Has The Beauty Industry Gone Too Far ...


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Jun 3, 2011
... promising us something it can never deliver: youth in a jar?

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/a...-ageing-I-wouldnt-facelift.html#ixzz1T6xMoZQ8

Personally, I would say ,"Yes"

You have to cleanse & moisturise with something but -

Perricone Neuropeptide Firming Moisturiser 59ml £199.98
Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream 100ml & Wrinkle Smooth Pen £118.44
Decleor Excellence De L'Age Sublime Cream £92.52
Elemis Pro-Collagen Oxygenating Night Cream £90.00
Perricone Deep Wrinkle Serum £162.00
Elemis Pro-Collagen Quartz Lift Serum £95.01
Shiseido 30ml Bio Performance Super Corrective Serum £84.00

I'm not 'picking' on these products, I chose them from what Q has to offer to illustrate the cost these promises can involve.

So, factor 50 sun block and a :smile:?
absolutely Minim..! No way on God's earth I would be paying out prices like you quote there - the job can be done by far cheaper stuff and probably just as effectively - I've just taken delivery of some A'kin day & night creams which cost in the region of £30 for the pair..that's quite enough for me, in fact that's a bit of a treat as normally these days I would be buying something half that price on the High Street!
But these are cheap compared to the £350 face cream from Shiseido and £140 YSL and quite a few others who sell at £300+.

I get my Elemis from ebay last time Elemis Oxy night cream full size £32. Or TSVs on easy pay.
I have to admit to never really bothering with creams and potions, can't afford them. I use a balm at £6 now on my face, finishing with the AD Skin Synergy oil that I got in the try me. Once thats done I doubt I will bother getting it again. I use sun screen now and again but not as much as I should but I'm not a sun worshipper at all. I just don't see the point in wasting that kind of money on creams that only sit on the skin and don't really penetrate that far enough in to make a difference. But each to their own and all that. Although as far as Liz Jones goes, she of the eternal moaning about being skint and stuck in the sticks, yet can still spend £400 each month amazes me!
Far too far. I am using a tube of nivea soft moisturiser which cost a quid in Superdru and it suits me fine.
I honestly don't believe there can be such a huge difference in effectiveness between these very expensive products & good quality, more reasonably priced products. You have to wonder what the mark up is on these things.

Just a personal opinion, but I wonder if they just keep pushing up prices till they reach sticking point to see how much profit they can get away with.
But then I'm a cynic me!
I think the beauty industry has always been like this. The key word is industry.......

Some years ago I heard Dr Miriam Stoppard say that the only way to help your skin was to use a sun screen from an early age and to use any moisturiser you liked to act as a barrier to give a bit of protection from the elements.

That said, my choice of creams is dictated by whether I like the texture and perfume so that does not always mean cheap! I just don't believe any of the advertising nonsense.
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Interestingly I head AY saying exactly the same yesterday on the beauty channel when she was trying to flog Ultrasun - you only need a good quality spf suncream all year round as a moisturiser. So why then does she keep trying to flog us £70 tubs of Gatineau, Decleor etc.

The other thing that is bugging me at the moment is all the adverts for high street creams. Firstly Olay had one that was for the 7 signs of ageing - now Lloreal (I think) has one for the 10 signs of ageing. What next one for the 20 signs of ageing???????? Each one trying to outdo the previous.
The problem is you will never know whether the creams have made a difference or not because you don't get to see your face in an alternate time-line. I think SPF and hydrating creams are all you need to prevent wrinkles (to the extent that this is possible) but anti-aging creams use proteins to fill in the wrinkles so they give the temporary illusion of a smoother face. What is interesting is how many anti-aging beauty products on QVC have 5 star ratings. Presumably people must be seeing a result?
A real result or a result they want to see, because they have forked out a lot of cash for it?
missing word

I think the beauty industry makes a lot of money by playing on our fear of a ageing, I read Liz Jones' piece in the Mail on line. I sometimes pop onto this website just to marvel at the emphasis on women's apperances, the horrible negative comments on weight, wrinkles, "baby bumps". Whole articles devoted to critising women for ageing, gaining weight, losiing weight, etc etc. Extreme air brushing is the norm in the promotion of the latest miracle product, they are an insult to our intelligence but they do have an isiduous (sp) effect. This stuff still sells and yet if it really worked 50 year olds would be walking aroung looking 20. I laugh when A Y does her pseudo honest act, "Now if you are in your 20's you don't need this" if any of this stuff really worked then they wouldn't be flogging the heavy duty products aimed at the older women cos according to their theories on anti-ageing we wouldn't need it. I think all we need is a good SPF product, a daiy mosituriser, good nutrition and good quality sleep. Laying off the fags really helps and good genes and a life with no stress are optional extras. I take care of my skin but I know that nothing on this earth will restore me to the looks of my youth, I refuse to be ashamed of getting older, don't really enjoy it but I won't aplogise for it either!! Oh and a friend who is a beautucian told me this interesting info, the big companies who are always bringing out new and updated formulations of their prodicts do this to avoid it to being subjected to any long term testing.
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While there are folk willing to pay there will be companies churning out new and'better' and more expensive lotions and potions.
I agree about Liz Jones, IMO totally barmy.
I agree that no cream, lotion or potion will turn back the clock BUT any cream, lotion or potion used regularly will improve the look of your skin as opposed to using nothing.

