wonder she didn't damage her vocal chords. I always thought presenters were trained in how to project their voices properly without straining them (same as singers should be) - that was until I saw Marv in action, and realised how silly I was thinking anything of the sort.....She's got to know someone - how the heck else does she keep the job? I cannot believe they don't get negative feedback, she is just over-acting virtually all the time, putting on silly voices, there's virtually no snippets of anything genuine, and IMO is unprofessional.

When Marv laughs at her own jokes and puts on those silly voices she sounds deranged. I think she must've gone to the Debbie Flint school of presenting where they can't just talk normal, they have to talk in a funny, high, faux surprised voice when getting a point across...........I can't watch either, for one I don't buy from QVC, for two I think she nearly hypnotised me once with those continuously blinking eyes.
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According to her 'cv' she's a journalist, and was a tv presenter on BBC and ITV over the last 10 years uncovering news stories ! Well, I've never seen her before. AND as its so hard to get a foothold in the world of news reporting (or any job in tele at that) if she was any good at those jobs surely it would have been a natural progression to be promoted onwards and upwards, not sink to the graveyard of shopping tele world !!

I think Thatu hit the nail on the head, with the right 'quota' being filled - and who cares whether the job is done professionally or not.
Her voice just grates on me, too. I saw her once when the voice was so high and squeaky I wonder she didn't damage her vocal chords. I always thought presenters were trained in how to project their voices properly without straining them (same as singers should be) - that was until I saw Marv in action, and realised how silly I was thinking anything of the sort.....She's got to know someone - how the heck else does she keep the job? I cannot believe they don't get negative feedback, she is just over-acting virtually all the time, putting on silly voices, there's virtually no snippets of anything genuine, and IMO is unprofessional.

I agree, obviously no training over there in QVC land.
Oh I can`t watch Marv, I really can`t, she makes me anxious and not in a good way. I find myself clutching a cushion just waiting for the eye rolling as if she`s accidentally stood on a marble kind of eye popping face and that lazy drawl she speaks with. Nope, can`t do it, really can`t do it and it`s my idea of mental waterboarding, the nearest thing to torture. Thankfully these days there is absolutely nothing I`m desperate to buy from Q so when Marv`s on screen and I refuse to either watch the TV or video clips, then I don`t feel I`m missing out on anything.

Yes, exactly!! That's the way I've been feeling about her, but I couldn't articulate it. Like you feel when you see a young girl waitress carrying an enormous tray of glasses across a crowded room at a function: you sort of can't watch it...
I don't rate her either but, and I know I'm in the minority, I can't stand Jackie Kabler. She was on yesterday (some clothes thing) and she couldn't get anything right and seemed to find it hilarious. Mind you, the woman who appeared with her nearly drove me round the bend by referring to the models as "my darling!" Height of laziness. She obviously couldn't remember their names. At one point she told Jackie Kabler to go and stand with the models but I'd had enough by that stage and decided to switch off so I don't know if she carried out the instruction. Let's be honest, I don't like any of Q's presenters. I've got the attention span of a gnat and unless they get to the point within seconds I get incredibly irritated. An age thing perhaps.
Different strokes for different folks. I like Debs Flint and Jill Franks, and I realise I am, in this respect, a lone voice!
But well done you, for sticking your head above the parapet !!! I'm in my 'hate everybody' mode at the moment (except my dog).
It would be a sad old world and a very boring forum if we all agreed on everything.
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