Hideous Tiana B dress


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length of arms etc

I reckon the reason they have so many 3/4 length sleeves is because there's no definite too long / too short problem; they just waver between wrist and elbow! Not forgetting the hundreds of sleeveless offerings which are cheaper to make! And then they can flog you a bolero, waterfall cardi or a shark-bitten drapey polyester thing to cover your arms!
I reckon the reason they have so many 3/4 length sleeves is because there's no definite too long / too short problem; they just waver between wrist and elbow! Not forgetting the hundreds of sleeveless offerings which are cheaper to make! And then they can flog you a bolero, waterfall cardi or a shark-bitten drapey polyester thing to cover your arms!

Oh yes ,and must be colour co ordinated.So many colours to pick out of those patterns.
As we're talking about sizing... Does anyone remember back in the Summer, presenters were teasing us saying that in September there would be a huge announcement about a change to sizing on QVC? September is over tomorrow and I haven't noticed any huge change yet. The way it was talked about, it seemed like it was a 'rewriting the dictionary' sort of change. Strange. Maybe I dreamed it lol.
As we're talking about sizing... Does anyone remember back in the Summer, presenters were teasing us saying that in September there would be a huge announcement about a change to sizing on QVC? September is over tomorrow and I haven't noticed any huge change yet. The way it was talked about, it seemed like it was a 'rewriting the dictionary' sort of change. Strange. Maybe I dreamed it lol.

Nope you aren't dreaming - I heard this some time ago and posted on it at that time but just cant find the original post quickly.
Whatever the amazing new idea was, it obviously hasn't happened. I wonder what it was. Curious.
Well judging by the problems had by those who define the fashion details for the website; not knowing their colours, I doubt they're ready for complex number sequences like 12, 14, 16 etc! :mysmilie_17:
I thought they said that they were going to give body measurements rather than the clothes measurements so you would buy according to your actual measurements. A few years ago they said that they were moving over to using only british sizes ie 10 12 14 etc instead of small medium large etc. that never happened so perhaps we need to take all this with a large pinch of salt......
What people choose to wear is down to them and their own personal taste. I'm not sure what relevance it would be to anyone for me to sound off about what I do and don't like.
I am happy to sound off about what I do or don't like especially when it come to clothing. If I have bought stuff from Q or elsewhere and it is poor quality then I will say so.I don't criticise anyone else who thinks they are great,it's just my opinion.
Agreed. It gets a tad tiresome when someone is attacked for merely expressing an opinion about a brand or item, and not made a personal attack. What is this forum for if not that? Why be so defensive?
I feel for those who might want to discuss a clothing brand on Q, ask about sizing or whatever because the posts poking fun at the fashion may put off people admitting that they're interested in buying. F'rinstance, there's always a raft of negative comments about Kim & Co but in my experience the items I've had and worn for nearly 18 years are excellent quality and aren't sweaty (as often commented). The whole range isn't for me, and some patterns look dodgy to me but that's true of any range. It's tough to strike a balance so I don't want to stop people posting positive or negative comments.
Agreed I wouldn't want to stifle discussion,it took me a long while to sign up to the site and join in discussions .

I wouldn't make personal remarks about people buying Q clothes .I do have a few Kim and co tops but her skirts are not for me.(my body shape and age I think)I have a few Lenny trousers.

I tend to pick and choose from all brands rather than stick to one.I would like more variety generally and less jersey type material.
I feel for those who might want to discuss a clothing brand on Q, ask about sizing or whatever because the posts poking fun at the fashion may put off people admitting that they're interested in buying. F'rinstance, there's always a raft of negative comments about Kim & Co but in my experience the items I've had and worn for nearly 18 years are excellent quality and aren't sweaty (as often commented). The whole range isn't for me, and some patterns look dodgy to me but that's true of any range. It's tough to strike a balance so I don't want to stop people posting positive or negative comments.

The first sentence in the above post is exactly the reason I will regularly counter what often becomes a string of posts containing little more than negative hyperbole.

I have worked in law enforcement for much of my life so comments on internet forums are an irrelevance to me. Others may not be as thick skinned or they are but just happen to be going through a bad patch in life and things that would normally be viewed as trivial take on more importance. This is especially true of such a personal area as appearance. There is obviously a correlation between clothing and the person wearing that clothing and it is indeed telling that we rarely see posters asking advice about a certain clothing range on here so the point the above poster makes is an astute one. Too astute for the "I'll post what I want and I don't care if I cause offence" brigade to understand I suspect.

