Happy 50th Birthday Jill Franks!


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There will be performance measures - all employees / contractors are reviewed and the employer judges whether they are worth what they're paid to perform their tasks.

Off course they won't expect the same sales figures for the loo brush as for a cosmetic set or a diamonique ring - there will be projections and then the sales measured against the projections - that is how it is in retail.

Then the measure of sales vs projections and against returns with the 30 MBG will be used to assess the effectiveness of buying decisions, quality of product, popularity of brand etc.

Retail is ALL about targets - you don't sell, you don't make a profit - so the presenters will need to be chosen for their ability to sell (and continued ability...).

We're all going to hell in a handcart then if Marverine has the 'ability' to sell - she couldn't persuade me to buy a bag of popcorn; I think the only 'ability' needed in that job is not to 'dry-up' on air. if I want a product I'll buy it, it has bugger all to do with who's doing the presenting.

We're all going to hell in a handcart then if Marverine has the 'ability' to sell - she couldn't persuade me to buy a bag of popcorn; I think the only 'ability' needed in that job is not to 'dry-up' on air. if I want a product I'll buy it, it has bugger all to do with who's doing the presenting.

Exactly! :clapping:

We're all going to hell in a handcart then if Marverine has the 'ability' to sell - she couldn't persuade me to buy a bag of popcorn; I think the only 'ability' needed in that job is not to 'dry-up' on air. if I want a product I'll buy it, it has bugger all to do with who's doing the presenting.
Exactly no presenter could persuade me to buy anything.
I've never heard of a job in sales that didn't have targets, even those not on commission. A QVC presenter wouldn't bend the truth would they?
I'm quite sure that Marverine will have an ability to sell - just not to those who dislike her presenting style. Even with the increase in "shouty-shouty" styles, each of the presenters does have an element of personal presenting style which is different to others.

As the saying goes "one man's meat is another man's poison"...

At the same time, I do agree that if you don't want to buy a product - the person flogging it on screen is unlikely to influence you.
I work in sales. I feel extremely insulted, that anyone would even suggest they are salespeople. They are presenters on a tv shopping channel. I have targets which I always surpass, but the greatest pressure is what I demand of myself. My customers know that I sell with integrity. If a customer has a problem, he/she knows where I am, and I deal with it. I am a face, to deal with, and am recognised by my customers, who stop to chat. We see the presenter on screen. Yes, we can write on a blog, tweet or, if we are one of the chosen elite, join a facebook group. The presenters involvement in the sale, begins and ends on air. CS are left to deal with the crap, maybe re false claims, misleading information, etc. I can sell, for example, an american style fridge freezer and, despite the customer insisting it will fit through the door, the guys can't deliver it. I have to sort it out. I can't imagine any of the Q lot accepting responsibility, for any issues.
I've never heard of a job in sales that didn't have targets, even those not on commission. A QVC presenter wouldn't bend the truth would they?

It depends, are the presenters being classed the same as sales assistants that work in shops, were the shop probably has to meet targets but the individual sales assistant doesn't, they get paid monthly anyway. So is that what happens at QVC? QVC has to meet targets as a company, not down to the individual presenter? which is probably the case because you've heard Chuntley say on numerous occasions that she spends all her wages at QVC, which makes me think they have to hit targets as a company, not as individuals. As for presenters "bending the truth" most definitely, they can bend it till it snaps for all I care.
I work in sales. I feel extremely insulted, that anyone would even suggest they are salespeople. They are presenters on a tv shopping channel. I have targets which I always surpass, but the greatest pressure is what I demand of myself. My customers know that I sell with integrity. If a customer has a problem, he/she knows where I am, and I deal with it. I am a face, to deal with, and am recognised by my customers, who stop to chat. We see the presenter on screen. Yes, we can write on a blog, tweet or, if we are one of the chosen elite, join a facebook group. The presenters involvement in the sale, begins and ends on air. CS are left to deal with the crap, maybe re false claims, misleading information, etc. I can sell, for example, an american style fridge freezer and, despite the customer insisting it will fit through the door, the guys can't deliver it. I have to sort it out. I can't imagine any of the Q lot accepting responsibility, for any issues.

