Honora Pearls. Class or Trash?


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I like pearls, have ringed, keshie (my favourite as I love the irregularity in shape) and a perfect round tahitian pearl necklace given to my on my 21st. That one I have only worn twice in all the years I have had it as it is just not me. I always feel you can only wear that one with a "very nice formal" outfit, and to me it looks dated. Ringed pearls and pearls with leather are just easier to wear for work and normal wear for me, and I do not think they are trash
I'm not a massive fan of pearls and I wouldn't buy the TSV but I don't think that Honora is trash.

I have a couple of bracelets and one necklace and they're beautiful. They're well made and the pearls are lovely. But that's really enough pearls for me. I like the irregular, brightly coloured pearls and the pieces I have are all ringed pearls.

To my mind Honora are trying to appeal to all with their recent designs. The leather necklace is very of the moment and they did a bracelet similar last time and it sold out really quickly.

Definitely more class than trash.
Clever marketing. Read that ringed pearls are faulty and rejects. They are selling us the dregs. But if you like it and it makes you feel good, that's what is important.

I don't understand how they can say that they only select the top 3% of the pearl harvest and then try and sell so many ring pearls, which are obviously faulty. What must the other 97% be like if these blemished and ringed pearls are part of the top 3% ? It is not believable really. Fair enough to sell these pearls at a reduced cost, admitting that they are substandard, but the prices seem just as high. I can't help but think that we are being conned into accepting them.
Not a huge fan.hate the TSV today.Bought the set of earrings just before xmas and really like those though.

Do think the prices of what I've seen absurd.I always thought honora was meant to be like "budget" pearls and items......think their prices have gone way up....
I haven't seen any of today's offerings.....making the most of today's (unusually) nice weather! Will catch up later. I've always had a fondness for pearls...especially for weddings...and now that they come in all colours, shapes and sizes makes it even more interesting. I also bought the Xmas TSV multi coloured boxed set of earrings...split with my DD who loved them and has frequently the deeper coloured pairs. Also some time back I bought a multi colour oval bangle, beautifully presented in tissue wrapped silk case set in a stylish box. It had been intended as a gift, but was so nice kept it for myself....a good price too!


I think the ringed pearls can be a nice authentic variation, at the right price, but any pitted surfaces / marks are a definite no-no.
My love affair with pearls started from a very young age when I saw one of my mum's friends wearing a row of real pearls (must have cost her thousands of pounds) My first pearl necklace was bought from Jersey Pearls, cost me £212, they were cultured baroque ones and I love dearly.Since then I have many more items, some from QVC( Honora,and Pearls from the Orient) some from China (when I toured there)and I think my love for pearls will never die.
I think today's TSV looks trashy, almost an insult to the beautiful pearls....sorry, it is just my opinion and please don't take any offence:thinking:
i dont like the shamballa look anymore over done and getting a bit dated so will not buy the tsv

Your post strikes a chord. I've always been a bit slow to catch onto a trend and by the time I get in on the act the next best thing comes along. I've learned not to bother and just go with what suits you. Much better. There are a few nice looking Honora designs but on the whole I think they are pretty awful quality and that impression is only reinforced by Ralph popping up on screen every five minutes. Those oysters must be working overtime to churn out the top 4% or whatever for Honora. Give me a break.
But are ring pearls actually "faulty"? They're as nature intended them to be and as long as they have a colour and lustre and the rings are aesthetically pleasing, I don't see them as faulty.

But as I've said before pearls aren't really my thing. And certainly perfectly round white or even black pearls wouldn't be my choice.
I make my own pearl jewellery and have just made pearl and garnet sets for myself and my daughter to wear at my wedding. They aren't perfectly round but I love them, makes them look more 'real'.

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But are ring pearls actually "faulty"? They're as nature intended them to be and as long as they have a colour and lustre and the rings are aesthetically pleasing, I don't see them as faulty.

But as I've said before pearls aren't really my thing. And certainly perfectly round white or even black pearls wouldn't be my choice.

As you say they are not faulty but they are of a lower standard than other pearls. I agree they can be attractive but my issue is that, to me, it feels like Honora have done their groundwork over the years, convincing us of the specialness of their pearls and then over the last few years they have introduced ringed pearls but still maintain that they only use the top 3% of the pearl harvest. The cost is also too high for what are a lesser quality product. It does feel like a con to me.
There is an interesting discussion on this subject on QVC.com's forum http://community.qvc.com/forums/Jewelry-Talk/topic/119961/ringed-pearls-can-someone-pls-explain.aspx
Ringed pearls are not necessarily of a lower quality than any other shape, pearl quality is more about the surface of the pearl not being pitted the thickness of the nacre and the luster. Ringed pearls are just a varaition of pearl shape, the rings are formed as the pearl grows so it really comes down to personal preference. Pearls are graded according to a number of factors and the smoothness of the surface is one of them, when they talk about surface smoothness the rings are not seen as a defect but if a pearl had a lotbof surface pits or a chalky surface then it would be graded lower.
There is an interesting series of articles about how pearls are graded and the different types of pearls on the website below
err... whats happened to the honora model Natalie ? Nothing really grabbed me this time (thank goodness!!!) The TSV just looks wrong to me not hip or trendy, just Wrong xx
I always enjoy watching the Honora shows. I have quite a few Honora necklaces , mostly with the 'rocker clasp ' , which I find is nice and easy to handle. The TSV is not to my taste at all ! I regard much of Honora jewellery nowadays as ' fashion jewellery ' made from CFW and sterling silver. QVC has some ranges of ' fashion' or ' costume ' jewellery , as it used to be called , that are pricier than many Honora items .

I personally don't like pearls mixed up with tiny gemstones , pearls with leather or many of the designs featuring the very strongly colour - enhaced pearls . However they do cater for a wide range of tastes , which is good . My own taste is traditional and some would say boring !

The quality of the threading and knotting of the necklaces is good . When I lost the coin pearl from my honora ring I sent it back to Honora who replaced the pearl without any charge !
I bought and loved Honora when they first aired on QVC, however in my mind the quality isn't quite the same now:-(

Probably due to their mass marketing on QVC
Like Jabba, I don't buy much any more as there seems to have been a dip in quality and a rise in price. Like PP, I can be tempted though, just not as much as I used to be.
The Honora hot pick graduated 50cm necklace was a TSV last year around this time I think. I bought 2 for under £50 in the blue moon and the tuxedo I love them. I wear them more in the summertime really. I don't tend to wear a lot of jewellery but I like the pearls to wear with a nice outfit for an evening out sometime. I don't think Honora is trash, I absolutely love some of their pieces but can't afford them. I would really like to try keishi and coin pearls. I wouldn't say that the ring pearls are rejects, Honora don't pick rejects as they only use the top 3%. Ring pearls are formed that way naturally. They are affordable and thats what people want. Some of the styles are not to my taste but that just depends on how they are designed and everybody's tastes vary.
I really like a lot of the colour combos they do!
As I mentioned in a previous post I purchased the tutti fruitti necklace (699750) in march - the price then was £63.00 and it was on easy pay. Today it was at an anniversay price of £48.24 and on easy pay but interestingly the QVC price shows £58.00. Whats going on with the pricing. I'm feeling a bit as if I've been swizzled!

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