I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here is back!


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I agree, they all seem a nice group of people. As long as it is not Helen, I don't really mind who wins. I just hope airtime will be more balanced from now on.
I think Ashley is probably good fun and entertaining if only they would give her more air time they have shown a few clips of her teaching Rosemary and Colin some dance moves which was funny and she comes across as a nice person who just gets on with things without pouting or moaning all the time I have to admit I did'nt have a clue who she was when it started though,I hope now we some of the other camp mates do some trails as a few havent really done anything yet
I really like Ashley too. I think she is one of the few in the camp who understood the point of the programme and how hard it was going to be.
She's always sunny & happy.

I thought Eric was going to be the first to walk tonight after his bitchiness. Uncalled for in my view.
I think Eric should have gone tonight. He comes across as a grumpy old git and adds nothing to the camp as far as I can see. I felt very sorry for Helen tonight. I missed exactly what happened but I gather he made a comment regarding her skin which upset her. Very unkind. I must confess I'm warming to Helen and beginning to think I may have misjudged her. My bad. Eric was also unpleasant to Rosemary. Yes she's bossy, but that's just her way and she means no harm. She seems very kind and I like her. I laughed out loud when she fell asleep amongst the crabs ~ Pure class!
Yes, Eric was throwing his weight around tonight showing himself up a bit I think. Like many men of his age, he knows it all & has done it all. He's not the sharpest knife in the box and I feel his limitations makes him overly critical.
He was clearly stunned when he was told he was one of the ones up for eviction. He said at the start he didn't want to be first out.

Can't agree about Helen I'm afraid. She shot herself in the foot for me with her on-going hysteria and then her dramatic fearlessness.
I don't think I'll ever like Helen,far too much of a drama queen for me.

I actually like Eric Bristow,me & the hubby met him about 5 years ago when he was in Dublin playing darts.

We only spoke for a few mins (hubby is a big darts fan) & he was really friendly.

He's not coming across well at all atm is he? Rude & arrogant & doesn't care what he says.

I wish they'd show more of Linda,she always comes across as a warm,friendly type of woman,a really nice person.
Not enjoying this years group as much as previous ones...maybe will get better as it goes along....loved the year when Stacy Solomon was in..omg, she was such a laugh.Did hear that Grace Jones might be in this year, now I would look forward to her upsetting the apple cart !:muscle:

Eric out next please. He started off being funny but he's taking it too far. Far too cocky!!
I agree.
He started off OK but he borders on bitchiness in my view.

Very impressed with Ashley last night. She appears to be lovely & I was pleased for her when she got to make a call to her Mum.

I think Colin & Linda want out. Can't say I blame them. I think I would prefer a 7 * hotel too.
Eric has started winding me up, too.
He had a right go at Helen because she didn't know how to wash a towel. It occurred to me that if Helen had been a 22 year old bloke who'd never washed a towel, he probably wouldn't have turned a hair.
I fear that given the way the Great British Public go about voting means Eric'll probably be spitting bile right through to the end. Sigh ...

I agree with you, Minim, Ashley's growing on me every day, too. I love her level headedness and sense of fun.
How is he still there? Helen as well i still don't like her.
I had to laugh when Hugo told Rosemary he thought she was 63. Men they never learn!! I thought she was a lot older than 54
I had to laugh when Hugo told Rosemary he thought she was 63. Men they never learn!! I thought she was a lot older than 54

Rosemary is only 54?? Wow, I didn't know that.

That means she's younger than Nadine.

I put Eric at rather older than 55, too.

I'm obviously rubbish at this 'guess your age' thing!
Well, well, well!
Eric didn't look quite so cocky last night when it was revealed that he was in a face-off with Colin.
Trouble is, I think Colin is quite happy to go so I fear he will not put up much of a contest. I like Colin, but find Eric a toxic little toad.

As for Rosemary, I think she could pass for anywhere between 54 & 62 so I'm not surprised she is in fact at the higher end of the scale. I feel she just wanted to make Hugo feel uncomfortable for daring to guess a woman's age. She's a little devil is our Rosemary.

I was really amused at Mirrorgate! Superb. The fact that Helen had so successfully blacked her face made it funnier still.
Eric is a nasty little bully. The sort of person that's capable of making someone's life miserable. I can't stand him and the fact he's still there is indicative of a nasty streak in the great british public. His comments to Helen are incredible. What normal old man gets his kicks picking on a young girl's insecurities? Yuck! He revolts me.
Helen seems totally harmless. Yes she's spoilt, pampered etc, but that doesn't make her a bad person and her heart's in the right place.
Ashley is lovely. Level headed, intelligent and kind.
Hugo is growing on me. I didn't like him at first and he's still pompous, but sensitive with a good heart underneath I think.
Love Colin, but I think he's struggling and we're not seeing enough of him. Unfortunately he'll probably go tonight.
Charlie hmmm.. not sure. I think she's playing a good game but I'm not warming to her at all. I think she's very much playing to the gallery.
I like Chris. He's a joker and a wind up merchant and he makes me smile. A naughty schoolboy!
Rosemary is a force of nature! I can imagine she would be difficult to live with due to her sonic boom and bossiness. Not unlikeable though.
Have I left anyone out?! Oh yes! Ant and Dec!! The true stars of the show who make me cackle with glee!!
Betting Odds/Winner.
I'm not a betting person, but the odds are usually a good guide

Rosemary Shrager 2 Ladbrokes
Charlie Brooks 7/2 Betfred
Ashley Roberts 5 StanJames
David Haye 6 betfair
Helen Flanagan 8 Betfred

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