I see that the Little Ray of Sunshine is back


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Jun 26, 2008
Earnest Abbie from Ultrasun, that is :grin: Hardly pausing for breath while delivering her lecture - for a whole hour, no less. No doubt many more appearances lined up as spring and summer approaches. At least she didn't bring out the maxi dress on this occasion, tho' the chunky beads made an appearance :giggle:
Earnest Abbie from Ultrasun, that is :grin: Hardly pausing for breath while delivering her lecture - for a whole hour, no less. No doubt many more appearances lined up as spring and summer approaches. At least she didn't bring out the maxi dress on this occasion, tho' the chunky beads made an appearance :giggle:

I can't watch her. She sets my teeth on edge.
I think Q & the guest have missed a massive trick tho'...They should have flogged the high SPF cream to all those who have just bought the RCM led light manicure from Q a couple of weeks ago as a TSV :mysmilie_19::mysmilie_61:
(There are a few scaremongering articles about gel manicures but tbh, having read the more informed counter articles & comments the scary comments seem like a load of old toot so don't panic peeps is my advice. It's everyone's choice tho' of course).
Personally, as someone so pale she daren't go out in the sun without protection (don't worry, I make sure to get my Essential daylight every day!), Abi, and the products she brings are a godsend!
I hope she does not advise everyone to cover the whole body all the time in the sun, because we all need a few hours in the sun , (when it is not at the most dangerous times which is 11.30 am till 3.30 pm)
The new health problem to hit many of us is the Vitamin D deficiency (I am one the many who are affected) The lack of sunshine in the last year, combined with applying sun protective SPF creams apparently has made so many of us lacking Vitamin D. (in my case, it was just not getting any sunshine)
If any of you are suffering from unusual tiredness, loss of concentration, bone pain and muscle weakness, it could be that you are not getting enough vitamin D.
When there are so many other things to remember, and even though we moan about the English summer, (or the lack of it) we easily forget about the connection of sunlight and Vitamin D.
I hope she does not advise everyone to cover the whole body all the time in the sun, because we all need a few hours in the sun , (when it is not at the most dangerous times which is 11.30 am till 3.30 pm)
The new health problem to hit many of us is the Vitamin D deficiency (I am one the many who are affected) The lack of sunshine in the last year, combined with applying sun protective SPF creams apparently has made so many of us lacking Vitamin D. (in my case, it was just not getting any sunshine)
If any of you are suffering from unusual tiredness, loss of concentration, bone pain and muscle weakness, it could be that you are not getting enough vitamin D.
When there are so many other things to remember, and even though we moan about the English summer, (or the lack of it) we easily forget about the connection of sunlight and Vitamin D.

It is, indeed, very important to get some sunlight on the skin for this reason. However, the amount each of us needs apparently varies quite a bit. I checked this out a while ago, when all the stories about the return of rickets came out, and for MOST people this would be about 10 to 15 minutes of middle of the day exposure, with say your limbs exposed,a few times a week. Obviously this would depend on weather conditions and on the individual. I'm guessing, if you've had issues with this, you are one of those who need more. It's so difficult to balance the risks of too little sunshine with not enough!
The only old thing about Abbie being back is laughing at her matchy-matchy outfits and accessories. However I expect we'll even be bored of that by May.
I thought they were not allowed to market this as a 'once a day' application product? Did anyone catch AY on the 07:00 repeat show this morning????
I thought they were not allowed to market this as a 'once a day' application product? Did anyone catch AY on the 07:00 repeat show this morning????

