Oh nooooooo!! I wonder what they'll call themselves this time?
How about "£1000acarat" or "Tonysays" or "weshouldn'tbedoing this" ? No that one's a bit too long - I've got it! "Playschool" that's the perfect name because they have all those windows in common - now which one will it be today, the round one, the square one .........................
Ooooo do you think they're watching us Meeshoo?
Don't worry, we have back up - we can always rely on Argey the Agravator
and Mathilda the Mercenary
Oh and there's my twinny Tabs the Terrible
not forgetting Fluff the Fearless
and Sacha the Serene - calm and quiet on the exterior but deadly when she needs to be
Then there's all our other friends too like Gemcherub, Huggles, Pink Pussycat,
Sweetpea, Supercoolwillow and all the others
So Meeshoo, if "I need to be in care" or any of their friends try to deceive us on the forum yet again, we're ready and waiting. Bring it on !!
How about "£1000acarat" or "Tonysays" or "weshouldn'tbedoing this" ? No that one's a bit too long - I've got it! "Playschool" that's the perfect name because they have all those windows in common - now which one will it be today, the round one, the square one .........................
Ooooo do you think they're watching us Meeshoo?

Don't worry, we have back up - we can always rely on Argey the Agravator

Then there's all our other friends too like Gemcherub, Huggles, Pink Pussycat,
Sweetpea, Supercoolwillow and all the others

So Meeshoo, if "I need to be in care" or any of their friends try to deceive us on the forum yet again, we're ready and waiting. Bring it on !!