If you weren't posting on here what would you be doing?


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We have free bus and train pass from age 60 . Unfortunately they don't go anywhere you would want to go.

At 65 we get free travel in Northern AND Southern Ireland and even to down to Dublin airport.

We haven't had prescription charges for quite some years now.
We have never had seperate water charges either, we always paid through our rates.

I am watching TV at the moment old CSI NY. Going to watch some stuff I have recorded in awhile. Was on ebay and bought a Gucci eyeshadow short while ago.
It must be great to live in Scotland, what with free uni, free hospital car parks, free care homes, free bus passes to anywhere (English ones are only valid in England) and, as you said, extra bank holidays as well.

Yes Strato it is great to live in Scotland :mysmilie_14: Not all care home places are free though - my neighbour just had to sell his house to pay for his place in one. I don't get a free bus pass either, it's £50 a month. Free if you're over 60, as is the case in England I think. Not every hospital has free car parks either, although the one near me does. I find I have to pay for most things but it would be nice if we could get free wine (for cultural reasons you understand) :glass:

I'm supposed to be on a declutter binge. Started with a bang.....but got derailed (sat down and watched telly) needing a rocket up my *ahem*shirt!
Weeeeeeelll! It's my half day and I should be taking the tree down. It is a bit of an epic job and I will start it in a minute, honest, after a cup of tea................some rice pudding, more tea................ Am I naughty?! :coffee::mysmilie_518::devil::mysmilie_496:
We were to take the decorations down tonight but MrL is poorly so not able to go to loft for boxes etc so it might even be weekend now. This will be the latest ever . I was ready to do it on Boxing Day but he wouldn't go for it.
I'm with you, lati. OH likes to keep them up to the bitter end but if I had my way, they'd be off and back in the loft on Boxing Day. Still up so it'll be tomorrow's job. My favourite bit is cutting up the nicest cards to make gift tags.

Mrs Scrooge.
I am a misery guts and can't wait to take my tree and bits down soon after Xmas, as I only have small house and they seem to make the place look so cluttered, I had this morning off to have my boiler serviced but decided to have the rest of the day off so I could start an early spring clean, I have not achieved as much as I had hoped but have made a start and feel much better for it,am planning to do some painting on the weekend, haven't put Q on much and only watched for a few mins as it all seemed very uninspiring stuff
It's beyond boring.

Am I mistaken or would there never ever have been whole bleeding day devoted to a cleaning block years ago when Q was interesting?
My decorations came down 2 days ago, just wanted the place back to normal. Gathered up the cards yesterday, and still deciding which recycling place will get them. Today I've done some dusting and vacuuming, which I try to avoid when the deccies are around the place, but now I've got no more excuses for avoiding it, so planning a more thorough clean in a day or so.
It's beyond boring.

Am I mistaken or would there never ever have been whole bleeding day devoted to a cleaning block years ago when Q was interesting?

The first time I viewed IW, years ago, there was a whole hour devoted to a blood pressure monitor. I thought that was how they sold things, one item per hour! Ha!
I was in the Lakes a few years ago and bus passes could not be used on all services.

My dad was offered a bus pass. He lives in the arse end of nowhere. He declined. There's a bus from his village to town at 9.30 ish every week day but not on the weekend. Its the only bus to town. There's nothing later and there is no bus that would bring him back at all! He could get to a village a mile and half away but that's it. Daft!!

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