Interviews these days


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Jun 24, 2008
I'm angry on behalf of a former work colleague. She was the car parking attendant at my workplace and was there for about 3 years, whilst she was there she suffered untold abuse from customers who'd outstayed their time, but also built up a rapport with many customers, often helping them with their shopping, and even helped out moving trolleys for no extra money as she was employed by an outside company. Then a few months ago the company dropped a bombshell and told her that they were going to install a camera/automated parking system so she'd be made redundant. As well as this full time job,she does evening security work at weekends in order to make ends meet and a private cleaning job. At xmas she was taken on as a christmas temp inside the shop, and of course they were pleased with her and along with a few others offered her an extension of her contract in lieu of a permanent position. Unfortunately they were only prepared to offer her hours in the evenings and weekends which she was unable to take up...she was disappointed but thought oh well, it wasn't to be. Later she learned that at least three others (all youngsters) were offered daytime hours. When she questioned this she was told that another local branch was looking for people for day times on checkouts (exactly what she was doing over xmas) and suggested she applied. She was called in for a "pre-interview". She was mystified but went along to find that she was ushered into a room with about 10 or 11 other people (all youngsters) at 56 she felt a bit nervous. In short they were sat down at desks and given a pile of paper and a pen. The people leading this read out a "scenario" and told the people that they had 20 minutes to write an essay to describe how they'd deal with this scenario...after that told they'd have to "pair up" with another interviewee and compare and discuss what they'd written and explain why their way was best and this would be "judged"!
She sat down and literally had a mental block,and oould see all these youngsters keenly scribbling away and became more and more panicked. The two leaders where just standing at the front of the room having a chit chat. In the end she just snapped inside and thought "wtf am I doing"? She stood up went over and said "I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go home...I'm struggling a bit as I'm not used to this sort of thing"...Oh you want me to see you out? She said yes, and the woman just walked her to the exit without so much of a flicker of concern or question as to why she felt the way she did...Poor thing not only could she do the job standing on her bloody head, she's actually done the job for the past 6-8 weeks with the same company. Unbelievable! and totally crazy!!! ggrrr..they've missed out on a fantastic person who works hard and everybody loves. Why so many hoops to jump through for the most basic of jobs..and very silly cause she'd stay until she retired not just use it as a beer money job whilst she's at uni!
That's dreadful, I do hope she finds a decent job without having to jump through unnecessary and ridiculous hoops.
I hope she gets a job with an employer who appreciates her.

As an ex business owner I learned my lesson employing youngsters.I had an older lady come in weekly asking for job and after a last straw with a younger woman I said yes. Best. Thing. Ever. She was twice my age, almost three times the age of the younger 'qualified' people I employed but could jump over their heads while running rings around them. She was loyal and loved by my customers, but most of all by me.

She supported me throughout my divorce when my useless ex tried (with his new girlfriend - one of my ex employees!) to take my business from me. She was a real star and one of my dearest friends.

I would ALWAYS employ an older person over a younger one.
I hope she gets a job with an employer who appreciates her.

As an ex business owner I learned my lesson employing youngsters.I had an older lady come in weekly asking for job and after a last straw with a younger woman I said yes. Best. Thing. Ever. She was twice my age, almost three times the age of the younger 'qualified' people I employed but could jump over their heads while running rings around them. She was loyal and loved by my customers, but most of all by me.

She supported me throughout my divorce when my useless ex tried (with his new girlfriend - one of my ex employees!) to take my business from me. She was a real star and one of my dearest friends.

I would ALWAYS employ an older person over a younger one.

Companies claim not to be ageist, but inadvertantly they are by putting into place ridiculous interview processes that are likely to send an older person into meltdown. An army of potentially good, loyal and trustworthy workers are fallling at the first hurdle time after time because they go along to an interview to find a room full of keen youngsters all raring to jump through hoops, do role play or can eloquently tell an interviewer why they'd rather be a squirrel than a pigeon! The older person would have seen interviews where they're taken into a private room with their interviewer and asked, what experience they have, why they applied for this job and other relevant questions. It's also likely that some will have walked into a business on seeing an ad in the window, had a word with the manager/ess and have been offered the job on the spot!
Yes I do understand the reasoning behind these crazy interviews as they want to see how potential employees interract, how they react to being put on the spot so to speak..but they really need to take a step back and think...what is the job we're advertising here? Eg, were looking for someone to work on a checkout in a supermarket, we want someone who'll be loyal, trustworthy and have a pleasant manner, so do we really need to know what they'd do if they found themselves stranded on a desert island with a piece of string and a box of maltesers? or whether they're a whizz with powerpoint, spreadsheets? Most companies now give new employees a temporary 3 month contract before committing themselves to offering the candidate a permanent position..They can totally afford to give everybody a chance and not alienate people with such ridiculous hoops to jump through. Old workmate has thankfully found herself a job she loves and is very happy...but it took her a long time!

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