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Hi Jacqualina, I've been wondering where you were and missing your presence on here. Glad to see you back, and I hope you're now recovered from your ghastly bug.

Absolutely agree with what you say, and I think it's the fact that we know how good the channels can be that make us so furious with what's happening at the moment. It's sad to see a once well-liked company go downhill in this cynical way, and it's almost as if they've done everything they can to antagonise us further. The prices, the shouting, the acting, the fakery, the incorrect and often deliberately misleading info, the sales that aren't, and now this ruddy plinky plonky musack, accompanied by a sodding heartbeat for dramatic effect. If I want dramatic effect, I'll watch a well produced drama, not a bleedin' shopping telly. Though I must admit, some of the screaming banshees on Gems are much scarier than any monsters I've yet to encounter in a horror film, particularly the lovechild of Nana Mouskouri and Aristotle Onassis, and the lovechild of Liberace and Bet Lynch.
Hi Jacqualina, nice to see you posting again, your points above were very well made.

No sadly the little toots is not mine, just came across him whilst googling for something else on t'internet. But he's my 'virtual' puppy now and am very happy to share him with you all. But look forward to seeing some pics of your puppy.

Whilst I'm at it, meant earlier to say :wave: to Nessie.

And Puss the lovechildren are........? :happy:
Hi Jacqualina, nice to see you posting again, your points above were very well made.

No sadly the little toots is not mine, just came across him whilst googling for something else on t'internet. But he's my 'virtual' puppy now and am very happy to share him with you all. But look forward to seeing some pics of your puppy.

Whilst I'm at it, meant earlier to say :wave: to Nessie.

And Puss the lovechildren are........? :happy:

It's your conundrum of the day, Sacha. The clock's ticking....
Hi Jacqualina, nice to see you posting again, your points above were very well made.

No sadly the little toots is not mine, just came across him whilst googling for something else on t'internet. But he's my 'virtual' puppy now and am very happy to share him with you all. But look forward to seeing some pics of your puppy.

Whilst I'm at it, meant earlier to say :wave: to Nessie.

And Puss the lovechildren are........? :happy:

Oh, that's a shame, but thanks for sharing Sacha, he really is very sweet.
I've tried to upload my photos, but it's not working as the files are too big. Anyone know how I can reduce them?
I really do hope that something clicks at Gems and they turn things around, but sometimes I do think they are going after a younger demographic and I'm just turning into a grumpy old woman. It's reassuring to come on here and read that others feel exactly the same as I feel.
It's your conundrum of the day, Sacha. The clock's ticking....

......and the heartbeat's drumming? Am thinking.......:mysmilie_506:....

Oh, that's a shame, but thanks for sharing Sacha, he really is very sweet.
I've tried to upload my photos, but it's not working as the files are too big. Anyone know how I can reduce them?
I really do hope that something clicks at Gems and they turn things around, but sometimes I do think they are going after a younger demographic and I'm just turning into a grumpy old woman. It's reassuring to come on here and read that others feel exactly the same as I feel.

Jacqualina have you got some photo software on your pooter as they will often give some size reducing options or perhaps try loading onto Photobucket or similar where you may be able to downsize photos before loading on here?
......and the heartbeat's drumming? Am thinking.......:mysmilie_506:....

Jacqualina have you got some photo software on your pooter as they will often give some size reducing options or perhaps try loading onto Photobucket or similar where you may be able to downsize photos before loading on here?

Thanks Sacha, well here goes ....


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I only 'tune in' occasionally these days and with the livestream on mute otherwise I find myself getting all hot and bothered.

But, I did actually watch the diamond hour last Sunday when I was ironing and I'm certain Vicky N said the diamonds in a particular ring I liked were VSi but the details in the Online Boutique state they are I1-2. I've emailed for clarification and my message has been acknowledged but I'm still waiting for a definitive answer.

Like jacquelina I so want to love Gems again and I want to spend my £50 credit but they're making it awfully difficult. :sad:

Love 'your' little woofer tho, Sacha. :heart:

Awwww jacquelina just seen the pic of your puppy and he/she is adorable ..... we need a bigger pic. :giggle:
Awww, Jacqualina, so sweet! Adorable! How old is he/she?

I have to say there are some lovely pieces on Gems, if you can put up with the frenetic presenting style. (As to the background music, I never liked any of it apart from the tune Gems had a while ago which everyone else hated and said sounded like a funeral parlour, so I mentally tune it out anyway.) I think they could do with cultivating a somewhat more 'classy' image (and I don't mean snobbish - don't want to put people off), as well as bringing back some of the fun.

