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Yes, I see the similarity, especially with the stringy bits of hair over her face. Talking about morphing, has anyone noticed the change in Kim's (Kim & Co) face on her new promo? It's not about how she's aged. It's more about that her face has morphed into an exaggeration of itself. It doesn't seem to fit on her tiny body. Way too large.
More and more people on tv seem to be going down the route of tweaks and procedures to retain a youthful appearance. I can't blame them with the way women, in particular, in the public eye get relegated to bit parts once they enter a 40+ age bracket. The injustice when males work continuously into their 60s and 70s without any question is glaring. Women don't suddenly become incompetent or irrelevant when their youth (and potential fertility) declines.
Sometimes if someone loses weight it does make them look quite haggard... and you can have a bone structure that is quite slight, making a skull that can't lose weight appear bigger. This leads to the lollipop head look of far too many women in the media, of all ages.
As someone who puts weight on on my face, I know when I lose weight I will look scraggy... at that point and knowing face and neck creams effectively act on your bank balance more than your face and neck... maybe I will want to look at what can be done for the inevitable turkey neck?
Maybe Gill G. is the same unlucky type? If so, she has my sympathy.
MML have you noticed the same thing happens with a man's head as they get older ? They go from being quite slim faced with features, then age takes over (not necessarily weight), and the head and face start filling out, so they end up with a bull like head. Look at Tom Jones - early images show a sculptured face, then his older version looks nothing like him. My Dad was the same, slim face with a small shaped skull and into his 40s plus everything started to expand - including his ears (which don't stop growing). So its not just us ladies whose bodies change shape.
MML have you noticed the same thing happens with a man's head as they get older ? They go from being quite slim faced with features, then age takes over (not necessarily weight), and the head and face start filling out, so they end up with a bull like head. Look at Tom Jones - early images show a sculptured face, then his older version looks nothing like him. My Dad was the same, slim face with a small shaped skull and into his 40s plus everything started to expand - including his ears (which don't stop growing). So its not just us ladies whose bodies change shape.
Yes, you are right about the facial middle aged spread… but men don’t seem to be held to the same aesthetic standards as women, nor put under the same pressure to do something about it. I worry for younger generations of both sexes and any gender, as with Instagram and other looks-based social media the pressure is on all of them to conform to some body and face aesthetics which are wholly unachievable without surgery, ridiculous diet and exercise regimes or photoshop and other digital trickery.
Eric's mum posted this a few months ago!
One day in your life you realise your original face and look has got to be there to help retain your credibility. When Ben (Kingsley) became Gandhi he didn’t take that style home with him - that’s crucial. I find this Gill woman somewhat off the wall with that change in her appearance. I will no longer watch her now. She’s out of my life. Beat it…Farewell my summer love. Er..that’s enough now.

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