Here you are girls. From LE


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Sep 17, 2010
I emailed LE a few days back & asked for an honest answer about Spit & Polish.

This is what I received back :-

We can confirm that we started phasing out the removal of almond milk from our Cleanse & Polish back in early 2008 following many requests from customers to make this product suitable for those with nut allergies. This ingredient wasn’t substituted, it was just removed. We carefully and rigorously tested this small modification to the formulation to ensure it continued to meet our high quality standards and still provided exactly the same cleansing and sensory experience as it always has done.

Then why has she not said that on QVC ?
I emailed LE a few days back & asked for an honest answer about Spit & Polish.

This is what I received back :-

We can confirm that we started phasing out the removal of almond milk from our Cleanse & Polish back in early 2008 following many requests from customers to make this product suitable for those with nut allergies. This ingredient wasn’t substituted, it was just removed. We carefully and rigorously tested this small modification to the formulation to ensure it continued to meet our high quality standards and still provided exactly the same cleansing and sensory experience as it always has done.

Then why has she not said that on QVC ?

And isn't almond milk still used in other LE products? :confused:
I emailed LE a few days back & asked for an honest answer about Spit & Polish.

This is what I received back :-

We can confirm that we started phasing out the removal of almond milk from our Cleanse & Polish back in early 2008 following many requests from customers to make this product suitable for those with nut allergies. This ingredient wasn’t substituted, it was just removed. We carefully and rigorously tested this small modification to the formulation to ensure it continued to meet our high quality standards and still provided exactly the same cleansing and sensory experience as it always has done.

Then why has she not said that on QVC ?

Well they didn't test it that carefully or rigorously because it's not nearly as thick as it used to be. I have to use twice as much as i used too.
I got this a while back

Many thanks for your recent email.

We can confirm we have made no recent changes to the formulation of Cleanse & Polish. As we rely upon many natural ingredients within our formulations for their wonderful benefits on the skin our products can sometimes vary in texture and also aroma from batch to batch; this is often due to harvesting plant extracts or essential oils in different seasons or from different locations. We started to phase almond milk out of Cleanse & Polish in early 2008 following many requests from customers to make this product suitable for those with nut allergies. This ingredient wasn’t substituted, it was just removed. We carefully and rigorously tested this small modification to the formulation to ensure it continued to meet our high quality standards and still provided exactly the same cleansing and sensory experience as it always has done.

It is therefore likely that the difference you have noticed in your latest purchase of Cleanse and Polish is due to a natural variation in the product. Please be assured that this slight variation will not affect the performance of the product on your skin.

However, we always offer to refund or exchange any product which isn’t suitable for any reason and if you would like us to arrange this please do let us know.

Quality and service are at the heart of everything we do, so please contact us again if we can be of any further assistance to you.

Best wishes . . . . Shelley

Shelley Peach

Customer Advisor

I replied asking where it was 'announced' and got no response!
Indeedydodah. Its definately in the gentle face exfoliator for one. Could well be in other stuff Im not sure. Will have a look.
*Puts on skanky mac and lights ceegar in manner of Columbo*

So, why the big hoo-hah about removing almond milk from C&P and in such a mysterious way, too?

So, why the big hoo-hah about removing almond milk from C&P and in such a mysterious way, too?


sadly, given all the cloak & dagger stuff, the lack of any formal announcement and the fact it is in other items - I reckon it can only be down to ££££'s. They very likely shift a lot more C&P than any other item - big cost saving.
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What I find really interesting is we've all heard the hoo hah about the removal of almond milk from C+P and I know for some loyal LE fans its meant their favourite cleanser has changed to the point where they no longer wish to buy it (which is a pain when you find something you love only to have to start the search again).

BUT........did anyone ever hear any customers before it was changed saying "oo I hate that cleanse and polish please make it without almond milk", I certainly didn't ever come across those comments. Wonder who did the asking and how, it doesn't seem to be via any public forums like the upset its removal has caused?!!
Right - According to Lady Earle's webshite and her actual literal ingredients lists given thereon - Almond Oil is definitely in the Gentle Face Exfoliator, the Brightening Treatment and the Men's Face Scrub. It may well be in something else too but I got bored of looking.
Whole business is looking even more dodgy now I reckon.
Tho looking again these ones have almond oil and not almond 'milk' (how do you milk an almond I wonder - v. strange) anyhoo - if its down to the nut allergy thing surely if its a nut derivative then the effect would be the same?
Now don't shout at me because I don't know really know too much about what I am asking, but I'm sure someone may do.
Now when you read on food packets it does say something along the lines of this product does not contain nuts but other products maybe made in the same factory that contains them.
So does this affect the persons using C&P with nut sensitives when other items produced may not be considered safe.

Just a thought :blush:
sadly, given all the cloak & dagger stuff, the lack of any formal announcement and the fact it is in other items - I reckon it can only be down to ££££'s. They very likely shift a lot more C&P than any other item - big cost saving.


You're not suggesting that Our Lady of Earle would remove an ingredient from possibly her best-selling product just to maximise profits and not for purely ethical reasons, are you?

I am SHOCKED! :angel:

[/sarcasm] :grin:
Tho looking again these ones have almond oil and not almond 'milk' (how do you milk an almond I wonder - v. strange) anyhoo - if its down to the nut allergy thing surely if its a nut derivative then the effect would be the same?

OK - Taken from Liz's own book Skin Secrets...

