"If you don't have the money in your account right now, buy it anyway"


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I just wonder what's been said in their training meetings for them all suddenly to adopt such an approach?
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Today in the Diamonique thing, Dale said about advance orders and then said if buying today. Put it on your credit card and then pay it off when you get paid.
I suppose he's not the only one, but I've noticed Dale says that a lot. And as for the wash balls, I thought they were rubbish certainly weren't as good as they claimed they were!
Debbie has just told us to order on AD, as it won't be dispatched until 23 june, although some may get it before. Do not, whatever you do, take this as gospel - it'll probably be in stock and sent out in a couple of days! Also, she has just read out a tweet I sent in - well half of it! She read out that I has said I use it for my skin problems, but did not mention that I aIt is the only thing I can use on my skin, so I have to accept that. At least she acknowledged my tweet; in the Charlie Bears hour, I tweeted CB - I knew he wouldn't reply - that I would like them to do a CB boxer dog - and this was favourited on twitter, so someone else felt the same. Why he has opened an account on Instagram, God only knows. He won't reply to any messages.
Yes, they are a business and exist to sell, but they like to project a certain image and I feel this does not sit comfortably with the incredibly hard sales techniques we are seeing from them. Of course this is aimed at the vulnerable and gullible because they are fully aware that this type of approach will only work with certain people.
I know someone of 93 who was persuaded by a salesman that it would be a good idea to have solar panels installed at a cost of £5,000 because it would save on his yearly electricity bill!! That salesman's job was to sell solar panels, but how could this be anything other than the lowest of the low? I also know someone with bi-polar disorder who went to an antiques auction and bid on and won every single lot. Her family (with the help of the GP) approached the auction house when they found out and all sales were declared null and void - very decent of the auction house as the bids were binding. These are just examples of how vulnerable people can be and to purposefully take advantage of them is completely unethical in my opinion.
HOW exactly have they 'purposefully taken advantage of' vulnerable people?

Hard selling is offering not forcing... there is no gun to the head.
I was surprised to hear that about Dale. I was always impressed when he used to say about not expecting anyone to buy what they couldn't afford but to just sit back and watch the show as if you were just window shopping and enjoy the company. At Christmas both he and Julia would comment if something was of a suitable price for a nan to give to several granddaughters. He was always conscious that anything in a high price range was a considered purchase and not for just anyone. None of this buying for all and sundry nonsense.

Seems times have changed for even the best of them.
its unethical to tell people that the wash balls wash better than top selling high street detergent. if you cant use washing powder then this will be a good product but it wont clean like a best selling washing powder will. lakeland have one ball for £7.99 if anyone is interested
Something similar happened to me, with a cavity wall insulation company, this is how I know that companies can be held responsible,the salesman assured me it was absolutely free! but I later found out that it was a actually a loan payed back through your electricity bill ( he'd failed to mention that!) I managed to stop the order and the company was fined thousands of pounds, not just through me, they had done it to a lot of other people too, I think they have since gone out of business!! (Referring to Jacqualina's post)
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HOW exactly have they 'purposefully taken advantage of' vulnerable people?

Hard selling is offering not forcing... there is no gun to the head.

They are taking advantage because they are fully aware that the hard sell will work best with exactly that group of people. If I fell for it and got into debt it would be entirely my own stupid fault and responsibility, but vulnerable people do not have the wherewithall to resist. It appears to be a case of sell at all costs and b****r the consequences for anyone who falls for it. It's just not an approach that I am comfortable with as I've seen the problems it can cause.
I know I am not forced to watch QVC but every time I do, I think they are sinking to new depths of desperate sales techniques and shoddiness. Passing off overpriced tat as quality that can't be bought elsewhere. I am beginning to despise this bunch of spivs and the clap trap they spout.
Another thing that annoys me is, when they do have decent brands and you start using them (for me Ojon, Molton Brown, YBF) the next thing you know they've stopped selling them. I know Stacy's back now but for how long!!
Another thing that annoys me is, when they do have decent brands and you start using them (for me Ojon, Molton Brown, YBF) the next thing you know they've stopped selling them. I know Stacy's back now but for how long!!

