Absolutely! I don't use a credit card either, even with a small limit. I am less tempted to buy for the sake of buying that way. I find that I only buy something that I can truly afford and like you, I keep my money tucked up in various savings accounts. I have only what I need in the current account and have to make a transfer for more "considered purchases" as the presenters are so fond of spouting.
Hi Mike! I am a thread-jacker too, so apologies
The start prices are pure fiction, don't pay any attention to them. It used to be a general rule of thumb that the end price was around 10% of the start price but it seems to bear absolutely no relation to the final prices these days. Just ignore those stupid prices and as others have said, only pay what you think is reasonable. Often it is better to watch for a piece and see what it goes for. They usually come back and it will help you to have an idea of what you can expect to pay. Again though, it can be pot luck!
Hope you find something lovely for a decent price,
Inge :flower: