"If you don't have the money in your account right now, buy it anyway"


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Del-Boy Flint aggravates the life out of me but at the end of the day there will always be people who will spend beyond their means or will never be satisfied and always want more and more. The hard sell is everywhere, not just on Q and it`s obvious no tactic is below the belt as far as they`re concerned. Yes there will always be gullible people and addictive people, greedy people, silly people etc etc who spend and spend but our TV`s, computers and ipads have off buttons and if you can`t resist then don`t watch is my opinion. I find the whole hard sell a major turn off so their sales techniques are counter productive on me.
Yes there will always be gullible and vulnerable people out there, but there are laws to protect these people! and you shouldn't have to turn off a programme you used to enjoy just because they're ramming their sales technique down your throat!!
I knew who exactly you were referring to when I read this as I have heard her say this before, and to be fair in some circumstances if you want something and it goes onto wait list then it can make a difference, but that doesn't excuse DF as generally she has become a 'sell at all costs' presenter IMO.
Every time I see her I shout 'Buy two' at the TV and wait to see how long before she does it herself. I unfortunately caught her on Bare Minerals yesterday (was she on 8-9 while I waiting for a decent programme?) and she said it soon enough. Then she said about the shades on AD, 'buy another one' for that time as well. And I am sure I also heard her wittering on about buying it regardless of your bank balance. Now I think she probably meant because there will be another payday before the AD but she failed to make that clear so it just sounded as if she was being her usual grasping self. Christmas was mentioned as well.....

Honest to God she is horrendous. Can you imagine standing at the BM counter in a store, asking for item X and being asked to buy two or get more for your Christmas drawer etc.. I mean fair enough they may point out that there is an offer on but never like they do it on Q these days. They seem to THINK they are a department store but BEHAVE worse than market traders.
Unscrupulous techniques and quite a few of them are at it. Urging people to buy when the money isn't even there is shocking and as for buy two or three or get one in every colour is just laughable. If this is new sales policy it may produce results but it has a very bad whiff to it.
She should consider a job with Wonga, she'd be perfect :taphead:

Brilliant, AA. I've got this image in my head, of her sitting behind a desk, peddling payday loans, to the unfortunate and needy. I agree with another post, and have said the same, the presenters are, essentially, sales people; the only difference is the arena in which they work, is television. Debs has the spiel, and would do well in Brighthouse. Snow and eskimos springs to mind......
Seriously, though, we are not forced to buy anything; that is our choice. I didn't see the show but, to word it like that, is plain wrong and is, as has been said, encouraging people who are perhaps of a weak character, to amass debt. Is it not the same situation as, say, DFS which offers a pay nothing for 4 years payment plan? Who can say what the finances will look like in that time? Or garages who try to convince motorists they can afford the repayments of a finance plan for a new car, to achieve sales targets?
Seriously, though, we are not forced to buy anything; that is our choice.
You are right louise66, but I don't want to be treated by DF in this manner, how dare she speak to me (all of us) like this? How would she like I was counting her money and tell her to spend it now because I tell her so? I don't think she would. I' d like to watch the products being described and then I can make up my mind. Shopping channel or not it's a robbery, aggressive verbal robbery. And there are lots of gullible people out there unfortunately.
I really don't see much cause for concern. I can't imagine anyone in their right mind overspending just cos some silly bint off the telly says they should! We are all bombarded with all kinds of suggestions and messages every day. Ultimately it's up to individuals to take responsibility for their actions. If Flint told people to jump under a bus I doubt they'd comply! I agree she probably shouldn't have said it but the fact that she did does not shock or surprise me. They come out with so many desperate ploys to make people buy: "Oooh look at me I'm tapping my app, babes if you're watching buy one for me...the phone lines are literally melting just now, you could buy this £35 bar of soap and give it to a teacher, and another one and give it to a backpacker, ra raa raaa bollocks bollocks bollocks!" When they are required to ad-lib and fill in time under pressure to hit targets they are BOUND to come out with this rubbish. What I really dislike is people like Sarah Shurety trying to suggest that some tatty old three-cornered green purse will somehow bring luck and wealth - now that REALLY annoys me!
I'm not easily fooled by the 'We've Missed You' postcard that I recently received from Q either.

Be honest, you haven't missed ME, you've missed my money!
You are right louise66, but I don't want to be treated by DF in this manner, how dare she speak to me (all of us) like this?

I'm sorry, but I find this comment bizarre. She dares because it's her job and she's being paid to speak like that. Personally I couldn't care less. If you don't want to hear her, just switch off. The choice is yours whether or not you watch, nobody is forcing any of us to keep viewing. It's telly, we're not locked in the room with DF.

