I'm confused


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Apr 27, 2009
Correct me if I am wrong, BUT is Julia R vegetarian........... or not ? as I know she doesn't present any of the fresh meat programmes, nor will she present food shows where animal gelatine is used.

This is where I am confused. If she IS a vegetarian, then how come she has no qualms at presenting Dennis Basso shows ? Ok, qvc dont have any real fur shows - nor would they for their own safety, BUT we all know this man is a trade furrier - so, is JR only a vegetarian when it suits ??????:wonder:
Correct me if I am wrong, BUT is Julia R vegetarian........... or not ? as I know she doesn't present any of the fresh meat programmes, nor will she present food shows where animal gelatine is used.

This is where I am confused. If she IS a vegetarian, then how come she has no qualms at presenting Dennis Basso shows ? Ok, qvc dont have any real fur shows - nor would they for their own safety, BUT we all know this man is a trade furrier - so, is JR only a vegetarian when it suits ??????:wonder:

I don't get it either! Chuntley adores her cats and Pippa her dog that got stolen and she finally got back. I just don't get how they do it!
I don't get it either! Chuntley adores her cats and Pippa her dog that got stolen and she finally got back. I just don't get how they do it!

It's called "getting paid a hefty wage every month".

Who needs principles when you're getting paid loads of cash, eh? :angel:

They say that everyone has their price: QVC obviously knows that of its' "animal loving" presenters.

Correct me if I am wrong, BUT is Julia R vegetarian........... or not ? as I know she doesn't present any of the fresh meat programmes, nor will she present food shows where animal gelatine is used.

This is where I am confused. If she IS a vegetarian, then how come she has no qualms at presenting Dennis Basso shows ? Ok, qvc dont have any real fur shows - nor would they for their own safety, BUT we all know this man is a trade furrier - so, is JR only a vegetarian when it suits ??????:wonder:

Let us just be grateful AD doesn't eat sausages whilst presenting any show other than Kings Realm! Maybe JR doesn't want to smudge her Gayle Hayman and reveal her nubbin!
I never got any vibe that JR is an animal lover, I always thought she implied it was a decision based on health reasons, same as many people who give up eating meat. I'm sure she likes animals but I can't imagine her being as daft about them as some presenters.
Correct me if I am wrong, BUT is Julia R vegetarian........... or not ? as I know she doesn't present any of the fresh meat programmes, nor will she present food shows where animal gelatine is used.

This is where I am confused. If she IS a vegetarian, then how come she has no qualms at presenting Dennis Basso shows ? Ok, qvc dont have any real fur shows - nor would they for their own safety, BUT we all know this man is a trade furrier - so, is JR only a vegetarian when it suits ??????:wonder:
I don't know why you are confused this subject has been discussed many times on this Forum in fact so many times it has become boring. Julia is a vegetarian but like most people who work for a living she cannot give up her job on principles, like everyone she has her bills to pay.
I don't know why you are confused this subject has been discussed many times on this Forum in fact so many times it has become boring. Julia is a vegetarian but like most people who work for a living she cannot give up her job on principles, like everyone she has her bills to pay.

Well, sorry, but unlike some people I dont spend my life glued to this forum, - perhaps thats why I find it refreshing and not at all boring when I do decide to partake !!!!!!!!

and to be honest I cant remember anyone asking JR to give up her job - but if she can avoid doing the meat shows on principle why not Dennis Basso ????
Let us just be grateful AD doesn't eat sausages whilst presenting any show other than Kings Realm! Maybe JR doesn't want to smudge her Gayle Hayman and reveal her nubbin![/QUOTE

Loveinamist I'm ashamed to admit I just had to google "nubbin". :whew: :whew: :whew:
Well, sorry, but unlike some people I dont spend my life glued to this forum, - perhaps thats why I find it refreshing and not at all boring when I do decide to partake !!!!!!!!

and to be honest I cant remember anyone asking JR to give up her job - but if she can avoid doing the meat shows on principle why not Dennis Basso ????

I think there is a difference between having to present a meat show where the presenters have to be seen to EAT the food and a clothes show where she is only being asked to wear some fake fur after all.

