Is anybody out there?


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Feb 3, 2012
It's after 7am and I'm ready to catch up with the overnight carrying-on on Le Q, only to find not one post for today. What happened? I thought Charlie Bears' latest, Franklin Fox, would have provided some fodder. Did you all make a pact not to write in today? I'm feeling lonely. Of course, if someone's written in while I've been typing this, I shall feel silly! Am I in a parallel universe? from a paranoid Snarly
I'm here too but you've probably gone out now. I have nothing to say about toy bears. I am 58 years old.
Awww, I feel Happy now! Hooded Claw, never has one word made me feel better, made me guffaw. Hmmm, throat/neck cream? Well, snap, I'm 58 too. I like things natural and simple, uh, that is to say, reasonably-priced. I use Weleda Calendula range baby products - body wash for my face and lotion as a general moisturiser. About £8 each, big tubes (7oz/200g) and no nasties. As I have ME, I need things simple and pure. Their Skin Food is a great balm, I have 4 in my stash!...has great reviews online. Any makeup purchases planned, I check Make-up Alley first. Whew, I'm done, now. bye from a-feeling-the-love Snarly. Mwah!
Awww, I feel Happy now! Hooded Claw, never has one word made me feel better, made me guffaw. Hmmm, throat/neck cream? Well, snap, I'm 58 too. I like things natural and simple, uh, that is to say, reasonably-priced. I use Weleda Calendula range baby products - body wash for my face and lotion as a general moisturiser. About £8 each, big tubes (7oz/200g) and no nasties. As I have ME, I need things simple and pure. Their Skin Food is a great balm, I have 4 in my stash!...has great reviews online. Any makeup purchases planned, I check Make-up Alley first. Whew, I'm done, now. bye from a-feeling-the-love Snarly. Mwah!

Thanks. I'll take a look at the Weleda range - I'm a value for money kinda girl.
My friend has ME too. She's had it since her early thirties. I've known her before she got ill and through it all. She has got good at managing it now and it is very stoic.
Speckledhen reporting for duty. I've had a bear rant this morning and am now all beared out, but am available for any other topic. :happy:
You guys have 'tickled' my heart today! I am so over Charlie Bears and my adopting's complete, as I returned a couple as I think their quality has gone downhill! Hiya to your ME friend, I've had it for 23 years and like any illness, gosh, does it change your life. She has a good friend in you to stay by her side. "attagirl and attaboy" to all of you who are loyal friends to someone who is battling on! It can be isolating. But enough already - have a great day and (((((hugs))))) to each one of you and your 4-foots, too- love the cat/doggy photos.
OK, now we are all present and correct - coffee to the side. Who's gonna be first for a topic ?

I'm a tad older (ahem 63, so have done all the "58 bit"), and can empathise with ME, I have Lupus which can also knock the stuffing out of yer, but you carry on - like you do, and try not to make a big deal out of it.

I haven't done the Charllie Bear thing, because I'm trying to downsize all my "stuff" from bedrooms, garage, loft, shed. I can't be 'doing' with it all anymore - treasured memorabilia suddenly becomes dust collectors, and you start to look around and think - my God, if anything happens to me, just look at all the 'cr*p' I've got for people to get rid of. So the bears for me are an expensive dust collector, and unless kept out of sunlight will probably fade anyway.
I have to own up to buying one for a present as at 61 I don`t do bears .....trying desparately to de clutter my house but as fast as I try to throw things out my OH retrieves them so have to learned do it when he`s not around ...and he doesn`t even notice.. The reason.... I suffer from Fibromyalgia and the older I get the more difficult it is to keep the house clean and tidy as my energy levels along with the wide spread muscle pain make it very difficult. Oh to be healthy!!
Manipulating the bears is as bad a stroking the bedding continually whilst talking as if its the seventh wonder of the world !!
Me too I'm trying to declutter. Broadly speaking if I can't eat it or spread it on my face or body then out it goes. Unfortunately OH has gone internet shopping mad and there are 15 parcels awaiting his return. Alot I should think are DVDs - why when we can download them now for viewing? One package last week was a 'surprise me' box - no not surprise me but sold to him as a surprise me box and it was complete junk - useless bits of tat. He said he meant to return it but didn't. All I can do is wait until he has forgotten about it - 2 weeks perhaps and then throw it away. I think his problem is that he is bargain mad, he isn't even interested in what is delivered.
Okay, two things ... I now know where everyone was this morning! Well, Hooded Claw, anyway ... on the Ideal World forum posting; interesting stuff. Second, do you think we will become more savvy shoppers as we watch with upgraded HD tellies? Noticed now that Charlie Brooks wears lipgloss, Mrs Charlie Bear has radiating wrinkles etc. I would hate to be on the telly myself 'cause people will be scrutinising the guest and presenters' faces when trying to sell facecreams etc while we view them on HD 40" screens! Wonder if (more) botox, fillers, extensions etc will be part of enhancing themselves or they will just remain as they are? When they come back from holidays are they refreshed or 'refreshed!' Enough already, time for my nap - tired and testy, Snarly
Have you noticed that the number of posters on this qvc forum has dwindled down to the same few regulars--lovely regulars I hasten to add,where is eveyone?
Hibernating away from this awful dreary wet winter we are having ..roll on Spring!! To light mornings and longer days !!
have a great day and (((((hugs))))) to each one of you and your 4-foots, too- love the cat/doggy photos

Wish I knew how to put pics of my dogs on here :-(
I was on the forum this morning from 4.30 until 6.45 when I had to feed my dogs........sorry I missed you Snarly. I am up early every morning cos' one of my doggies is ancient and has to sleep downstairs and gets a bit lonely when he wakes up and then has to go out but by this time my other dog has woken up and she needs to go out as well and (takes a breath) by this time I'm wide awake so I have a cup of tea and click on my laptop for company. I look out for you tomorrow.

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