Irritating presenters


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As I don't know any of these people on a personal basis, I do not feel that I am qualified to hate them. Whether or not I hate their presenting style, is something I am entitled to have an opinion on, as they are broadcasting to the viewers, including myself. I only watch the Q, when I want to either buy, or get more information on, a product. There are not many of them who force me to switch off. Debs used to be my favourite presenter but, after reading the criticism of her, I can see certain traits in her presenting which are quite annoying. I wouldn't feel impelled to turn over because she is the presenter, as I don't find her manner offensive at all. Julia is extremely professional, and what I would regard as a 'safe' choice, as is Jilly. Jill used to be one I felt was rather grating, but I have warmed to her. There are only three presenters who irk me to a point, that I prefer not to watch their shows : Anne Dawson, Miceal Murphy and Craig Rowe. Ultimately, I could watch any of them, if I really wanted to see a certain product. I know she is not a presenter - I am sure she would love to be - but Natalia, the "brand ambassador" for Revitalash ( Park hampers, another infomercial beauty brand, and goodness knows how many other products), comes across as really insincere, and rather apathetic about the range of products. I work in sales and, in order to sell effectively, one has to believe in the product. With such exorbitant prices for what is, essentially, a conditioner, trying to convince the customer it is worth the money, must be challenging.
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Cannot bear Chuntley. Over gushing simpering delivery always fishing for compliments on how young she looks! Chloe goes too fast, Franks is dull and loves all and is all dahling when slebs are on, Claire mummy silly tone and delivery, Ann shouts, sarah comes across as patronising.
like: Craig, La Huntley, Jilly Halliday, Ali Keenan, Pippa

dislike now: Charlie, Simon, Julia, Chloe (used to like her), CLaire, Marv, dale, Alison Young (has he good moments , though).

Never liked: Jill Franks

to be honest Ive stopped watching so my list is subject to change in case some presenters have developed new particularly annoying traits.
Has there ever been a poll for the most and least popular presenters? I think that might be interesting. There are quite a lot I dislike but I'd definitely choose Catherine as my least favourite.
Ann Dawson and Alison Young are by far my least favourite. Maybe when Scotland becomes independent old bagpipes Dawson can shove off back up there and take Alison Young with her!
I quite like Chuntley. Every now and again she comes off with something off-the-wall, which is generally inappropriate, and she has a good old giggle. She can be a bit simpery (new word) at times, but I think she loses hands down to Claire Sutton on the simpering scale. I wonder what she (Claire) wants to be, when she grows up? (Ouch!)
There are only two qvc presenters that I can't tolerate and never ever watch...they are Craig and Marverine...I switch off/over as soon as I see/hear them. The rest I can watch but it all depend on what they are presenting as to how long I will watch. Imo the 48hrs beauty feast is very, very boring, the only thing worse for me would be 48hrs of craft.

TOTALLY with you on this.
When Craig is on with Kelly Hoppen - which he seems to be for all her TSV's, I want to throw a brick at the tele. He is sooo up her backside its beyond embarrassing to watch. The man's flat must be so filled to the gunnels with QVC products, that visions of stockpile hoarding spring to mind; and don't get me started when he's filling his face in the kitchen !

Marv's voice, rolling eyes and super shiny wigs have me reaching for the off button.

AND CAN ANYONE EXPLAIN TO ME, WHY the female presenters are allowed to get away with not having their hair tied back when presenting food shows ?????
Kelly Hoppen should do those insomnia recordings, she is so utterly yawn-inducing. Her £500 celeron bedspreads or whatever she calls them are as dull as piss water!
Fanfare please. I am the person that LIKES Anne "bagpipes" Dawson or Dawbags as she is also affectionately known. Chloe (I have to shout louder than everyone else) Everton is a big no no for me as is Claire (I love my mummy) Sutton (nowt wrong with that but we don't need to know). I also like Jilly and Kathy. Marv needs to go on a "how to appear like a normal person on TV" course. What is it with those silly voices and eye rolling performances?

While I'm at it I also like Richard Jackson. OK, I shall now await the men in white coats :mysmilie_13:
You LIKE Richard Jackson ??????? are we talking about the same RJ who has the misfortune to be height challenged, so waves his arms furiously about (so he can get attention, yoohoo I'm down here) when placed in the middle of 2 other presenters ???
You LIKE Richard Jackson ??????? are we talking about the same RJ who has the misfortune to be height challenged, so waves his arms furiously about (so he can get attention, yoohoo I'm down here) when placed in the middle of 2 other presenters ???

Not forgetting that he's selling 70L of multipurpose compost for a delivered price of £18.45, whereas the current price in Homebase is £4.99 for 60L. If he's on commission, then he's a very rich little gnome - probably got a very large pond to fish in.
Bucking a trend, I quite like Catherine and Craig. Warming to Chloe. Really don't like listening to Julia and her mouth smacking noises when she speaks! Worst for me is screechy Ann Dawson and the way she behaves with the hideous Dennis Basso. I have ASD so sensitive to voices/noise, which probably explains my preferences!
Charlie Brook has moved to the "irritating" category after his unprofessional Kipling show with Marie Francoise. Too full of himself.
I like Jill Franks :mysmilie_11: I like Chloe. :mysmilie_59: I dislike Charlie, Jilly, Catherine & Ali K..oh & Anne D & Marv. I can cope just about with pippa, but admit to muting Claire. Just meh...on all the others. Julia used to be favourite, but lately has done my head in at times.

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