Did anyone else see the boutique collection on Sunday night and what did you think, or is everyone too busy boycotting Gems?
which is probably a good thing, but I just switched GemsExtra, sorry, Xtra...on, to watch Alan, and have had to switch off again. Alan is as fabulous, warm and charming as ever, but what is this constant plinky plonky background music that just goes on and on? Is that meant to keep viewers watching? If so, whose bright idea was it - someone who worked in interrogation at Guantanamo Bay, no doubt. Good grief, it's appalling, and now I can't even watch the one presenter I like, so thanks a bunch, Gems.

And don't get me started on the prices; just a bit of an increase there...and the start price might as well be a million pounds, it would be just as believable as the ones they're showing on the auctions now.

Plinky plonky? <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt484YYGB%2526i%253D5%252F5%255F2%255F110%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/5/5_2_110.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D5%252F5_2_110%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a> More blanky wanky if you ask me (although I know of course nobody has). <a href="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fwww.smileycentral.com%252F%253Fpartner%253DZSzeb008%255FZNxpt484YYGB%2526i%253D5%252F5%255F2%255F112%2526feat%253Dprof/page.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/5/5_2_112.gif" alt="SmileyCentral.com" border="0"><img border="0" src="http://plugin.smileycentral.com/http%253A%252F%252Fimgfarm%252Ecom%252Fimages%252Fnocache%252Ftr%252Ffw%252Fsmiley%252Fsocial%252Egif%253Fi%253D5%252F5_2_112%2526uiv%253D3.0/image.gif"></a>

Moi? Highly strung? Me an' me ol' mate Krosbint just have delicate sensibilities and well tuned lug 'oles dontcha know. xxxxxxx
Ha, yer back, yer wee minx! I can't sort this Gems mob out on me own, see, I need a bit of Argeybargeying and krosbinting in order to make me point.
Welcome back, toots! I hope your spell in the psychiatric ward, I mean, hospital ward, um, has brought about a much better leg situation for you, poppet.
Awww, Jacqualina, so sweet! Adorable! How old is he/she?

I have to say there are some lovely pieces on Gems, if you can put up with the frenetic presenting style. (As to the background music, I never liked any of it apart from the tune Gems had a while ago which everyone else hated and said sounded like a funeral parlour, so I mentally tune it out anyway.) I think they could do with cultivating a somewhat more 'classy' image (and I don't mean snobbish - don't want to put people off), as well as bringing back some of the fun.

Did anyone else see the boutique collection on Sunday night and what did you think, or is everyone too busy boycotting Gems?[/QUOTE]

Although I'm now busily boycotting again, I did see this. Having a taste for whoppers I did like quite a lot lof it but was disappointed in the rather boring choice of gemstones. I also know what you mean by non-snobbish "classy". Filthy false fingernails, last night's low slung party frocks first thing in the morning and shirtsleeves just don't do it for me. Neither does "wa,wa,wa", "flippin 'eck", "ow ma word", or "my lovely" when addressing a customer who is a total stranger. xxxxxxxxxxx
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Awww, Jacqualina, so sweet! Adorable! How old is he/she?

I have to say there are some lovely pieces on Gems, if you can put up with the frenetic presenting style. (As to the background music, I never liked any of it apart from the tune Gems had a while ago which everyone else hated and said sounded like a funeral parlour, so I mentally tune it out anyway.) I think they could do with cultivating a somewhat more 'classy' image (and I don't mean snobbish - don't want to put people off), as well as bringing back some of the fun.

Did anyone else see the boutique collection on Sunday night and what did you think, or is everyone too busy boycotting Gems?

Thanks MissM, he's a wire-haired dachshund (Ziggy, short for Siegfried) and he was 12 weeks yesterday.
I missed the Boutique Collection, but have seen a trailer. I love jewellery with large stones, but were they very expensive?


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Thanks MissM, he's a wire-haired dachshund (Ziggy, short for Siegfried) and he was 12 weeks yesterday.
I missed the Boutique Collection, but have seen a trailer. I love jewellery with large stones, but were they very expensive?

Oh! I want one. Can't find 'em in the catalogue though. :giggle: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks MissM, he's a wire-haired dachshund (Ziggy, short for Siegfried) and he was 12 weeks yesterday.
I missed the Boutique Collection, but have seen a trailer. I love jewellery with large stones, but were they very expensive?

Oh, dear me, what a toots. Does he come in a size J/K?
Sweetest little Ziggy - he's a gem alright! I'd love a doggy but my lifestyle isn't really compatible with giving him the care and attention he needs, so I'm the colour of Russian Diopside with envy.

The Boutique pieces were mostly around the £300 - £400 mark, which I think was fair. They had good gold weights, too.

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