If I see anymore fluffy teddy bears or musical eyeores on QVC....


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Registered Shopper
Jul 18, 2010
.... I'm seriously going to put a foot through my new Ideal World Telly! :bear::muscle:

The pathetic fawning and infantile fake cooing over this overpriced load of tat by the presenters is rather sickening, particularly as Christmas is flippin' months away!

Purlease, don't make me switch over to that dreaded channel known as..... Gems TV!!! :bandit:
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.... I'm seriously going to put a foot through my new Ideal World Telly! :bear::muscle:

The pathetic fawning and infantile fake cooing over this overpriced load of tat by the presenters is rather sickening, particularly as Christmas is flippin' months away!

Purlease, don't make me switch over to that dreaded channel known as..... Gems TV!!! :bandit:

Don't bl**dy watch it then - nobody's got a gun to your head! The remote to your new TV has an 'off' button doesn't it - you don't even have to get off your ar$e - simple!

We can't all like the same things - life would be pretty boring if we did!
.... I'm seriously going to put a foot through my new Ideal World Telly! :bear::muscle:

The pathetic fawning and infantile fake cooing over this overpriced load of tat by the presenters is rather sickening, particularly as Christmas is flippin' months away!

Purlease, don't make me switch over to that dreaded channel known as..... Gems TV!!! :bandit:

For goodness sakes man get real! I'm sure you know how to use a bluddy remote control, so shut ya whinging and use it and let people who enjoy watching the bears do it in peace!:taphead:
Get real? The people who buy this rubbish should get real!

They got a teddy that looks like a panda?! A teddy that looks like a tiger?! They got a grey teddy that's got evil eyes and wouldn't be out of place in Nightmare on Elm Street!

Ban Charlie Bears! We need a campaign for Real Teddies.
Get real? The people who buy this rubbish should get real!

They got a teddy that looks like a panda?! A teddy that looks like a tiger?! They got a grey teddy that's got evil eyes and wouldn't be out of place in Nightmare on Elm Street!

Ban Charlie Bears! We need a campaign for Real Teddies.

And does anyone whinge about what you buy?, They should ban that heap of junk your watching, or at least supply a "remote for dummies" then you could watch something else and leave everyone else alone:giggle:
Get real? The people who buy this rubbish should get real!

They got a teddy that looks like a panda?! A teddy that looks like a tiger?! They got a grey teddy that's got evil eyes and wouldn't be out of place in Nightmare on Elm Street!

Ban Charlie Bears! We need a campaign for Real Teddies.

You really do seem to have watched a heck of a lot of the programme for someone who doesn't like it. Have you nothing better to do? If you really haven't I've got a lot of suggestions to help you.

BTW teddies are based on bears - the name comes from Teddy Roosevelt and the story about him and a bear. Why exactly you have a problem with teddies looking like pandas when pandas are actually bears is beyond me. It appears you have far too much time on your hands with nothing productive to do! There are lots of ranges on QVC that I think are a load of carp but I just switch off or turn over. You seem like you need some help to me!
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Ha Ha ! wondered how long it would be before someone "Bah, Humbug"-ed on here!
I for one LOVE it! I always look forward to Christmas (not so keen on the bears but, if thats your thing i can live with it!) but crappy Crimbo tat for me all the way!!!! Christmas for me should be sparkly and mad not understated, i go for it and the more vulgar the better!!! But then my house is full of weird cr*p and i love it (hubby and kids - not so keen!)
Did seriously consider the musical box Mr Christmas but a bit rich for my cheap blood! (also i feel hubby's patience may be rather thin with the multiple boxes that appear out the loftt at Xmas and it may be a step too far!)
You really do seem to have watched a heck of a lot of the programme for someone who doesn't like it. Have you nothing better to do? If you really haven't I've got a lot of suggestions to help you.

BTW teddies are based on bears - the name comes from Teddy Roosevelt and the story about him and a bear. Why exactly you have a problem with teddies looking like pandas when pandas are actually bears is beyond me. It appears you have far too much time on your hands with nothing productive to do! There are lots of ranges on QVC that I think are a load of carp but I just switch off or turn over. You seem like you need some help to me!

Couldnt agree more Tinaborder, it seems to me Greg is just a "flamer" poster with nothing much else to do with his time.
I do think it's very strange seeing adults cooing & drooling over stuffed animals.
Cute some of them might be, but 'Jesus wept', they're not real!!!

