I'd love to get it off my chest!


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alter ego

Registered Shopper
Jul 6, 2008
This ****** virus, that is.

It knocked me off my feet a few weeks ago and is still lingering around enough to be making me feel unwell.

Anyone else got the lurgy and feeling sorry for themselves?
You poor thing...a couple of mates have got it so hoping I don't...I guess you're talking about the cold and chesty cough that's going round. I first noticed the knocked me off my feet and thought you were talking about those ****** scooters that grown adults are bombing around the pavements ...gggrrrr and you certainly don't want to be knocked down by one when you're not feeling 100%! Hope you feel better soon!
Feel better soon, I work in GP surgeries (part of social prescribing, nothing medical), but I dread when I see clients with coughs, I know I will be off work for at least ten days, so you have my sympathy.
Am suffering with it at the moment. Hardly slept last night because of coughing and it feels like my chest is on fire when I cough.
Aw Vienna and ae you both have my sympathy, I had a chest infection that lasted the whole of February, all day every day and I thought it would never end, it was so debilitating and brought me right down. Try and get lots of rest and plenty of fluids/water, hope you both get better very soon, sending you both, and anyone else who’s suffering, a big hug and lots of love, take care of yourselves xxx
You're not feeling sorry for yourself, you're ill. You've written about the health issues you have to deal with & they must make recovering from a virus even more difficult. Having a cough is hard work & very painful, you have my sympathy - no real use but you've got it! When you come through it will you take a pick me up? My mum always took Floradix after a chest virus & acidophilus after a tummy problem.
I had a cold and cough a few weeks ago and the cough lasted longer than cold and then settled, it came back with avengence late last week, I don't feel ill ill and don't feel like I have chest infection but it is a very annoying cough, must be driving everyone around me mad!
I had a cold and cough a few weeks ago and the cough lasted longer than cold and then settled, it came back with avengence late last week, I don't feel ill ill and don't feel like I have chest infection but it is a very annoying cough, must be driving everyone around me mad!

Oh no Sazza they’re the worse! Try a table spoon of honey I’ve heard that helps annoying coughs, get better soon xxx
Touchwood so far no cough, I have asthma and dread getting it. A friend had it last year and I swear she was back and forward to the doctor for months and it did last for months. I did get it the other year and it was 3 ****** months before it totally went away, which included 3 courses of antibiotics and steroids.
Oh no Sazza they’re the worse! Try a table spoon of honey I’ve heard that helps annoying coughs, get better soon xxx

Thanks! I should have said myself and most of family have it or had it, we got it from my niece (she is actually my great-niece) within one week of being back at nursery after the summer she got cold and cough and she still has it.
Thanks! I should have said myself and most of family have it or had it, we got it from my niece (she is actually my great-niece) within one week of being back at nursery after the summer she got cold and cough and she still has it.

Yeah they pick up all sorts at nursery, it’s a breeding ground for bugs. I caught gastroenteritis off my grandson a couple of years ago, Sazza I thought my number was up. :mysmilie_17: Love and hugs, hope you all get better soon xxx.
Thanks for all the good wishes, everyone. I hope everyone who is suffering is also getting over it and is feeling better. The honey last thing at night really does work. I'm lucky we have lots of local honey around here. I've also taken a jar and spoon to bed to take during the night - my poor teeth!

I thought I'd got over it but it raised it's ugly head again last week. Enough that my asthma nurse has increased my medication as the last pull I had frightened me. It's making me quite miserable to be honest.

I KNOW that it isn't possible but after over a decade of flu jabs this came on almost a week after I had mine this year. Of course, it might have been the two trips to the surgery in one day that I caught it. My friend who works in the NHS so gets free flu jabs visited last night and told me she wasn't having it this year as out of the six years she's been having it she's been ill the last three.

I've only had the flu once and that was in my fit and healthy 20's. It floored me. I've never felt so ill. It's true what they say about not being able to pick up that £50 note at your feet. I've only felt that ill since and that was a reaction to steroids - flu symptoms but no sniffles/cough.

Has anyone else had steroids and felt badly on them? I feel so ****** cheated as I was told that I'd be chock full of energy and better than I had for years. Never happened though I did have awful acne on my cheeks for the first time ever. I was too ill to care, though!

I hope everyone else has recovered and that no one catches any more lurgy this winter.

Knackered now!
That’s awful ae, you’ve really been through it. I’ve had steroids for my asthma/bronchitis at the beginning of the year and luckily I was ok with them, you know that saying though it never rains but it pours, how true is that. I had my flu jab a year ago and although (touch wood) I haven’t caught anything....yet, my arm has been sore around the injection site (the nurse gave me the jab) so I mentioned it to the doctor last month and he’s arranged an ultrasound scan, the appointment came and it’s for the 1st November. I done a bit of research and it turns out that if the needle is put in too high up the arm, it can go through the muscle to the bursa (sac behind the muscle) and result in a tear called Rotator Cuff so yes, doesn’t rain but it pours, so think I’ll be giving the flu jab a miss too. :mysmilie_3:

Hope you get better soon ae big hug xx
I had a wisdom tooth extracted yesterday.

I had to read and sign an A4 page crammed with loads of possible complications, to confirm that I accepted the risk. It almost put me off having the extraction.

But after the anaesthetic wore off, I had no pain, needed no painkillers, and today it is as if nothing had happened.
I’ve had a rotator cuff tear shopperholic, I feel your pain, my best wishes to you :bear:

Aw thanks Liam sweetie yeah it’s quite sore especially when my arm is moved to shoulder level, thanks that’s very kind.....hope you’re managing yours ok xxx
Aw thanks Liam sweetie yeah it’s quite sore especially when my arm is moved to shoulder level, thanks that’s very kind.....hope you’re managing yours ok xxx

Use a rolled up towel to support your arm in bed, suspension is painful when laying down. I needed physio after healing time, I delayed getting treatment plodded on stupidly but all good now thank you.
Use a rolled up towel to support your arm in bed, suspension is painful when laying down. I needed physio after healing time, I delayed getting treatment plodded on stupidly but all good now thank you.

Oh I’m really happy you’re better, I’ll try the roll up towel supporting the arm, that’s a great tip thanks Liam, big hug xxx
I spent most of Thursday afternoon in hospital because I had a racing heart beat that wouldn't settle... Then they said you have no other symptoms, chest x-ray clear, bloods normal, urine normal and 4 ecgs. Go forth and resume normal life, but discuss with gp with a view to a cardio referral. Oh and ask for a thyroid blood test, cos we forgot to do one. I got a text the next day, how did i rate my treatment? I have to say couldn't fault it, so said so. However, I went into the city yesterday and sat next to a sweet young woman in a pale blue uniform dress and discovered she was good friends with one of the folks who took good care of me and I was able to send my appreciation nearly in person as well what a coincidence!!! Also, I have been full of catarrh for a couple of days, so wonder if I have been fighting a bug, even though I didn't have a temperature... Oh well, in several weeks when I finally get a face to face with a gp... I may get an answer or not!!!

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