I'm such a girlie...........aaaaaaghh


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Apr 12, 2010
Jill Franks is just presenting the Beauty Tools & Accessories at 2.00 pm..................... She has just said "I'm such a girlie" 3 times in about 5 minutes:yawn:

Just switched her off now as I don't think I can possibly watch her for another 55 minutes.

Damned irritating woman......................... sorry I mean "GIRLIE":down:
I agree. Also don't like the way she 'absolutely loves' everything. She's the only presenter who didn't appear with 'yogi'd' hair for the yogi demo. At least the others are good sports in that respect, but not that spoilt girlie.
And did you know pink was her favourite colour??!! :smirk: Oh and who on earth would pay £10.92 per guest for a wedding favour?!! I don't know much about weddings, there were 6 people at mine so determined was I to keep it small and intimate, but it seems like an extravagent showy off thing that the stupid, living in cloud cuckoo land presenters would do!

JF needs to grow up. Bet her house is full of pink fluffed tat listening to her going on about what she collects!!! :giggle:
LOl I think she's a sweetie and when she's with a guest she really gets on well with she's a good laugh. I bet her old man is quite well off and spoils his girlie...... :devil:
I agree. Also don't like the way she 'absolutely loves' everything. She's the only presenter who didn't appear with 'yogi'd' hair for the yogi demo. At least the others are good sports in that respect, but not that spoilt girlie.

Just watching Julia on the Renee fashion hour and it looks like she has been 'yogi'd'. I think her hair looks gorgeous..
Don't suppose there's any danger of the irritating, spoiled little madam ever finding out how much she irks so many of us.
Because, being such "a girlie", I doubt she can turn on a computer, let alone find her way over here.
Is it not possible to be slim and feminine then?

Yes it is but some women lose so much weight that they lose their femanine curves. My father was saying the other day that men don't like scrawny women. At the time he was comparing Hollie Wilaby, who he said had a lovely body, with Carol 'loose woman' Magifin as having a dreadful body.
Yes it is but some women lose so much weight that they lose their femanine curves. My father was saying the other day that men don't like scrawny women. At the time he was comparing Hollie Wilaby, who he said had a lovely body, with Carol 'loose woman' Magifin as having a dreadful body.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Carol McGiffin has a good body too.I don't see how her body can be described as dreadful. She is a couple of decades older than Holly.
I struggle to see how any woman of 45 can still refer to herself as a "girl", she is a woman and should be proud of the fact, not wafting on about pink and handbags ad nauseum. I love a bit of fun and frivolity but carrying on like a brain dead teenager is cringe inducing.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Carol McGiffin has a good body too.I don't see how her body can be described as dreadful. She is a couple of decades older than Holly.

Exactly right - there are different horses for different courses, after all - just because one person doesn't find "scrawny" women attractive, doesn't mean they are unattractive to ALL.

Some people seem to overlook the fact that comments about a person's appearance - in this instance weight, are hurtful WHATEVER size they are - slagging someone off for being "scrawny" is just as offensive as having a go at someone for being overweight. I feel ashamed of myself for being one of these "scrawny", horrible little creatures when debates like these rear their ugly heads, which is wrong because it is something over which I have no control. I can't help being the person I am. Neither can anybody else.
I can only apologise if my comment regarding JF's "boyish" physique has caused offence - that wasn't my intention at all. It was a tongue in cheek response to the term "girlie".
However, at no time did I ever say she was scrawny, unattractive, unfeminine or any other derogatory term.

I will now go and sit on the naughty step..:mysmilie_487:
Oh, COME ON ! Everything on here is done with tongue in cheek - and if you are in the public eye, you are there to be shot at .

I often refer to my friends as "tarts" - as in 'stop acting like a tart' - is that offensive to apple pies !!!!!

Lets get real, PEOPLE ARE scrawny, obese, skinny, plump, fat, thin- etc.

And I wonder how many times those that "take offence" have said about someone else - "she's a miserable cow " eh ????

You can tell I am NOT politically correct ! SO LETS ALL GET A LIFE SHALL WE EH ?????
Yes it is but some women lose so much weight that they lose their femanine curves. My father was saying the other day that men don't like scrawny women. At the time he was comparing Hollie Wilaby, who he said had a lovely body, with Carol 'loose woman' Magifin as having a dreadful body.

You can't compare the two, Holly Willoughby is 29 and Carol McGiffin is 50!! Who knows what Holly will look like when she's 50? If you have to compare Holly's curvy figure with someone else, it should at least be someone in the same age bracket. And by the way, I don't see anything wrong with Carol's figure at all!
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Girlie is on now on the Bobbi Brown hour running off about running out of eyeshadow. I can never see that she wears any. :confused:
been laughing my head off at some of the comments aimed at the 'girlie' woman. She is utterly horrible, I couldn't care less what she looks like it is her self obsessed egotistical drama that makes me dislike her
been laughing my head off at some of the comments aimed at the 'girlie' woman. She is utterly horrible, I couldn't care less what she looks like it is her self obsessed egotistical drama that makes me dislike her

I couldn't agree more - I couldn't give a toss about her appearance either but anyone who declares that they "can't live without" a Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick is just a vacuous airhead.:mysmilie_496:
I couldn't agree more - I couldn't give a toss about her appearance either but anyone who declares that they "can't live without" a Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick is just a vacuous airhead.:mysmilie_496:

totally agree, she was so irritating that I switched off, gawd she was like a 13 year old let loose in Superdrug and allowed to choose some makeup for the first time.

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