Shopping channel or not it's a robbery, aggressive verbal robbery. And there are lots of gullible people out there unfortunately.

It's not "robbery" at all, items are being offered for sale, that's all. Nobody is being forced to buy, there are no guns to our heads - buy if you want to, don't buy if you don't want to, it's perfectly simple. The gullible people, like the rest of us, are responsible for their own behaviour.
can you imagine if say john lewis started using these pushy sales techniques. they remind me of mail order catalogues very low end sales pitch. its off putting

John Lewis does use pushy techniques. I went into JL recently to buy a microwave combination oven for my mother. I knew exactly the model I wanted, why I wanted that model and what I wanted it for. Once the sales assistant finally accepted that I had no desire to hear his well-rehearsed sales spiel on every combination oven they sell, he began trying to sell me a new washing machine, dishwasher etc. And it was a hard sell. After he'd ignored my "not interested" half a dozen times I reminded him that I was the customer who pays his salary and that he is there to serve me, not to harass me. He gave in and allowed me to pay for my purchase. I wasn't impressed - particularly as he had admitted that he didn't actually have several of the items he was trying to sell me in stock. Really don't understand why people talk about JL in such hallowed tones.
John Lewis does use pushy techniques. I went into JL recently to buy a microwave combination oven for my mother. I knew exactly the model I wanted, why I wanted that model and what I wanted it for. Once the sales assistant finally accepted that I had no desire to hear his well-rehearsed sales spiel on every combination oven they sell, he began trying to sell me a new washing machine, dishwasher etc. And it was a hard sell. After he'd ignored my "not interested" half a dozen times I reminded him that I was the customer who pays his salary and that he is there to serve me, not to harass me. He gave in and allowed me to pay for my purchase. I wasn't impressed - particularly as he had admitted that he didn't actually have several of the items he was trying to sell me in stock. Really don't understand why people talk about JL in such hallowed tones.

I was just about to post the same thing about John Lewis. Dont get me wrong I love the shop but they are not averse to up-selling. I was directed to a till to pay for some ojon hair mousse when the cashier asked me I had everything I needed, I said yes, and then she asked if I had tried Kiels face oil, held it out and plonked it on my hand. I have to say it was lovely and soothed my rough hand. She said that a proportian of every sale of the oil was going to some charity and BINGO I had been sold - my choice -I was obviously feeling indulgent and weak at the time LOL. Nice oil though, so not too worried. But all sales people are out to SELL, that is their job and its up to us whether we part with our money.
Yes there will always be gullible and vulnerable people out there, but there are laws to protect these people!

Personally I'm sick to death of the nanny state. This country is producing generations of people who are incapable of demonstrating any common sense or taking care of themselves because they've grown up expecting someone else to do it for them. It's got completely out of hand - look at the ludicrous Health & Safety regulations. Each of us is responsible for our own behaviour and mistakes, and in my opinion it's about time people were made to take responsibility for themselves and not rely on the state to do it for them.

and you shouldn't have to turn off a programme you used to enjoy just because they're ramming their sales technique down your throat!!

But why not? I've stopped watching many TV programmes over the years because they've changed from what they used to be. Why is Q any different? It's the way of world we live in, nothing stays the same.
Bottom line, QVC is a shopping channel not an entertainment channel and its sole purpose is to sell things to us.
But we love it dont we, otherwise we wouldnt be chatting on a shopping tv forum!!:mysmilie_845:
Calm down dear!! I'm not blaming QVC for the state of the country! All I'm saying is I used to enjoy watching it when it was entertainment, I know they're doing a job and nobody forces me to buy anything. I just wish they wouldn't treat us as though we have to be forced!
I went into a local small shop the other day as Asda was closed early due to their building works. The man in the shop tried to force me to buy some Lurpak butter which was on special offer at just £2.30. I told him that I prefer unsalted butter and that I had enough butter anyway. Then he told me about a special deal they were doing on chocolate. I said to him "Are you trying to make me fat or something? I just came to buy some porridge oats!"
I thought there were strict guidelines that shopping television companies had to follow. There is a difference between selling and encouraging people to go into debt.
I have to say I am very divided on this one. True, no one is forcing me to watch DF, or any QVC show/presenter, and over the years, I have gone from having it on all the time in the background, and occasionally actually watching it, to flicking it on and then off again within minutes.

However, I think DFsuggesting someone buy something even if they don't have the money in their account is immoral. Yes, we can switch off the telly, but we can also decide if we feel something is distasteful and comment about it on this forum.
Shes a Repulsive chav who sounds like a fishwife. She's awful to be suggesting that isn't it against selling regulations?

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