They said , the other day, that you can reapply if you're in extreme heat . Abi did look a bit put out when this was mentioned by Julia. She also stated that it doesn't give you carte Blanche to sit out in the sun all day. So its once a day protection as long as its not to hot and you're not out all day. Clear as mud.
I popped in late last night when Miss Ali was jibberjabbering about Ultrasun & she said it would last a good 8 hours. There was a little speech about not relying on the SPF in your foundation because if you put it on at 6:00AM it would have lost its effectiveness by 9:30AM whereas with Ultrasun ......................
Well, we all know that no matter what SPF we use or how we cover up, none of us should spend all day out in the sunshine. It's just not good for us.
Would be nice to get an opportunity to actually use some spf in this country. It seems we haven't had a decent summer for years. Fingers crossed for this year! :hi:
Well i am in my 50th year and proud to say, I have never in my life used suncream(unless i have burnt and need to prevent any further pain) shock horror i hear you all say. but i have always maintained that 'in future' people will suffer from lack of Vit D....and guess what they are now saying. Personally i feel it is as dangerous to smother a body in chemicals as any natural problem caused by sunshine. i also eat loads of salt far more than most....and on a resent visit to docs for holiday jabs was asked if i would mind if i had my blood pressure taken....guess its cos 'im getting to that age' as they have never asked before....and result, perfect bolld pressure levels...so no raised blood pressure as they tell us constantly salt causes. I believe our bodies ask for what they need...and mine needs sun and salt and lots of other things it aint suppose to have. maybe questions about all the pesticides sprayed on our crops and into the antmosphere should be questioned...not things that bring us please. After all, people smoke heavily in other countries but do not get cancer like we do in the so called 'west'...Sorry, rant over,just i get so fed up of peoples obsessions with sun block arrggghhh!
Well i am in my 50th year and proud to say, I have never in my life used suncream(unless i have burnt and need to prevent any further pain) shock horror i hear you all say. but i have always maintained that 'in future' people will suffer from lack of Vit D....and guess what they are now saying. Personally i feel it is as dangerous to smother a body in chemicals as any natural problem caused by sunshine. i also eat loads of salt far more than most....and on a resent visit to docs for holiday jabs was asked if i would mind if i had my blood pressure taken....guess its cos 'im getting to that age' as they have never asked before....and result, perfect bolld pressure levels...so no raised blood pressure as they tell us constantly salt causes. I believe our bodies ask for what they need...and mine needs sun and salt and lots of other things it aint suppose to have. maybe questions about all the pesticides sprayed on our crops and into the antmosphere should be questioned...not things that bring us please. After all, people smoke heavily in other countries but do not get cancer like we do in the so called 'west'...Sorry, rant over,just i get so fed up of peoples obsessions with sun block arrggghhh!

I agree with you completely,never use high factor sunscreen and I also take a lot of salt on my food.
I only started using a sunscreen about 2 years ago as i was starting to get a lot of pigmentatiom. and wanted to prevent anymore.. Had some blood.tests done and yep was deficient in vit D , so I now take supplements.

I hate the preaching that goes with the ultrasun presentations. Abi and Ay are obsessional about the sun, they must be a bundle of fun on holiday!!
I was told by a dermatologist anything over factor 30 is a waste of time as factor 30 is more than high enough.
I use very high SPFs because I do burn without it very quickly indeed. For the same reason I have never sunbathed (that and the fact I would get very bored and that wouldn't be a very good holiday!), but have made sure I get daylight every day. I am not a miserable person on holiday or at any other time. I just protect my skin, wear hats etc and get on with enjoying myself!
I use very high SPFs because I do burn without it very quickly indeed. For the same reason I have never sunbathed (that and the fact I would get very bored and that wouldn't be a very good holiday!), but have made sure I get daylight every day. I am not a miserable person on holiday or at any other time. I just protect my skin, wear hats etc and get on with enjoying myself!

I wasn't implying you were Nicky , its Abi and AY i was talking about, i get the feeling they are the types who feel the need to spoil everyone elses holiday by going on and on about the dangers of the sun.
I "go on" about the risk of too much sun/not enough sunblock because I've lost 2 close friends to skin cancer. Both were in their 40's. I wouldn't wish what they went through on my worst enemy.
I wear my ultrasun everyday as I have Roscea.I do like the product - its a good primer for make up too - but I've never bought mine from QVC and I only ever buy the same product - the face 30.There is a little bit of me that hopes where is some anti aging in it somewhere as I wear no other creams/anti aging stuff.

I did think Abi looked slightly ruffled and flustered about the one day application with Charlie last night - and I agree shes a nightmare to listen to.She talks SO fast and just mainly repeats herself anyway.Shes not as bad as Mally -I can't even watch one of her shows and she makes my ears bleed - but Abi's not to far off that as is Kim Meddlesome.

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