There is a balance to be struck and people should post negative comments if they want, and I certainly do, but I am not talking about what I would describe as the average poster on here who has a healthy balance between positive and negative. It's the thankfully small number where nothing escapes their ire, be it a dress or a handbag or a pie or a presenter or anything in fact. Whatever it is, they have something negative to say. Never any attempt at wit or clever cutting remark, just the same old same old with the likeminded feeding off of each other. Misery loves company as they say. Pick them up on anything and they are soon playing the victim card though.
What people choose to wear is down to them and their own personal taste. I'm not sure what relevance it would be to anyone for me to sound off about what I do and don't like.

Oooooooh, how aloof we are, aren't we, Kimmy?! It's a discussion forum, dear. A platform. It means we can air our views about things. It doesn't mean we're right. If you don't think it's "relevant" to do that then maybe you're in the wrong place! I like reading different people's opinions. Opinions are the very bedrock of this site. In posting your comment you're just trying to take some intellectual high ground, which frankly is ridiculous!
The first sentence in the above post is exactly the reason I will regularly counter what often becomes a string of posts containing little more than negative hyperbole.

I have worked in law enforcement for much of my life so comments on internet forums are an irrelevance to me. Others may not be as thick skinned or they are but just happen to be going through a bad patch in life and things that would normally be viewed as trivial take on more importance. This is especially true of such a personal area as appearance. There is obviously a correlation between clothing and the person wearing that clothing and it is indeed telling that we rarely see posters asking advice about a certain clothing range on here so the point the above poster makes is an astute one. Too astute for the "I'll post what I want and I don't care if I cause offence" brigade to understand I suspect.

There is a balance to be struck and people should post negative comments if they want, and I certainly do, but I am not talking about what I would describe as the average poster on here who has a healthy balance between positive and negative. It's the thankfully small number where nothing escapes their ire, be it a dress or a handbag or a pie or a presenter or anything in fact. Whatever it is, they have something negative to say. Never any attempt at wit or clever cutting remark, just the same old same old with the likeminded feeding off of each other. Misery loves company as they say. Pick them up on anything and they are soon playing the victim card though.

And here's another post with you trying to take the moral high ground! God forbid anyone writes a negative comment about some clothing 'cos someone might wear it. Too bad! I doubt very few people are going to be traumatised by something they read on the 'net. Ultimately, who gives a stuff about whether someone thinks a Quacker jumper is hideous? If someone wants to buy one and wear it quack-quacking to all and sundry they meet, let them! It's their money and they can buy what they want! It doesn't mean someone can't state their disapproval. I love reading some of the barbs on here!

The other day I said to someone I would never set foot in McDonalds as I think it's common. They got all uppity with me saying I "shouldn't say that," and that I am revealing some flaw in my character by being so judgemental. No I'm not! It's sh*t! If people want to eat there, let them, but I won't and I'mm perfectly entitled to say so.

Of course it's not nice to wantonly upset people but I don't see why the PC brigade should have everyone pandering to their fragile sensibilities.
Oooooooh, how aloof we are, aren't we, Kimmy?! It's a discussion forum, dear. A platform. It means we can air our views about things. It doesn't mean we're right. If you don't think it's "relevant" to do that then maybe you're in the wrong place! I like reading different people's opinions. Opinions are the very bedrock of this site. In posting your comment you're just trying to take some intellectual high ground, which frankly is ridiculous!

The words "pot, kettle" come to mind, Julius, with your last line anyhow!

But I agree it"s a discussion forum, hence KimP's post is just as valid as yours.

I happen to agree with KimP.
The words "pot, kettle" come to mind, Julius, with your last line anyhow!

But I agree it"s a discussion forum, hence KimP's post is just as valid as yours.

I happen to agree with KimP.

I'm not saying I don't criticise people' opinions or find them amusing or whatever, but I don't suggest they shouldn't post them, or that if they do post them they are somehow inferior / unwise / inappropriate. If we didn't have and exchange opinions we'd have no review sites and very little discussion.

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