I thought I only disliked Ophelia as a presenter......


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Jun 24, 2008
But having seen Victoria Fitz-gerald, I've added her to the list. Her voice grates on me, I don't know why because she's well spoken, but no I can't take to her. I'm beginning to think the only presenters I like watching are Jackie (I've changed my mind about her, I think she's very good) Alex (changed my mind about her too) and in little bits, Kathryn because she's a bit excitable. Oh and I like Jilly but more as a person than as a presenter. Fussy aren't I!
But having seen Victoria Fitz-gerald, I've added her to the list. Her voice grates on me, I don't know why because she's well spoken, but no I can't take to her. I'm beginning to think the only presenters I like watching are Jackie (I've changed my mind about her, I think she's very good) Alex (changed my mind about her too) and in little bits, Kathryn because she's a bit excitable. Oh and I like Jilly but more as a person than as a presenter. Fussy aren't I!
I don't think you're fussy. It's your money and you will probably buy from the presenters you like listening to.
But having seen Victoria Fitz-gerald, I've added her to the list. Her voice grates on me, I don't know why because she's well spoken, but no I can't take to her. I'm beginning to think the only presenters I like watching are Jackie (I've changed my mind about her, I think she's very good) Alex (changed my mind about her too) and in little bits, Kathryn because she's a bit excitable. Oh and I like Jilly but more as a person than as a presenter. Fussy aren't I!
You are not alone! I'm turning into a miserable old woman, most of them do my head in!! Dare I say it but I actually miss Julia Roberts!!
You are not alone! I'm turning into a miserable old woman, most of them do my head in!! Dare I say it but I actually miss Julia Roberts!!
In the old days I could watch an hour, now it is more like 30 seconds or I go to the mute button.I hardly know any of the newer people but I think it was Victoria who lasted not even 10 seconds.They gabble and are so excitable and shrill my old ears can’t take it.
But having seen Victoria Fitz-gerald, I've added her to the list. Her voice grates on me, I don't know why because she's well spoken, but no I can't take to her. I'm beginning to think the only presenters I like watching are Jackie (I've changed my mind about her, I think she's very good) Alex (changed my mind about her too) and in little bits, Kathryn because she's a bit excitable. Oh and I like Jilly but more as a person than as a presenter. Fussy aren't I!
I really thought it was going to say something like, but now I hate as a person too or similar!!

Glad it didn’t but sorry you’ve added a new presenter to your “disliked list”!

Afraid that list for me is so long, it’s the vast majority!

Some I can’t watch at all now.

But since I rarely watch live QVC now (Sky issues), that’s not a problem!
Dare I say, I'd prefer to see Jill Franks and Catherine Huntley. Voices are less shrill, especially Catherine's.
I quite like Kathryn Goldsmith. I think she is fun so had a really nice energy on screen. Ophelia has her moments, but I think she likes more of what Q sells than Chloe ever has (after a loooong time on Q, I don't think she has improved one jot).
Several of my least liked have left, and the one remaining is Simon. Fortunately he's mainly on before lunch and I'd never put Q on so early in the day!
Like a lot of you, my tolerance for an awful voice has dropped extremely low! A shrill or shrieking voice and Q is muted or I change channel.
I suppose most of them are ok in small doses. Trouble is, due to their work pattern they work in blocks, so we
get the same presenter day in, day out, for about 5 days, and if they can be a little bit annoying, after a few days can become extremely annoying! Also it often depends who they are paired with. If an excitable presenter (Kathryn Goldsmith) is paired with a loud and excitable fashion guest (Alex) things get quickly out of hand! I was watching the pair of them recently, and it became embarrassing, shrieking, bobbing about and raucous laughter to the max!
Did Julia retire?
I hope with changes in her family, she realises there is more to life than being the queen of QVC and either spends less time at Q, or retires… but I suspect it’s too important to her self image… and Q may have to force the issue. That being said, she could be 80 or 90 and still going strong with them if her sales are good
I really thought it was going to say something like, but now I hate as a person too or similar!!

Glad it didn’t but sorry you’ve added a new presenter to your “disliked list”!

Afraid that list for me is so long, it’s the vast majority!

Some I can’t watch at all now.

But since I rarely watch live QVC now (Sky issues), that’s not a problem!
That is exactly how I read it too! I'm sure she's a nice lass, but that doesn't make a good presenter sadly. To me the presenter who doesn't come across as a very nice person is Alison Young
Agree about Alison Young. I always get the feeling that she'd sell you something that cost £200 and then turn round and laugh at "a fool and his money are easily parted". Wonder how many of Q's products she actually uses? She seems to appear in the papers promoting anything and everything that will earn her a fee. Fair do's, we all need to earn a living but I no longer believe a word she says even though she is allegedly a beauty expert.

Agree with you both, used to respect her views at one point but now she'll flog anything put in front of her. I feel She has lost her integrity along the way. She is looking good lately though. Can only watch her in short bursts and rarely buy much anymore.
For me Ali Young is scary, well that's how she comes across. I realise that the personality of your sales assistant is irrelevant, but I'd much rather listen to a soft spoken person with a friendly demeanour. She seems loud and opinionated and that any opinion that didn't match her own would be met with disdain and belittlement. To me she's the epitome of the saying " she doesn't suffer fools gladly" - This was said at my nan's (paternal side) funeral and I remember thinking so she was a bit of a cow then!!!!
I hope with changes in her family, she realises there is more to life than being the queen of QVC and either spends less time at Q, or retires… but I suspect it’s too important to her self image… and Q may have to force the issue. That being said, she could be 80 or 90 and still going strong with them if her sales are good

For me Ali Young is scary, well that's how she comes across. I realise that the personality of your sales assistant is irrelevant, but I'd much rather listen to a soft spoken person with a friendly demeanour. She seems loud and opinionated and that any opinion that didn't match her own would be met with disdain and belittlement. To me she's the epitome of the saying " she doesn't suffer fools gladly" - This was said at my nan's (paternal side) funeral and I remember thinking so she was a bit of a cow then!!!!
Have you heard the expression, 'She chews iron and spits rust'? That's AY in a nutshell imo. I don't quite agree that the personality of your sales assistant is irrelevant. For those who are earning commission on your purchase, I think it matters a lot how you are treated. However, if you really, really want to buy something, you can ignore the sales assistant , but try to go elsewhere to buy next time.

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