I'm sorry, but does Peter actually realise what he is saying?


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Of course it depends on the advertiser. Sometimes it's very easy to spot a misleading or inaccurate sales description, or a misleading description of associated purchase charges.

I guess persistent offenders are the ones who tend to be highlighted more and, in my opinion, quite rightly too.

Everyone can make genuine mistakes, of course they can. Making persistently similar mistakes is much harder to justfy and one could easily assume it's deliberate.

Well, I think we can both agree they are nothing if not persistent!
Main problem is that for Bid they do it on TV, so it's there to be replayed & adequately scrutinised. Something they're starting to bear in mind when presenting now as P Simon admitted the other night. Ironically by saying that he was implying that they weren't that bothered before lol. I'd have expected more business savvy from a Tv shopping channel!

True, but have you seen how many Peter Simons videos there are on YouTube, he falls, he swears, he exaggerates (I think he may have been involved in the dossier that Blair used for invading Iraq), he burps, he bumps, he says rude things and he gets lots of stuff hilariously wrong. I wonder how much advertising value there is for them in being plastered all over YouTube?
True, but have you seen how many Peter Simons videos there are on YouTube, he falls, he swears, he exaggerates (I think he may have been involved in the dossier that Blair used for invading Iraq), he burps, he bumps, he says rude things and he gets lots of stuff hilariously wrong. I wonder how much advertising value there is for them in being plastered all over YouTube?
Very true ILB and many of us, nope practically all of us have said on this forum that that's the good old Bid we really enjoyed watching. It was innocent fun in those days as opposed to the repeated dubious selling screeching tactics we see now. Did you see the one when he was talking to Marina I think it was about his week? He said it had been terrible as amongst other things he'd had a power cut, (except he inadvertantly added the letter "n" in "cut"). I know it was rude but I was in stitches seeing that on youtube.
Very true ILB and many of us, nope practically all of us have said on this forum that that's the good old Bid we really enjoyed watching. It was innocent fun in those days as opposed to the repeated dubious selling screeching tactics we see now. Did you see the one when he was talking to Marina I think it was about his week? He said it had been terrible as amongst other things he'd had a power cut, (except he inadvertantly added the letter "n" in "cut"). I know it was rude but I was in stitches seeing that on youtube.

Yah, I've seen that one, its a classic - other presenters aside, isn't Peter Simons just as good/bad as he has always been?
I do often flick during the day and cringe a little, especially at some of the female presenters, they have a clear audience at that time of the day.
Here's an example of misleading the punter, never takes long for it to happen when Peter Simon is on.

Direct Quote, word for word:- 'It's not only a magnificent stone it's an oval cut stone of 69 facets, how much would you pay for over 3 carats of Amethyst, in a SILVER'. He went on to claim it was Sterling Silver again but then made a retraction that was still wrong, in it he said it was Rhodium plated Silver.

It was in fact Rhodium plated Brass. If that isn't misleading, even with a 'retraction' then they can basically say whatever they like. Maybe it's another genuine mistake though, Peter Simon does seem to get his metals mixed up, persistently.
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I'll give you that ' you don't like these channels' -assumption. Am I wrong?

You couldn't be more wrong ILB, I absolutely love to relax with a bit of shopping telly.
And lately Bid have made huge strides forward in acknowledging their P&P etc. which makes it more pleasant to watch.
I also think some of the 'bloopers' are absolutely hilarious.
I really enjoy watching the presenters with their differing styles and personalities, it's my little bit of escapism.................and yes, I buy stuff too!
What I can't stand, like most others here, is the deliberate misleading of viewers and scaremongering people who maybe a little more vulnerable into buying products.
I genuinely enjoy the channels and just want honesty and transparency.
So, credit where it's due, I really commend them on the start they've made to improve and clean up their act...................keep up the good work Bid.

P.S. I totally agree with you, I think there will always be an amount of dishonesty and dodgy stuff that goes along with sales but you've absolutely hit the nail on the head when you say that Bid have pushed their luck a bit too far and straddled the line of what is decent and ethical.
Wasn't paying much attention to be honest but I think Peter Simon sold two products tonight without saying anything about P&P. To be fair he did mention P&P later on when selling 4 pillows (£15 total cost) but he didn't mention it when subsequently referring to the cost of each pillow.
Also I'm pretty certain that tonight he once referred to 18 tog (as in a duvet he was selling) as 18 carat:mysmilie_483:
I went for a curry last night, somewhere I've never been before, I read the menu and couldn't decide what I wanted. I asked the waiter for something with a tomatoe base and that was solitary to a Saag (spinach!), I asked him if the Jabrologi (something like that) was like this and he said it was not and pointed me to the £14 special - twice the price - when the meal arrived it was nothing like a Saag, it was in fact creamy with spinach added. I complained (politely) they did nothing. I will not be contacting the ASA about the fact that the waiter mis sold to me, nor will I be contacting trading standards as the menu is mis leading, nor will I be contacting OfCom as, well, there not on TV - I simply didn't tip, won't be going back and have tweeted and Facebooked to all my friends (a lot) not to go there. F*ck em.