How True!! I'm really getting pee'd off with this, Mally products are barely in stock I need to replace my shadow sticks and Q have stopped mally selling to us directly so if you run out and Q don't have the stock your pretty much up a creek without a paddle! Q need to get their act together in this regard I find it totally unacceptable this is yet another area in which you can't trust them as you buy something fall in love with it and then can't get it anymore due to their lack of stock management and making Mally sign over exclusivity another terrible service from Q!
Another thing that annoys me is, when they do have decent brands and you start using them (for me Ojon, Molton Brown, YBF) the next thing you know they've stopped selling them. I know Stacy's back now but for how long!!

But Ojon and Molton Brown pulled out of QVC, they were not dropped the companies decided to leave. They are widely available in the UK own websites, stores. In the old days QVC might have been the big cheese but not now.

YBF the biggest seller seems to be the eyebrow pencil, which everyone complains takes so long to come back into stock. Stacy sells on HSN in the US and QVC Italy etc, so I will say its a stock problem from her end. Stacy will give the stock to where ever she is appearing, HSN US will sell millions more items that QVC UK so Stacy will give them the stock first.

Stacy had legal problems with QVC US and a court case which ruled QVC owned the name Model's Prefer. So Stacy had to go and re brand everything with the new YBF name(the fairy story she tells why they changed name is that, a fairy story), she started selling on HSN first with the re brand. No doubt miffed at QVC for the hassle.

If you are in the US, Mally now sells in Ultra stores.
Thanks for that Donna, I often wondered why they stopped selling them, John Lewis is my nearest store for them, but it's a bit of a pain getting there , and I know it's silly but I'm new to the internet and I'm still a bit wary about putting my bank details on there! So QVC was really convenient for me, do you know why they stopped selling Molton Brown.Forum sorry just read it again, should have gone to Specsavers!!
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I understood MB thought Q was a bit too down-market for them, don't you know!!!!!

I don't have a lot of details stored online so have to reinput card details most shops I do. However, that may be just as well for the next couple of weeks until that new virus, whatever it's called but something about Zeus, is over and done with. That is why I do not have internet banking!!!!
Why are you caring for people if you don't have compassion for them? I'm a(n unpaid) carer and couldn't do it without compassion.

I don't care for "people", I care for one person - my mother. I'm not, as you will have seen, a natural carer, and this is not something I ever imagined myself having to do, but 12 years ago when she could no longer be alone you couldn't see the rest of her "loving" family for dust. I turned round and there I was, alone, and here I've been ever since - my mother's carer. Not once in those 12 years has a single relative offered to help, and not once has one of them asked if I'm Ok, or if my mother needs anything. I haven't had so much as an hour's help from anyone, nor a penny's contribution towards the cost. As far as I'm concerned, I now have no family. There are a collection of people out there who share my DNA, but they're most certainly not my family and I sincerely hope that I never see any of them again. If every one of them would be obliging and drop dead, I'd be delighted.
I don't care for "people", I care for one person - my mother. I'm not, as you will have seen, a natural carer, and this is not something I ever imagined myself having to do, but 12 years ago when she could no longer be alone you couldn't see the rest of her "loving" family for dust. I turned round and there I was, alone, and here I've been ever since - my mother's carer. Not once in those 12 years has a single relative offered to help, and not once has one of them asked if I'm Ok, or if my mother needs anything. I haven't had so much as an hour's help from anyone, nor a penny's contribution towards the cost. As far as I'm concerned, I now have no family. There are a collection of people out there who share my DNA, but they're most certainly not my family and I sincerely hope that I never see any of them again. If every one of them would be obliging and drop dead, I'd be delighted.

I'm sure you know but your not alone, I know exactly how you feel and am in a similar position as you!
Today in the Diamonique thing, Dale said about advance orders and then said if buying today. Put it on your credit card and then pay it off when you get paid.

Which is a perfectly reasonable suggestion, and is exactly the purpose of a credit card. It provides credit. It's what people do every time they use a credit card to buy something they don't have the cash for. I doubt there's anyone here, if they're honest, who hasn't used a credit card to buy something and then paid it off the card on pay day. Nothing wrong with that.

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