Setting that aside it always amuses me to see how Dennis Basso with his connections with the fur trade gets a bashing on this forum but some how Ralph from Honora pearls comes away scot free. But I suppose the humble pearl mollusc is not as cuddly as a chinchilla.
Setting that aside it always amuses me to see how Dennis Basso with his connections with the fur trade gets a bashing on this forum but some how Ralph from Honora pearls comes away scot free. But I suppose the humble pearl mollusc is not as cuddly as a chinchilla.

Before anyone jumps on me I dont support any cruel practices the fur trade employs and yes I would wear a faux fur but not a real one, my Mum has the most gorgeous real fur coat hanging in her wardrobe which hasnt seen the light of day for decades and as much as I admire it I could never wear it. On a recent trip to America I went to a fashion presentation at Bloomingdales and they had loads of real furs there including the most gorgeous Brown mink coat which was incredibly soft but I could never bring myself to wear it (even if I could afford it!) in fact the cloakroom at the confernce I was attending had a seperate section for fur and you saw lots of people walking around in fur. So it is clear that attitudes differ around the world regarding the fur trade.

The difference between fur and pearls is that fur comes from little animals which are seen as "cute" often because of their eyes research has shown that generally human beings are more likely to feel protective to animals with round or big eyes be they human animals or other types it is in our nature to "protect" them. Thats not saying that the fur trade is fine they could do things in other ways, more humane ways if you like but even if they only used animals that had died of natural causes there would still be this primeveal urge by us to "protect" creatures seen as weaker than us.

I dont agree with some of the extreme views and actions regarding the fur trade any more than I agree with some of the practices of the fur trade but I accept that there are different views on the subject. To be honest sometimes the more extreme views expressed and I am not talking about on here make me more likely to think that I would wear real fur but thats probably because I am an awkward madam who doesnt like being told what to do or think by anyone:tongue:

I wear leather and I eat meat both of which an animal dies for so can I in all honesty object to the use of real fur? I would say no but I can object to the practices employed by some of the fur trade and that is the crucial difference for me. It would be hypocritical to wear leather shoes and eat my Christmas Turkey whilst at the same time criticising people who wear real fur IF the way animals were killed to get the fur was humane but to critisise the practices of the fur trade is I think totally justified.

The bottom line is that we all as individuals including Julia Roberts have to make choices on what we will and wont do based on out beliefs and values and it is not anyone elses place to tell us we are wrong because they have a different set of beliefs and values. We may not agree with another persons point of view but we have to accept that they are just as eintitled to that view as we are to ours. All too often the arguements used in this particular debate are very emotive and based on human emotions the use of highly emotive words like "murder" and disturbing pictures will not change peoples views then you are just seen as being "over emotional" reasoned debate offering alternatives is far more likely to achieve the goal of ending cruel practices and encouraging the use of faux fur to those people who want towear fur is more constructive than just abusing and insulting them.
Not to forget there are many vegetarians out there who's reason for not eating meat has nothing to do with being animal lovers, they don't like the taste of meat, feel a veggie diet may be healthier, or just don't like the idea of eating flesh in any way, shape or form.

Regardless of her reasons for being so, Julia's a vegetarian..so to me there'd be little point in having her present a "meat show", she's not going to be able to taste it, make the obligitory mmm's and ahh's ..... so that I would have thought would be the reason.

The Basso debate has been going on for a while and I think it's been agreed that it's QVC as a company we should be concentrating our anger upon rather than the presenters who are paid to do a job, and like most jobs there's things you like doing and things you don't! As someone else quite rightly pointed out, they've got bills to pay like the rest of us.
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I know that Julia has a cat(Poppy) she used to have two but unfortunately it passed away or had to be put to sleep so i think she likes/loves animals. It has always made me wonder why Julia(infact any vegetarian/animal lover) would want to sell or wear them(including sheepskin boots -EMU's) yet i have seen her on many occasions doing exactly that? and saying how much she loves her leather jacket/EMU's etc. I stand to be corrected but isnt buying/wearing/selling leather(as well as real fur) against any veggie/animal lovers principals? The buying(and wearing) and selling of real fur is barbaric although one of my fondest childhood memories is standing in church on Christmas Eve with my mum(i lost her when i was 11) and putting my face into her fur coat(mink) and loving the smell - a mixture of the fur and my mums perfume - how times fly and we gain the knowledge that buying/wearing fur is wrong.