TV is much highly regulated compared to a indian restaurant on mis selling! It seems that the waiter was giving his own opinion, and finding the best for you which wasn't right, however bid presenters just bend the truth and facts which is illegal. That's why a lot of us compare them to a market stall e.g. allowed to get away with a lot more.
.... so you have to convince people to buy, to change their minds and get their debit card or cash out...and when you convince someone, when of change their minds and spend some money you will break a rule somewhere...
What a daft thing to say! So they can only make sales by breaking the rules? Look up sit-up.tv on the ASA website where you will see about 10 upheld complaints from the last 6 months, while Ideal World have none. Why? Because Ideal World may not be perfect, but they know what they can say and what they can't. Their presenters aren't allowed to say ANYTHING without facts and proof. For example, they sell memory foam mattresses with silver thread. It's all over the internet saying that it helps with odors and bacteria HOWEVER, as it isn't scientifically proven, they don't mention this, and they say "look online...." Why do they have proof for everything they say? Well, if they get a complaint, they can show the ASA this. Seems the most professional thing to do, and they've been around longer than bid, so not sure why bid gets so many upheld complaints? It's obvious that they don't need to lie or Ideal World would have been gone years ago.

I guess persistent offenders are the ones who tend to be highlighted more and, in my opinion, quite rightly too.

Everyone can make genuine mistakes, of course they can. Making persistently similar mistakes is much harder to justify and one could easily assume it's deliberate.

This has just summed it all up! :) Yes, if bid made the odd misleading comment, I'd leave it as I could see it as a genuine mistake, but when you hear 10+ in 1 shift, you realise something fishy is going on.
Yah, I've seen that one, its a classic - other presenters aside, isn't Peter Simons just as good/bad as he has always been?
I do often flick during the day and cringe a little, especially at some of the female presenters, they have a clear audience at that time of the day.

Hmmm I think his sales tactics did seem to plummet to new depths when I started watching again ILB.
Wasn't paying much attention to be honest but I think Peter Simon sold two products tonight without saying anything about P&P. To be fair he did mention P&P later on when selling 4 pillows (£15 total cost) but he didn't mention it when subsequently referring to the cost of each pillow.
Also I'm pretty certain that tonight he once referred to 18 tog (as in a duvet he was selling) as 18 carat:mysmilie_483:

I think he thought he was in the gym last night the way he was bouncing his arm up and down on those bounceback pillows.

I'd like to see what 'bounceback' there was left after a couple of eight hour sleeps with a big heavy head on them :wink:
Here's an example of misleading the punter, never takes long for it to happen when Peter Simon is on.

Direct Quote, word for word:- 'It's not only a magnificent stone it's an oval cut stone of 69 facets, how much would you pay for over 3 carats of Amethyst, in a SILVER'. He went on to claim it was Sterling Silver again but then made a retraction that was still wrong, in it he said it was Rhodium plated Silver.

It was in fact Rhodium plated Brass. If that isn't misleading, even with a 'retraction' then they can basically say whatever they like. Maybe it's another genuine mistake though, Peter Simon does seem to get his metals mixed up, persistently.

Yeah, I'll give you that one...must have been a problem with the autocue...
Yeah, I'll give you that one...must have been a problem with the autocue...

Now that did make me laugh out loud.

I nearly spat Diet Coke over my laptop and I think I've scared the cat!

Thanks ILB, I needed that :grin:
Now now, it's uncle Peter, the dotty old uncle Peter, you can't be mad at uncle Peter...
When he rips off the vulnerable I bliddy well can ILB! Even if he retracts a comment & still gets the details wrong how many people have already paid for the call to purchase?? How very convenient for Bid:wink:
I have an Uncle Peter.. born in Rochdale. He's starting to look a bit like Peter Simon in his old age. Should I be worried?
I have an Uncle Peter.. born in Rochdale. He's starting to look a bit like Peter Simon in his old age. Should I be worried?
Only if he starts shouting out the highest end brand names at random, rolls his tongue around & refers to the most hideous things as delishious or exquisite. Oh yeh, if he starts talking every day to ornaments believing that they give him comfort & referring to them as angels RUN!! :wink:

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