I see that the Little Ray of Sunshine is back


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I "go on" about the risk of too much sun/not enough sunblock because I've lost 2 close friends to skin cancer. Both were in their 40's. I wouldn't wish what they went through on my worst enemy.

I'm sorry you lost your friends at such a young age, that's awful.

My point is we all know the dangers of too much sun and its an individuals decision making an informed choice what they do. Ay and Abi spend more time discussing how ageing the sun is than they do talking about skin cancer.
Well i am in my 50th year and proud to say, I have never in my life used suncream(unless i have burnt and need to prevent any further pain) shock horror i hear you all say. but i have always maintained that 'in future' people will suffer from lack of Vit D....and guess what they are now saying. Personally i feel it is as dangerous to smother a body in chemicals as any natural problem caused by sunshine. i also eat loads of salt far more than most....and on a resent visit to docs for holiday jabs was asked if i would mind if i had my blood pressure taken....guess its cos 'im getting to that age' as they have never asked before....and result, perfect bolld pressure levels...so no raised blood pressure as they tell us constantly salt causes. I believe our bodies ask for what they need...and mine needs sun and salt and lots of other things it aint suppose to have. maybe questions about all the pesticides sprayed on our crops and into the antmosphere should be questioned...not things that bring us please. After all, people smoke heavily in other countries but do not get cancer like we do in the so called 'west'...Sorry, rant over,just i get so fed up of peoples obsessions with sun block arrggghhh!

I find that - my body is always asking for gin :cheeky:

I use spf on holiday - 10 or 15 on bod, 20 on face, tho' if I am sizzling on a lounger I always put a hat over my face & neck. The last couple of years I have used the Gatineau tan accelerator which has been a boon.:hi:
I wasn't implying you were Nicky , its Abi and AY i was talking about, i get the feeling they are the types who feel the need to spoil everyone elses holiday by going on and on about the dangers of the sun.

No, I know you weren't talking about me! I just mean that it is possible to have a fun-filled holiday and still cover up and wear strong SPF.
Ay and Abi spend more time discussing how ageing the sun is than they do talking about skin cancer.

I suspect, because this is a medical matter, and they are there to sell something non-medical, there are some restrictions on just how much they can claim medical benefits.
Can you get skin cancer that wasn't caused by sun exposure but just randomly as people do with other cancers?
I had cancerous cells removed from my cheek ( about 3 years ago). I've never been a sunbather, didn't play a lot of outdoor sports when I was younger but the surgeon explained it could be exposure as a young child that's stored up trouble and then it's a case of any number of other factors falling into place. He did say I didn't have a particularly sun-damaged skin for my age. I'm just glad he spotted it because it was minute and I'd actually gone to have a mole monitored.

Jude xx
Thank God your cancerous skin cells were diagnosed & removed very early Jude! I had a mole that started itching & occasionally weeping slightly a few years ago. I went to my then regular doctor and his exact words were "Well it's not cancerous YET so just keep an eye on it" WTF?! So I promptly changed my doctor that afternoon & signed up with a new surgery. My new Doc removed it for me a week later. It was a very simple proceedure that lasted a few minutes. I go for years without seeing the doc & don't think it was too much to have a mole removed to avoid it becoming canerous. It was only a matter of time before it would as my new doc told me as it was right on my bra line so was subject to friction all day.

If anyone has any doubts about a mole get it whipped off is my advice! It's such a simple process & once it's done you will have peace of mind. Goodness knows why some docs make such a song & dance about actually doing anything.
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