Ingrid Tarrant


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I heard her say to JF earlier 'I would never go out dressed like this, maybe around the house but i am just showing how the clothes can be worn' omg not a good statement when you are supposed to be flogging a range.
I thought she was supposed to be selling an image ..not very well in my book ..ok she can dress how she likes in her own time and do what she wants with her hair `rock chick` or whatever .. She still needs a serious makeover to front any `fashion` brand! ... she may well be a lovely person but we all have performance reviews in the work place these days just unfortunate that hers is done by and in the full glare of a TV audience ........ my husband who doesn`t normally take any notice just piped up..did you hear that... ..."you can wear it in so many ways".... Tell her she won`t get her head up the sleeve,.they do talk a lot of tripe don`t they? he said .it did make me laugh
Who in their right mind would let their mother go out looking like that ? There's "edgy" and there's "hedgy", and at 60 it looks desperate. After the first ads she looked to have had a comb through it.

She needs to get clued up as well. DF asked about size 20 sizing, and Ingrate said there wasn't a call for it, then backtracked and said they do larger sizes in the States, and they'll look into it; then swiftly got off the subject.

Hilarious. Love it!
I just watched a show and thought 'how nice to see a woman her age able to wear leggings and tunics, who has the courage and individuality to buck public pressure and wear what she likes.'

Her enthusiasm shines through, and having bought some Yong Kim, I agree with a lot of what she says; quality, fabric, durability.

And why can't she wear her hair how she likes? I do. Presumably you do?

Hers looks clean and suits her casually thrown together style. She's selling clothes, not hair product.

Sorry, can't agree with you on that one. 'First impressions' are all, whether you are selling yourself, fashion, pet accessories, or notebooks, and it should be the product that's the focus of attention, not the seller- they should be dressed to blend in/or fade into the background. Sadly I doubt if anyone could concentrate on the product when Ingrid's hair looked so scary - the eye line went straight to her and her appearance.
I like Ingrid. Batty as a box of frogs, but she is ok. I do not however believe a Ms Yong Kim exists.
Sadly I doubt if anyone could concentrate on the product when Ingrid's hair looked so scary - the eye line went straight to her and her appearance.

But that is exactly my point. We can all concentrate on whatever we choose. Happily, I'm not focusing on the negative and distracting myself with things irrelevant to whether I like the clothes, and whether they suit my taste.

To describe her hair as looking 'scary' is incomprehensible to me.

Mind you, I'm growing increasingly glad that so many people are making all these criticisms and judgements - they won't be buying Yong Kim. Therefore more choice, fewer sell outs and more availability for me. Brilliant! And I'm developing an enjoyable expectation that when I see a woman wearing Yong Kim, I can share a smile, knowing she is both tolerant and discerning.
And I'm developing an enjoyable expectation that when I see a woman wearing Yong Kim, I can share a smile, knowing she is both tolerant and discerning.

Er, not necessarily. Maybe she just likes the style. But I know you'll excuse her if she doesn't smile back.
Er, not necessarily. Maybe she just likes the style. But I know you'll excuse her if she doesn't smile back.

I like the style and have a couple of pieces but don't like Ms Tarrant at all. I would watch more shows without her as brand ambassador thank you very much.
I would smile at you Crinkly. Boy there are some miserable old crones on here who expect everyone to dress the same as they do.

I have posted before, I heard that Yong Kim, fashion designer was the long term partner of the late Malcolm McClaren. Who, incidentally had a child with Viviene Westwood.
Originally Posted by Crinkly
And I'm developing an enjoyable expectation that when I see a woman wearing Yong Kim, I can share a smile, knowing she is both tolerant and discerning.

Response by Thatu
Er, not necessarily. Maybe she just likes the style. But I know you'll excuse her if she doesn't smile back.

Weathergirl, you just don't understand what I said, do you? Crinkly implied that everyone who wears Yong Kim is "both tolerant and discerning", which is as much arrant nonsense as saying that everyone who contributes to this forum is childish. Maybe we are, maybe we aren't. My post was in response to that remark, as I made patently clear by quoting just that sentence. I don't like Yong Kim's designs, I think they're overpriced and I wouldn't wear them, but to each his own.

But to make the comment that "Boy there are some miserable old crones on here who expect everyone to dress the same as they do" is ageist and ignorant, as well as a personal attack on me and by implication, on everyone else who doesn't like Yong Kim.

Disgusting. And pathetic.
I have posted before, I heard that Yong Kim, fashion designer was the long term partner of the late Malcolm McClaren. Who, incidentally had a child with Viviene Westwood.

I've seen an article about Malcolm McClaren which referred to his partner as Young Kim so is that definitely the same person as Yong Kim? I must admit I had wondered if she was a figment of someone's imagination.
Pathetic! laughable. I wasn't referring to your post at all Thatu. It didn't really feature on my radar. It was a generalisation, granted. Based on the ages of the posters on this forum who tend to "tut tut" at what people wear, be it see through, creased, polyester, whatever. I thought Ingrid's hair looked a mess too but who cares?

I am not certain Yong Kim is Young Kim, one and the same or not. Maybe.
Yong Kim is definitely not the same person as Malcolm McLaren's girlfriend YOUNG KIM - there is a recent interview with her from a fashion magazine where she talks about her brand:

The brand itself is a special occasion, made to order line. I create gowns, wedding dresses and special occasion dresses for the sophisticated woman who knows what she wants. She is a bit of an older demographic not in her 20’s and she has places to go and be seen. The line is all about the special occasion whether it is a black tie gala or an awards show; I create looks that will meet her very demanding needs.

I agree that Yong Kim probably doesn't exist no matter what Ingrid says! On the show with JF last night when asked 'how did you first get involved with Yong Kim?' she said something along the lines of 'Well I came here for an audition to see if I could be a guest presenter for something and they decided to give me this brand' It was quite funny, especially when on the same show they had to tell the model to get off as she looked ridiculous and nobody knew how the item should be worn!! :mysmilie_13:
I don't mind Yong Kim's clothes the only reason I haven't bought anything is the price, this thread was made because Ingrids hair looked a mess not to cause members to fight , everyone has there own personal tastes on what looks good and what doesn't, as much as people say that Yong Kim clothes are awful , they must sell well on Q as they keep coming back and selling out.
I rarely comment on threads about items I don`t buy or dislike but this thread is actually about Ingrid Tarrant much the same as we have threads about AY`s clothes, JF`s interruptions, Chuntley`s weight gain or loss, and a million other threads about presenters or guests. If they put themselves on screen then this forum has often agreed or disagreed that they`re fair game, either positively or negatively. Why should Ingrid be any different ?
As for Yong Kim clothes, well I don`t like them, nor do I like LG bags or LE cleanse and polish or brussel sprouts or Marmite or a hundred other things. That doesn`t make me an old crone, it makes me much the same as those people who DO like Yong Kim, LG bags, brussel sprouts, Marmite etc. It makes me an individual with choices and opinions.
As far as I`m concerned Q and this forum are like a bag of dolly mixtures, we all pick out the ones we like, whether it be clothes, bags , opinions, threads and people.
I suppose I`m one of those in the age bracket which some people might class as an " old crone ", heyyyy if you`re lucky enough you`ll get there too and so far I haven`t seen anybody flip the coin and say oh only the young and stupid would buy such and such or only those under such an age would think so and so looks cool when actually it looks naff. Nope, no way, cos when you get older some of us actually get wiser and simply accept one size doesn`t fit all, nor does age exempt you from having an opinion, whether you happen to be young or old !
Please refrain from calling fellow forum members names!

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