Good thread Brissles - its always good to refresh old thread subjects imho as i feel its good to get any new forumites's opinions(and for the "oldies" to have another vent!!)
Well, sorry, but unlike some people I dont spend my life glued to this forum, - perhaps thats why I find it refreshing and not at all boring when I do decide to partake !!!!!!!!

and to be honest I cant remember anyone asking JR to give up her job - but if she can avoid doing the meat shows on principle why not Dennis Basso ????
Fortunately I am not one of those people who are' glued to this forum' as you will see by the number of posts I have done.I didn';t know JR avoided doing meat shows as I am not one of those people glued to watching QVC all the time but I am sure if she avoided Basso's shows and any others shows not approved of by others she would end up not working at all.
I think a lot of people are missing the point and just jumping on the 'oh my god Dennis Basso is an evil animal killer' bandwagon here. Catherine, Pipa and Julia owning and loving cats and dogs does not make them 'animal lovers' as such! I own two cats, and would love a dog. Does that make me an animal lover? I eat meat, wear leather and probably do everything else that would make a die-hard veggie quiver in their boots. I don't like to see animals suffer, I cry my eyes out watching March of the Penguins! :blush: The point is, your average 'pet' (major difference) owner and vegetarian are not staunch animal rights campaigners and therefore probably turn a blind eye to many atrocity concerning their beliefs.

We're all hyprocrites in our own way - my biggest hypocrisy is Christmas, being an atheist! But hey ho, life is short and precious, enjoy every last drop of it I say, even if it means being a hypocrite or turning a blind eye now and again :rock:
KTWB and Scouser, let me redeem myself.

nub·bin   /ˈnʌbɪn/ Show Spelled
[nuhb-in] Show IPA

1. a small lump or stunted piece; stub.

World English Dictionary
nubbin (ˈnʌbɪn)

— n
chiefly ( US ), ( Canadian ) something small or undeveloped, esp a fruit or ear of corn

I assure you, I meant nothing sexual, honest. She has gone on and on about her top lip in the GH hours and only lip lift keeps it at bay.

Shame on you two, but I do take the blame for your assumptions. Pass the oil someone, please!
KTWB and Scouser, let me redeem myself.

nub·bin   /ˈnʌbɪn/ Show Spelled
[nuhb-in] Show IPA

1. a small lump or stunted piece; stub.

World English Dictionary
nubbin (ˈnʌbɪn)

— n
chiefly ( US ), ( Canadian ) something small or undeveloped, esp a fruit or ear of corn

I assure you, I meant nothing sexual, honest. She has gone on and on about her top lip in the GH hours and only lip lift keeps it at bay.

Shame on you two, but I do take the blame for your assumptions. Pass the oil someone, please!

Thanks Loveinamist. I must not dwell on Julia's nubbin any longer as this appears to be a serious thread.
just because you dont eat meat does not mean you dont mind wearing sheepkin/leather products.
i have a friend who is a vegan and he does not wear leather shoes even and wont have a meat eating wife/girlfriend.

but not eating meat is not a requisite to abstaining from dairy or even skins.

i wont wear real fur as it was shown quite rightly to cause intense pain and suffering to animals.

but i dont have a pet as i really dont like the thought of living with animals but i contribute to pdsa as they do great work with animals and most of my family have a pet.
julia is working in sales (and very good she is too) i havent a clue what thats got to do with being a vegetarian.
thanks boffy for supporting a very worthy cause.............merry christmas or seasons greetings to you all as well
just because you dont eat meat does not mean you dont mind wearing sheepkin/leather products.
i have a friend who is a vegan and he does not wear leather shoes even and wont have a meat eating wife/girlfriend.

but not eating meat is not a requisite to abstaining from dairy or even skins.

i wont wear real fur as it was shown quite rightly to cause intense pain and suffering to animals.

but i dont have a pet as i really dont like the thought of living with animals but i contribute to pdsa as they do great work with animals and most of my family have a pet.
julia is working in sales (and very good she is too) i havent a clue what thats got to do with being a vegetarian.

The same can be said for the wool trade, making incisions in the groin without analgesia. Some vegans abstain from wearing wool for this reason.

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