'Many people ask whether nut oils can affect allergy sufferers. The eight major allergens include peanuts and tree nuts. Researchers at Southampton University carried out trials on 60 adults allergic to peanuts - which actually aren't nuts, but legumes (like peas). Each adult was fed refiend and unrefined peanut oil. None of the 60 people had a reaction to the refined oil, which removes the proteins that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Six people had a reaction to the unrefined oil. The researchers concluded that that sample of 60 people proves to a very high level of statistical probability that refined peanut oil is safe for peanut allergenic people. The same is believed to be true of real nut oils, such as ALMOND (we always use refined nut oils in Liz Earle formulations, for just this reason) However, I always recommend patch testing new products of any kind and particularly those that contain any traces of nut oil...'

I posted this a while back in another thread on this topic. It's worth reproducing as it is taken from Pants On Fire Earle's latest book Skin Secrets. I am more than a little bit certain after reading this that it is all to do with cost and not to do with allergies. Have a read and see what you think anyhow...
OK - Taken from Liz's own book Skin Secrets...

'Many people ask whether nut oils can affect allergy sufferers. The eight major allergens include peanuts and tree nuts. Researchers at Southampton University carried out trials on 60 adults allergic to peanuts - which actually aren't nuts, but legumes (like peas). Each adult was fed refiend and unrefined peanut oil. None of the 60 people had a reaction to the refined oil, which removes the proteins that can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people. Six people had a reaction to the unrefined oil. The researchers concluded that that sample of 60 people proves to a very high level of statistical probability that refined peanut oil is safe for peanut allergenic people. The same is believed to be true of real nut oils, such as ALMOND (we always use refined nut oils in Liz Earle formulations, for just this reason) However, I always recommend patch testing new products of any kind and particularly those that contain any traces of nut oil...'

I posted this a while back in another thread on this topic. It's worth reproducing as it is taken from Pants On Fire Earle's latest book Skin Secrets. I am more than a little bit certain after reading this that it is all to do with cost and not to do with allergies. Have a read and see what you think anyhow...

Isn't THAT interesting? :thinking:
Hmmm so if I make a cup of coffee, but take out the coffee leaving only hot water, milk and sugar and bang on about it still being the same formula and that its been tested to the highest standards, do you think I'd have many takers?

Cavegirl I knew there was something like that lurking around the place from La Earle herself, I've a good mind to join the FB LE page and copy and paste that to see what the blinkered few have to say about that.
Now don't shout at me because I don't know really know too much about what I am asking, but I'm sure someone may do.
Now when you read on food packets it does say something along the lines of this product does not contain nuts but other products maybe made in the same factory that contains them.
So does this affect the persons using C&P with nut sensitives when other items produced may not be considered safe.

Just a thought :blush:

Think I get what you're meaning Bags and basically that's part of what Lady Earle is spouting about, that they took the Almond milky oil out of spot and polish because it might affect allergy people. What we're saying is that if that is the case why is an almond based ingredient still an integral part of several other LE products.
The more info I find out about this subject the more I feel the Earle outfit are a bunch of big fat fibbers.
" We started phasing out the removal of almond oil" That makes no sense:taphead:
I'm sure those who watch LE on QVC has heard Liz and Caroline say that the mens C&P is the same as the ladies.... just more manly tubes.Liz also had a whole web page stating this..not sure if it's still there as the website was changed a couple of days ago. Took a bit of a push to get the LE team to reply but below are three comments from the LE team when asked about the mens C&P not containing propylene glycol while the ladies does.The comments were made on the LE Facebook page on 7th and 8th sept if you'd like check it out....................

Liz Earle Naturally Active Skincare Many thanks for your question - we were just working with our technical team to make sure we have all of the information for you. Propylene glycol is a commonly used ingredient that helps us make the extracts of hops, chamomile and rosemary in our original Cleanse & Polish formulation. It makes up just 2% of the overall formulation. This pharmaceutical grade ingredient is also found in medicinal products and in particular cough medicines for adults and children.

Since our original Cleanse & Polish formulation 15 years ago we have developed new processes of extracting plants using just water. We have formulated our Men’s Cleanse & Polish using the newer extracts made without propylene glycol and when we put it alongside the original we have found that the performance of both the original and Men’s versions of Cleanse & Polish is exactly the same. However we have noted a slightly stronger base odour in the Men’s product which can have a small effect on the overall fragrance of the product. We know that the fragrance of Cleanse & Polish is very important to our customers so we are currently working to ensure that the fragrance will be exactly the same before launching our propylene glycol free original Cleanse & Polish.

We hope this helps - please let us know if you have any more questions.


Liz Earle Naturally Active Skincare Hi there, we are sorry that you feel disappointed and we never mean to let our customers down. We can confirm that the C&P original formulation and the Men’s C&P formulation do work in exactly the same way, and are equally as effective, how...ever we do take your feedback on board. We are currently working on making all C&P propylene glycol free, following requests from some customers and also the update in technology where we can extract our hops, chamomile and rosemary using just water, and this should be ready next year. We can assure you though, this will be the same great formulation that you know and love, and it will work, feel and smell exactly as C&P does now.

And this was a reply to a person on the LE FB page who had spoken to Liz in person about the mens and ladies C&P. Apparently Liz had confirmed that the two were identical................

We have spoken to Liz and she has personally asked us to let you know that she is extremely sorry she made an honest mistake when giving her talk in-store over our gradual replacing of propylene glycol and it is never Liz’s intention to be anything other than truthful.

The last one made me :giggle:
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So she was either fibbing or hasnt any idea whats going on with her own products.
Genuine mistake my arse.

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