Has Chloe Everton left QVC?


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I got my hopes up that Chloe had left. But it seems my hopes are dashed!

While of course congratulations are due for their expanding family. Parenthood is a challenge for all who embark on it. Chloe and her wife have the good fortune that Chloe at least is working for an accommodating employer, or so Q seems to be. That must make it a little bit easier.
I don’t know how this all works with 1001 different genders, but I thought UK paternity leave was 2 weeks and maternity leave was 52 weeks. Does that mean if it’s two Dads they each get two weeks and if two Mums they each get a year? I get sooo flipping confused with all the gender malarkey.
Sorry to laugh but if it's true its incredibly short sighted

When I had my 2nd I was back at work after 12 weeks. At the time we needed the money so back I went :cautious:
When I had my second I was only entitled to 3 months, I'd just missed out on six months because I hadn't been with the company for two years. He's 29 next month.
Ann only appears occasionally . Perhaps she’s semi retired now, I’m sure she has other irons in the fire too. Spends a lot of time in Italy, where I think she has a home.
Neither did I, but I have noticed that Ann Dawson seems to have gone missing, any ideas on what's happened to her?
Probably had a disaster with a home colour and can’t be seen out.
Which reminds me of the time one of my sisters had a disaster with a home dye and phoned another sister asking “have you got a hat I can borrow”.

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