Just my opinion, no need for anyone to start having a go.
Exactly! It's ridiculous. I wouldn't wanna be watching when they sell toys.
I do think it's very strange seeing adults cooing & drooling over stuffed animals.
Cute some of them might be, but 'Jesus wept', they're not real!!!

Just my opinion, no need for anyone to start having a go.

I agree, anyone that can sit and watch the two awful Charlie bears Mummy and Daddy imo deserve seeing to :mysmilie_61: Do what I do mate...switch over or off.
blimey read this exchange and thought if that if the answer to complaints about everything is "****** stop watching - switch channel" aso we do not need the forum
Is the OP not also entitled to his opinion? To respond with " ****** switch off/over" was I thought rude
And before anyone has a go at me for being unreasonable or not entitled to my opinion I have no opinion on bears, but did wince at the advert trailer for the show which I thought was ridiculous (woman going back in time or some such nonsense) which I did think was ridiculous
blimey read this exchange and thought if that if the answer to complaints about everything is "****** stop watching - switch channel" aso we do not need the forum
Is the OP not also entitled to his opinion? To respond with " ****** switch off/over" was I thought rude
And before anyone has a go at me for being unreasonable or not entitled to my opinion I have no opinion on bears, but did wince at the advert trailer for the show which I thought was ridiculous (woman going back in time or some such nonsense) which I did think was ridiculous

We are all entitled to our view and opinions. For the OP to come on here slating everyones view of Charlie Bears was un-necessary to start with. Ok if he dosent like them, fair point don't watch! As said by an earlier poster, no one is forcing him to watch!
He expressed an opinion too, I thought the slating started elsewhere
fair point on the no watching but to say "****** switch over" or" ****** stop watching" was I thought - and said - rude
My opinion
which I am also entitled to
We are all entitled to our view and opinions. For the OP to come on here slating everyones view of Charlie Bears was un-necessary to start with. Ok if he dosent like them, fair point don't watch! As said by an earlier poster, no one is forcing him to watch!

The OP was stating his opinion.
HE was sick of it, I don't remember him saying that anyone else had to agree with him.
But he is entitled to his opinion. But the slating started afetr his original post.

And I agree with him TBH, but even if I didn't, he has the right to express his opinion. IMO, people who treat teddy bears like children need some kind of test on them to clarify whether they should be allowed into the community. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I'll bet the majority do.

Also, if the answer is to 'Switch over then', why bother having this website?
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The OP was stating his opinion.
HE was sick of it, I don't remember him saying that anyone else had to agree with him.
But he is entitled to his opinion. But the slating started afetr his original post.

And I agree with him TBH, but even if I didn't, he has the right to express his opinion. IMO, people who treat teddy bears like children need some kind of test on them to clarify whether they should be allowed into the community. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I'll bet the majority do.

Also, if the answer is to 'Switch over then', why bother having this website?

You reminded me of a visit I had to do last year and the woman had 100's of dolls and teddies all over the house. I had to move a few to sit in a chair and I placed one teddy on the floor, she put it in my lap as " he was lonely on the floor(??)!" when I went to the bathroom there were teddies and dolls all the way up the stairs and there were even some on the shelf in the bathroom.
I could not wait to get out of there. She seemed so nice, but heavens, what is that all about?
The OP was stating his opinion.
HE was sick of it, I don't remember him saying that anyone else had to agree with him.
But he is entitled to his opinion. But the slating started afetr his original post.

And I agree with him TBH, but even if I didn't, he has the right to express his opinion. IMO, people who treat teddy bears like children need some kind of test on them to clarify whether they should be allowed into the community. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, but I'll bet the majority do.

Also, if the answer is to 'Switch over then', why bother having this website?

I didn't realise that the point of this website was to slag off products! I thought it was to share info about products for us to help each other to make informed choices - that's when this website works especially when SCW helps us all with his detective work! I stand by what I said before - if you don't like something switch off!
I didn't realise that the point of this website was to slag off products! I thought it was to share info about products for us to help each other to make informed choices - that's when this website works especially when SCW helps us all with his detective work! I stand by what I said before - if you don't like something switch off!

so only for slagging of presenters if they can not pronounce names?
And saying if you don't like it switch off is much nicer then
"Don't bl**dy watch it then - nobody's got a gun to your head! The remote to your new TV has an 'off' button doesn't it - you don't even have to get off your ar$e - simple! "
which I did think was /is rude

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