Is it just me...


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Jul 18, 2015
or should Kim Mendelson and Lulu Guinness NEVER present their own products?! Kim sounds like someone taking the mick out of a cheesy American shopping channel and Lulu is so up herself! I can't bare to watch her, she's so abrasive.

Is it just me?!
I'll admit, Kim is in irritation, HOWEVER there is no one to beat her on her product knowledge - presenters included. She can reel off product numbers without a moments hesitation on garments that aren't on screen, and yes she does speak as though on autopilot without drawing breath- perhaps she's the model for the 'Humans' serial currently on the box !!

Lulu ? I could just give her a slap !
Welcome teron!

Personally I love watching Lulu Guinness and listening to the inspiration behind her designs. You have to flog yourself to flog your products, being shy and retiring doesn't work in sales.
Kim and Lulu G are characters - and that's refreshing.

As Brissles said, Kim knows her stuff - and keeps the presenters on track talking about the products rather than themselves. She also doesn't talk about her private life either which is great.

As to Lulu G, she's eccentric and I think she's fun to watch - she also keeps the presenters on their toes.

I love them both.
Sorry, didn't read the thread properly - I saw the word Lulu and the red mist came down ! I wasn't referring to giving Lulu G a slap, it was the OTHER ONE !
i like Lulu G and Kim too... i dont buy kim fashion, but she knows her stuff and is quite entertaining at times
Sorry, didn't read the thread properly - I saw the word Lulu and the red mist came down ! I wasn't referring to giving Lulu G a slap, it was the OTHER ONE !

does she make you wanna shout?

sorry that was a bad joke... i'll go sit in the corner for a bit haha :mysmilie_13:
Sorry, didn't read the thread properly - I saw the word Lulu and the red mist came down ! I wasn't referring to giving Lulu G a slap, it was the OTHER ONE !

I don't think the other Lulu would feel a slap through all the fillers and botox....
I never watch Kim but agree completely about Lulu G. She is so irritating, can only stand five minutes at best.
or should Kim Mendelson and Lulu Guinness NEVER present their own products?! Kim sounds like someone taking the mick out of a cheesy American shopping channel and Lulu is so up herself! I can't bare to watch her, she's so abrasive.

Is it just me?!

Hi and welcome teron :wave:

I'll hazard a guess you've been watching the Q "Style" channel? More than 20 minutes of disjointed clips should carry a sanity warning!
I always get the feeling Lulu G is there under false pretences because she has so little input with the actual products Q sells. Nowadays a design team do all the mass produced stuff and I`d lay odds that some of the items she`s flogging on screen she hasn`t even seen until just before a show. She`s a bit like Liz Earle these days, she`s the face of the brand but that`s about it. The company was bought into by an American who wanted to take LG to the masses by having it mass produced abroad. LG herself still does one offs for celebs but the Yanks just wheel her out as and when required, to recount "the olden days " of when she first started and to make out she`s still very much behind the brand.
When it comes to both guests and presenters, we'll all have those we can't watch and those we really like.

Personally, I have no problem with either Kim or Lulu Guinness. I think they both embody their brands.

I think Kim's style of speaking probably developed from her initial nerves and has become her trademark.

What I like about Kim is that you get focus. She doesn't indulge in tweeting, inside jokes with presenters, sharing personal information. She is rock solid on her product knowledge - from item numbers to measurements, to fabric composition, to colour choices. She doesn't even get fazed when QVC start messing with her colour names. She really doesn't need a QVC presenter to assist her (except to allow her to draw breath from her breathless delivery).

Lulu G also doesn't pander to presenters desire to share inside jokes, going on twiter etc. She comes across as a quirky lady with the confidence to stick to her guns when it comes to her personal style.

I'd say - I wish more guests were willing to not "play the game" with the likes of Jill Franks (who just loves an inside joke), or Debbie with the constant tweeting references.

But I'm sure there wil be people on my unwatchable list that you may love to see on your screen and spend an hour with.
I agree with much of what's been said here. For product knowledge, it's hard to beat Kim. I like her tops but they're too expensive these days so I don't buy. Lulu is quirky (like her bags), a hoot to watch and she doesn't give a stuff for anyone, whereas Kim seems to be a bag of nerves all the time. I wish Lulu would bring down the prices of what are nicely designed bags but not worth silly money imho. I don't need that sort of bag in my life now, anyway. But neither does the facebook or twitter thing, which is a breath of fresh air these days.

But you're reading the post of someone who was thrilled to buy a Sak bag for under £17, so bought 3 while she was at it, so I'm never going to be a Lulu spender.
I agree Vienna, there have been many occasions when Lulu hasn't even been sure about her own products, whether its the name, or the colours available; and she has actually said on air that she hasn't seen one or two of the bags before the programme. Not what you'd expect from a designer !
The thing I like about Lulu G is her ability to put down the presenters when they are going off the subject or won't shut up.She is there to sell products and has no time for some of the chit chat .Sometimes though, I get the feeling she resents being there at all.

Agree about Kim ,she is irritating at times but knows her stuff about the products .
or should Kim Mendelson and Lulu Guinness NEVER present their own products?! Kim sounds like someone taking the mick out of a cheesy American shopping channel and Lulu is so up herself! I can't bare to watch her, she's so abrasive.

Is it just me?!
Yes they should because they know their products inside out.
When it comes to both guests and presenters, we'll all have those we can't watch and those we really like.

Personally, I have no problem with either Kim or Lulu Guinness. I think they both embody their brands.

I think Kim's style of speaking probably developed from her initial nerves and has become her trademark.

What I like about Kim is that you get focus. She doesn't indulge in tweeting, inside jokes with presenters, sharing personal information. She is rock solid on her product knowledge - from item numbers to measurements, to fabric composition, to colour choices. She doesn't even get fazed when QVC start messing with her colour names. She really doesn't need a QVC presenter to assist her (except to allow her to draw breath from her breathless delivery).

Lulu G also doesn't pander to presenters desire to share inside jokes, going on twiter etc. She comes across as a quirky lady with the confidence to stick to her guns when it comes to her personal style.

I'd say - I wish more guests were willing to not "play the game" with the likes of Jill Franks (who just loves an inside joke), or Debbie with the constant tweeting references.

But I'm sure there wil be people on my unwatchable list that you may love to see on your screen and spend an hour with.

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