Drives me potty


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Jun 24, 2008
I was watching a beauty hour today and they were demonstrating a shampoo and a stylingbrush/ hairdryer. They showed how shiny the model's hair looked and how the hairdryer gave body bounce and root lift. They showed the before/after shot, but in the live after shot the woman continuously touched, flicked and faffed with her hair. I think she must've readjusted her barnet about 50 times in the space of 2 minutes - I found myself shouting at the telly "leave your ****** hair alone". The other thing is with the skin care and the models are sit there for ages fiddling with and tapping their faces. I mean I kinda get it as somebody who's tuned in half way through may've missed the initial application, but it drives me bonkers, and I do have to switch over! Glad that's of my chest lol!
I think I've pinpointed my problem - I can't stand watching people doing their ablutions! This morning I caught a bit of Liz Earle and there was the usual show of facial massage, tapping and fiddling and then they came to the soap - How could I forget the bliddy soap? Bowl of murky water, L'occy Lexi's the worst for this. Picks up the bar of "triple milled soap" remembers to say that calling it a soap is a disservice, plunges her hands into above mentioned bowl, rolls the bar around a few million times, massaging the sumptuous lather cream into every nook and cranny whilst singing all six verses of American Pie in her head to make sure she hasn't missed a bit - then rounds off the proceedings with a quick shake and a sniff deep inhalation. Back of hand promptly shoved under the presenter's nose "mmmmm" nauseating!!! Does she stop there? Oh no she continues to bang on "My husband uses this all over in the shower, 'cause it creams up beautifully, and let me tell you it hasn't whittled down to stick when he's finished either! I guess we can be thankful that we only get to see hand washing demonstrations!


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True story, I once overheard a woman walking down the street say dramatically to her friend "I literally died"😳. I don't think you did!
I know this woman who says about certain items of clothing and footwear “I live and die in them” - no you don’t!!! Oh’s bugbear about the many tv quiz shows he watches is when a contestant says “ my husband will kill me if I don’t get this one right”!
I know this woman who says about certain items of clothing and footwear “I live and die in them” - no you don’t!!! Oh’s bugbear about the many tv quiz shows he watches is when a contestant says “ my husband will kill me if I don’t get this one right”!
It's almost as bad when practically all the fashion presenters and BA's say, "I wear this all the time.". More truthful would be, "I wear this often."
I remember Annette Baker Malpas, she did cooking equipment and every other word she used was ‘actually’. I started turning the sound down and i now turn the sound down on all QVC shows ..If I want to know anything about a product I look it up on line.
A new word for Ophelia is "presence". For e.g. "This top has presence. Trouble is, most of the tops she describes have presence. For other presenters and BA's, a new word is" elevate." "This jumper will elevate your look.". Stuff and nonsense!
A new word for Ophelia is "presence". For e.g. "This top has presence. Trouble is, most of the tops she describes have presence. For other presenters and BA's, a new word is" elevate." "This jumper will elevate your look.". Stuff and nonsense!
I dislike all these ridiculous ways of describing items. I want to know what the material is, some guidance on sizing and the cost. You could describe it as looking more expensive than it is, you could say the colour/style etc is flattering and maybe suggestions of what you could wear it with. If I hear words like these this my bullshit alarm goes off and I usually turn off.
My cat likes to sit in the bathroom watching me do my morning ablutions!
She also sits beside me when I am on the toilet. Just in case I am attacked by the toilet monster.
My dear little cat is also very nosey, but I don't allow her in the bathroom with me. Sometimes I can hear her trying to get in, but she has to wait.
Gets my coat when Ms L'Occitane says - seems like every time she's on - "You wouldn't wash your face with washing up liquid, would you?" Where's the connection between her products and Fairy Liquid?
Back until the late 60s a distant relative worked at Unilever, and said the only difference between shampoo and washing up liquid was the perfume added to the shampoo ! That should give Alexa an attack of the vapours. Even further back we brushed our teeth from a baked pink tablet in a tin (and you thought Laura Gellet had the monopoly on a baked product ) .
Back until the late 60s a distant relative worked at Unilever, and said the only difference between shampoo and washing up liquid was the perfume added to the shampoo ! That should give Alexa an attack of the vapours. Even further back we brushed our teeth from a baked pink tablet in a tin (and you thought Laura Gellet had the monopoly on a baked product ) .
We used to wash our hair in the kitchen with washing up liquid when we were young. Rinsed our heads under the geyser. Got giddy if Mam brought home a sachet of shampoo. Me and my brother would share it. 😄
I know this woman who says about certain items of clothing and footwear “I live and die in them” - no you don’t!!! Oh’s bugbear about the many tv quiz shows he watches is when a contestant says “ my husband will kill me if I don’t get this one right”!
Talking of quizzes, my bugbear is people who when faced with a history question say "I don't know, it's before my time" 😳
Back until the late 60s a distant relative worked at Unilever, and said the only difference between shampoo and washing up liquid was the perfume added to the shampoo ! That should give Alexa an attack of the vapours. Even further back we brushed our teeth from a baked pink tablet in a tin (and you thought Laura Gellet had the monopoly on a baked product ) .
Washing up liquid is good to use if you have oily hair. If you're in a pinch and have run out of shampoo, it's worth a try.
I remember, and there was a thread about it on here. Some years back, the BBC did a 3 part documentary about the beauty business. Now the woman they had to investigate was a doctor, no nonsense about beauty use whatever. So the one about shampoo was a real eye-opener for her, the difference in her hair using one aimed at her hair type, as she usually just grabbed whatever was on offer. So colour for colour treated hair does help your colour last much longer etc.

I have a friend who worked for a high-end beauty shop, and she just used Head and Shoulders. She did not or ever had dandruff, just liked Head and Shoulders

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