I do hope it's that one, I like the look of it, and it would be great to try the Calendula. Have still got tons of Arnica from other TSVs so really don't want another one. Fingers crossed that you're right Radiomike:happy:
nope its that best of SBC collection thats on the first page of this thread
If the TSV is in the old bottles it means its old stock :down:
it will be the new bottles just QVC cant be bothered to update it to the new ones
Does anyone remember what was in the last TSV, if this may be a repeat as SCW mentioned in this thread? I use the propolis gel on my face for psoriasis connected with the type of arthritis I have, and it's results over time have been brilliant for me. I have had all manner of concoctions from my GP over the last 6 months and nothing has made a difference like propolis. It is out of stock as a single product on the QVC website at the moment and I'm running a bit low. I can't remember if propolis was in the last TSV so would be grateful if anyone knows the contents.
Well I decided to text Alison 'live' to ask whether the gels really suitable for sensitive skin (and mentioned aloe gel had burned after exfoliation... Really didn't expect her to mention it esp. as it wasn't positive but she did and even used my first name(easily pleased). Didn't address whether sbc gels appropriate BUT did give a little lecture about not exoliating sensitive skin. So I've been told! X