It's down to personal choice and to disposable income to some degree.

The beauty industry sells a dream and I've always thought that Philosophy hit the nail on the head with "Hope in a Jar".
Thirty odd years ago I read an article on Paul Newman, where he admitted to dunking his face in a bowl of ice cubes every day. I thought at the time, 'well, if it works for him', and since then every day I have doused my face with icy cold water, followed by a good moisturiser - and the regime has paid off ! I'm now 64 with a smooth forehead, a line free mouth, and only a few laughter lines around the eyes to give any indication of age.

We all have our own beauty methods, and this one worked for me.
not one of the skincare guests look good considering they are selling high end skincare imo.

alison young and liz earle have good skin but that can be due to genetics and the fact that they are not stick thin.
i just use skincare that moisturises and keeps my skin free of spots by not overstimulating it with a lot of useless essential oils and perfume.
this artical is revealing in its honesty save your money for a face lift or grow old gracefully!
A real result or a result they want to see, because they have forked out a lot of cash for it?

Exactly! It's interesting that QVC customers regularly give anti-aging products 5 stars but everyone on here has said they don't believe anti-aging products work. Go figure.

I need a purifying/hydrating regime and I have found products that definitely keep skin clear, heal blemishes, get rid of fine dehydration lines and eliminate dark circles. For my skin type, the most important product is cleanser and I have found a few favourites that I rotate (Decleor, Eve Lom, Gatineau). I see results when I use aromessences but not regular serums and I've yet to find a stand out moisturiser. I think I'd have to agree that the secret is finding a product you like using and that doesn't iritate your skin and that's probably the best you can do.
my best freind has celtic pale skin and uses 99p moisturiser from superdrug,wilkinsons and aldi thats all she can afford and her skin looks amazing..
the secret is she uses this every single day her sister uses absolutely nothing a copuple of years younger and her skin is like, well very lined and aged.
I have said on here and other places many times. Find what you enjoy using and use it, will it stop you aging no but using something is better than nothing. I have a very mobile forehead and have lines because of that, no cream would ever stop that happening. Example look at those women who spend loads of time in the sun or from some poor village anywhere in the world. They look 60-70 years old and infact might only be late 30s.

There is a very famous photo of the Afgan(sp) girl, she was around 12 or so beautiful green eyes. They went looking to find her again some years ago. Now she is in her early 30s but looks at least 50, heavy lined skin and aged. Not because of war but through no skin care as such and child bearing.
Beyond belief to me. :mysmilie_854:

I have never been out and seen anyone who stood out from everyone else enough to make me gasp in amazement and want to ask them what they use?

Still, enough people must be buying otherwise the products wouldn't exist.
I agree with so many posts made here. We sound such a sensible bunch, so who's buying these top of the range products?

In my 30s, I said I would never have a facelift :giggle:
On my 40th birthday I was as happy as Larry, not bemoaning the 40 milestone at all, but then I had inherited my mother's good skin AND I was bouncing a 9 month old baby (mine!) on my lap.
Now in my 50s I have mixed feelings about intervention - about a drag it up & stitch it down job :giggle: Yes, every line tells a story & sometimes I think I've earned these lines, whatever, I've got them & they are not that awful.

All I want is a good cleanser & a moisturiser that feels good on my skin & doesn't do anything detrimental to it. I do not expect miracles. Finding the products is the problem. If I was to believe everything that Q tells me I would be buying at least one or two of these high end products.
For the time being, I'm happy with what I'm using - Nude Facial Cleansing Oil (not that cheap, but it lasts ages) & Garnier UltraLift. I found both via free samples so all of Q's guff was sadly wasted on me, though I do continue to watch what they are offering..... and claiming.

These high end moisturisers, the anti-ageing potions, serums and the like - ticks me off. I really take offence at what they try to feed me. The promises are mixed in with mumbo jumbo pseudo science. I listen to some of the floggers of their wares on Q all promising their snake oils dramatically reduce lines & wrinkles and wonder how an earth they can get away with such claims.

I'm aware that there will be some people who buy & use & swear by these high end products. Good for you if you feel it's worth it.

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