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How are people treating post, letters and parcels during this time?

we are putting everything in a box for a week before opening and then with gloves on.

What about from eBay, say a piece of second hand jewellery - how would you treat this or would you not buy?

Interested in your thoughts.
How are people treating post, letters and parcels during this time?

we are putting everything in a box for a week before opening and then with gloves on.

What about from eBay, say a piece of second hand jewellery - how would you treat this or would you not buy?

Interested in your thoughts.

I open everything & put packaging in recycling boxes in the garage or the incinerator at the top of the garden, then I wash my hands but I've always washed them after opening parcels, & even some letters, because they're often just dirty. Our postal deliveries haven't been affected & we've had post every day since Tuesday, we've also had four parcels including a jacket for me & yes, I would still buy secondhand jewellery. To be honest every single object in the world would have to be coughed on by someone carrying this virus to be a real risk & that's not happening. We have immune systems to protect us, I retired in December 2017, spent Christmas & New Year with lots of people & on 6th January I collapsed, literally, with flu & was ill for the rest of the month. None of the people I'd seen over the holidays had it so there was a chink in my armour & the virus took hold - I think it was because I relaxed after the total change of lifestyle.
Stuff from the Q came through unusually quickly to me. But our post seems a bit sporadic. After days of nothing I got a whole sheaf of letters yesterday and some more today but sadly not my parcel of crumble pots from Wax Addicts which was despatched on the 11th. I also ordered a book from Blackwell's last weekend which hasnt been despatched yet. So I think it is just pot luck. Some things sail through, others hit red lights at every turn depending on staffing levels.
I’ve decided that it’s not worth getting paranoid by things you can read on the net, so when a package arrives I unwrap it immediately and put the packaging in the recycling bin, or the landfill one if it’s in a plastic bag. I then wash my hands thoroughly, singing a Happy Birthday more than twice, and I then spray the door handle and the work surface where I unpacked the parcel.

When getting back from the shops, I wash my hands before unpacking my bag and then again once I’ve finished. If I’ve not been out and haven’t had a letter or parcel then I wash my hands the normal amount that I used to before this virus. I don’t wipe over the contents of the packages or any of my shopping.
Fingers crossed they will arrive on Monday, donna.

I was expecting a delivery on Wednesday from Royal Mail, according to the tracking. I’m still waiting for it. Hopefully it might turn up today, but I’m not holding my breath as a first class package I sent to someone last week took 8 days to reach them. I think Royal Mail are struggling because of the amount of mail/parcels they’re having to handle at the moment and also because some of their workers are self-isolating.
Fingers crossed they will arrive on Monday, donna.

I was expecting a delivery on Wednesday from Royal Mail, according to the tracking. I’m still waiting for it. Hopefully it might turn up today, but I’m not holding my breath as a first class package I sent to someone last week took 8 days to reach them. I think Royal Mail are struggling because of the amount of mail/parcels they’re having to handle at the moment and also because some of their workers are self-isolating.

Our posties tell us that they are more busy than at Xmas delivering parcels! Flat mail is low howevs. So everyone in the Cotswolds is spending all their money buying 'stuff'/treats etc from Amazon/eBay etal. There is a lot of money around here, so that's why, I expect. Shame it all goes to (non tax paying) Amazon. I know an old lady in a council house who spends an ABSOLUTE FORTUNE on all manner of **** from various online channels. She has a brand new car, pays a private doctor, weekly hairdresser & cleaner (not now) etc. She is a hoarder though. The posties/hermes men all know her by name.
TBH it’s not the lockdown that is getting* to me as I’m getting lots done in the garden but the knowing if food packages should be cleaned down etc. After shopping I am putting on gloves putting all the dry goods in a plastic box for a week. Once fresh stuff is in the fridge I then i used dettol to write down all surfaces and handles before washing hands and using sanitizer. THEN Mr L brings something out plonks in on the counter and then uses every handle in the hous!

I do all that and then found myself unable to open wrapped bananas and used my ****** teeth to open the pack - how ****** stupid can you get and now I’m having nightmares about it.
TBH it’s not the lockdown that is getting* to me as I’m getting lots done in the garden but the knowing if food packages should be cleaned down etc. After shopping I am putting on gloves putting all the dry goods in a plastic box for a week. Once fresh stuff is in the fridge I then i used dettol to write down all surfaces and handles before washing hands and using sanitizer. THEN Mr L brings something out plonks in on the counter and then uses every handle in the hous!

I do all that and then found myself unable to open wrapped bananas and used my ****** teeth to open the pack - how ****** stupid can you get and now I’m having nightmares about it.
There's nothing that can be used on surfaces to kill this virus & if you think about it logically, & you're a logical person, the particles aren't going to leap at you & burrow in through your nose or eyes. You'll be fine. Do you usually wipe everything you buy? I do if it's going in the fridge but not store cupboard items.
I’m usually the sort of person who subscribes to a bit of clean dirt never hurt anyone otherwise we will never build up any tolerance to things. I like the house fairly tidy and have always done a top to bottom full clean once a week otherwise it’s just tidy as you go (sometime less rather than more) but don’t normally bother with amything other than a capful of flash in hot water.

Up until now the only time I used sanitizer was on holiday or when preparing raw meat or chicken.

We removed ivy from the front of a brick house which has left an awful mess so ATM i‘m scraping it off the bricks a patch at a time and am probably breathing in brick dust which probably isn’t that great so I suppose unless you lock yourself away from the world you will always be at risk from something.
I wondered about that myself and also shoes but up until yesterday you would need a coat on when standing in Tesco car park so do you wash your coat every time?

If I was vunerable due to past illness , not because of age, but able to go out to shop, I might take things to those extremes but honestly it would be easier to stay at home and eat baked beans.

Maybe if they lift lockdown and it ends up coming back with higher risk I may reconsider.
Not entirely sure about these vaccines they are talking about as I wonder how well tested they are. I suppose it will come down to deciding at the time which is the lesser of the 2 evils, taking your chance with the virus or take a vaccine where we don’t know what side effects there will be in the future.

Hopefully none here and their family will have to make the choice .
Apparently there’s no evidence you can catch it from a parcel or letter, just as well really because I’m still treating them same as always, tear packaging open then put it in the outside bin, only difference is now I wash my hands afterwards/before I excitedly examine my item 👏👏👏
Apparently there’s no evidence you can catch it from a parcel or letter, just as well really because I’m still treating them same as always, tear packaging open then put it in the outside bin, only difference is now I wash my hands afterwards/before I excitedly examine my item 👏👏👏
Obviously not from Q Shopps;)
I have just come back from M & S. Honestly, very few people taking any notice of keeping their distance. One woman came right up next to me in the bread aisle. She had a mask on and I said 'for god's sake, what part of keeping a distance don't you understand'. She never even blinked, just carried right on. Every time I go out to shop, I always wonder if I have caught the virus, but you have to go out and shop from time to time. I hope a vaccine can be made quickly so we can go back to normal life. I miss it so much.
People were keeping a distance here but now most aren't or are forgetting. I have only been out for dog walking but this week there's been more and more people out with dogs/children and although I've been moving away when people approach, they have made no attempt. I think the advice is being followed less and less as time goes by.

Friday night, watching yet more boring telly. Getting fed up with this now. Actually want to go to work on Monday.


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