Fire up the Quattro!
noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! I cannot believe this!!!! I hate bank holidays at the best of times - but today, of all days, when my dishwasher and my washing machine have decdied to give up the ghost, in what seems like a conspiracy theory (why do white good manufacturers insist on making washing machines etc that have a life span, shorter than a hamster???) meant to be having a bbq at 1 pm today(its been on hold all over the weekend, due to the crappy weather!) son crawled in at 11.30 am this morning - still drunk!! Husband goes awol! Only went to fill the car up with petrol (normallly a 5 minute job! Gone 1 and half hours!!!) because he got side tracked, by popping into work ! And now, he is going on about bbq brickettes - as if the world will come to an end without them!! Men!!! And now, i read, that jamie has left rocktv! Can a bank holiday, get any worse? I ask you - now going to steal up to my room, and weep! Yes weep!!
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