I agree, presenters are miles away from what real employees that work in sales do. My son is the manager of a company were they have to meet targets as a whole, which he's good at and does thank goodness, and individual that's why I don't get the "target" thing with QVC, what do they do? Work three hours a day, three days a week, you're right it is an insult to compare the two.
Each presenter is employed (be it on contract / PAYE or whatever) by QVC (a profit seeking company).

It is naive to think that a presenter would continue to be employed and paid by a company if they thought that presenter was bad at their job.

So QVC clearly endorses Marverine, Debbie F etc as acceptable representatives of their company or they wouldn't keep them on screen.

As another poster said, different presenters will appeal to different demographics.
Each presenter is employed (be it on contract / PAYE or whatever) by QVC (a profit seeking company).

It is naive to think that a presenter would continue to be employed and paid by a company if they thought that presenter was bad at their job.

So QVC clearly endorses Marverine, Debbie F etc as acceptable representatives of their company or they wouldn't keep them on screen.

As another poster said, different presenters will appeal to different demographics.

or until they are sacked or forced out
shopperholic, yes, he was probably covering his own back by not bad-mouthing Q, even if he'd left with a certain amount of bad feeling. After all, these presenters are presumably looking for long-term careers in selly telly, so if they make negative comments about a previous employer, no future employer is going to look favourably on that, thinking they'll probably do the same when they move on from them. So it's probably a diplomatic, self-preservation scenario. Personally, I liked Julian B, and Debbie G seemed OK, didn't ever see a great deal of her, either when at Q or her brief stint at IW.

Maybe he thought it wasn't anyone's business, which of course he's right. I'm just repeating what I read on QVCs FB page a few years ago, and many people agreed that's right because apparently he Tweeted about it, anyway I'm not arguing about it, I'm only quoting what I read.
I've now got this vision in my head of Jill Franks sliding all over her bed as though she's on a ski run! Hope her bed isn't positioned near an open window, or she'll end up in the street one night!

To me, she looks far too thin, almost skeletal, and that lank hair does her no favours. When I glimpsed her the other day she looked as though her clothes were falling off her, she's worryingly thin, in my view. What's with that fake tan - it is so ageing, she looks like a certain elderly lady cast member of the comedy programme "Benidorm".

I don't mind her either, I just don't think she's good at her job and I don't trust what she says, I don't believe that she loves everything she presents and it's her product of choice, she must slip out the other side of the bed the amount she "uses" before bed, I also don't believe that she has a girlfriend who has converted to the product she's selling at the time not to mention the guest doesn't get a word in. I don't watch much QVC now but I know she acts like this from the bits I've seen lately. This isn't a personal comment, we had a paint and decorator in lately and he wasn't good at his job, absolutely lovely man but wasn't very good at his job, as I'm sure JF is a lovely person, but in my opinion, not very good at her job.
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There are plenty of different roles within the Sales area, and to dismiss all but those of your own experience seems a bit harsh. I have, in the past, had plenty of call centre jobs where my job title was an insurance salesperson. I had targets to meet, and pressure was huge to sell by hook or by crook. I never met these people I sold insurance to. I didn't sort out their claims if they crashed. I didn't answer any of their queries from that day on. All I did was sell and everything else was other people's responsibility. Not all sales positions are equal, and QVC presenters must sell...that's their job. They're not there to be our friends or to care about us as people. As lots of you have said, I'm sure they would be pushed out quickly if they failed to meet sales targets. I've always assumed that the brand guest presenters are there to give the details so QVC presenter can concentrate on the sales figures and info being yelled in their ears. I couldn't do that. Must be so confusing.
I've now got this vision in my head of Jill Franks sliding all over her bed as though she's on a ski run! Hope her bed isn't positioned near an open window, or she'll end up in the street one night!

To me, she looks far too thin, almost skeletal, and that lank hair does her no favours. When I glimpsed her the other day she looked as though her clothes were falling off her, she's worryingly thin, in my view. What's with that fake tan - it is so ageing, she looks like a certain elderly lady cast member of the comedy programme "Benidorm".

Ah yes Madge! The resemblance is uncanny!................I Love Benidorm History.

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