In response to 'I Love Jill Franks...'


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Of course, those who do not like this thread could start a thread called 'In response to the in response to I Love Jill Franks thread'. They could then hide behind "if you don't like it don't read it" response which is, of course, not always possible when you are expecting a level headed discussion but come across a Spitefest. They can then get all uppety when someone questions the spitefulness.
Of course, those who do not like this thread could start a thread called 'In response to the in response to I Love Jill Franks thread'. They could then hide behind "if you don't like it don't read it" response which is, of course, not always possible when you are expecting a level headed discussion but come across a Spitefest. They can then get all uppety when someone questions the spitefulness.

I am not being sarcastic, argumentative or narky Swankypants, (the keyboard and screen don't convey things very well at times like this) but what comments specifically did you find to be spiteful? I am firmly in the keep her off my screen camp about JF but she shares the podium with 2 other qvc ladies and I admit to being a horrendous grouch.:emo:
Who's hiding? Post away all you JF fans. Tell me what a wonderful person she is and how evil and spiteful I am, you still won't convert me.
The thing is I don't hate her, just can't stand listening to her drone on about how useless she is, she's doing that for one of two reasons either she wants people to tell her:
"No Jill, useless that's not true" lick,lick,lick
She trying for the viewers sympathy vote and recognition -"Oh yes, like her I'm useless too".

The fact is if she truly believed her own hype she wouldn't have the confidence to stand on front of the camera and give it some. I think of all those people who can't do those things that she so readily takes for granted that she chooses not to do and the fact that she classes it as useless so what is she calling them then and how must that make them feel?
Her husband is a Saint - and that is a compliment, after all she did pick him!!!!!!
I too am not a fan of JF. But I had actually started to warm to her { slightly } - probably because she seems to be on so much, I have just got more used to her.

Then I read her presenters' blog and her self regard is so apparent that my new found tolerance has ebbed away and I am back in the 'she is my least favourite presenter' camp.
Ho ho ho....

I couldn't have put this better myself - I might have written this comment.........she is SO irritating!!!! Completely agree about 'Bran' new. I don't think she understands what the real word is - and as for 'think' instead of 'thing'. This is my pet hate and not just JF - Simon Cowell is one of the worst offenders....but that's another story......

I didn't want to hijack a positive thread on Jill Franks so I have started a response thread to give an opposite view. I don't know Jill Franks as I have never been introduced personally to her but as she is often in my living room uninvited, I feel I am entitled to express an opinion of her as a QVC presenter...she irritates the beejezuz out of me!!!!!!

It's not 'bran new' for God's sake....what the hell does she think 'bran new' means? It's when she says 'think' instead of 'thing', that drives me bonkers. I cannot watch her without my hackles rising but she often presents items I like so I have to grit my teeth and endure her really annoying flicking, speaking so fast she runs out of breath and then gasping for air...why? is she paid by the word? Her absolute over use of 'I'm such a girlie, girl..' why? Because she is too stupid to cook? She was presenting 'EasiYo' with the cookery lady and said she was so useless in the kitchen that she couldn't get the easiYo to work!!!!! How difficult is it to mix a powder to water and shake a container??? She apparently put it in the fridge instead of leaving it at room temperature. Is this a ploy to get her husband to do all the mundane chores while being such a 'girlie, girl' she goes shopping for shoes and handbags, not so think then, are you Jill?!

So sorry to be negative as there will be a load of St.commers saying it's not on slagging off presenters...their just doing their jobs...if you can't say anything nice...etc, etc, etc. Well go stick your comments in a post of your own. I really can't stand Jill Franks (as a presenter). :mysmilie_12:

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