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Hmm, interesting!

I bought a Ken Paves short wig a few weeks ago, fully intending to return it (sorry QVC!). It was blonde, I have long, dark, curly/wavy hair. I posted a picture on FB as a laugh, commenting on how ridiculous I looked and fully expecting everyone to agree with me.

The results were very interesting. All those who said it looked stunning were either a) blonde b) blonde and short or c) with a short style themselves. All my male friends hated it, as did my husband, with most saying they preferred women with long hair. A colleague of mine is an ex Toni & Guy hairdresser and he agreed that women of a certain age could work long hair with the right style and colour.

I won't cut mine mainly as I don't want to look like my old school friends who, at 40, resemble my mother! I don't care about stating my opinion, it is generic and not aimed at anyone in particular. I love short hair. I wish I had the face that would carry it off. At the moment, my long, dark hair suits me. What does bug me is the women who age before their time by cutting their hair short, as well as those who hang onto their long hair even though it really doesn't suit them. The same goes for women who dye their hair blonde, just for the sake of it, and then bleat on about how *you* should go blonde - even though it doesn't even suit them!!
I don't mind Jilly or Goody because it's clearly an essential part of their style and they are very comfortable with it

I wouldn't call Jilly an "older woman" yet and I think she looks fine - but in ten years I think she'll look ridiculous with hair that length. As for Goody, while I'm sure she's a very nice lady, I think she looks utterly desperate to convince us (and herself) that she's still a young woman. Unnaturally bottle blonde far-too-long hair, straightened to within an inch of its life - as someone on here said recently, looks fine from the back, but when she turns round the face is a real shock. The absolute illustration of mutton dressed as lamb. She should take a few lessons from the model with the weird name - Pirriot or whatever it is - her hair is shoulder length and a much more muted colour, she isn't trying to be something she's not and as a result looks extremely elegant.

Anne used to have shorter, darker hair and because I've seen it that way I think I'm entitled to say that it suited her a lot more. I think her colour is way too light and her longer hair drags her down.

I absolutely agree. Anne looked great with shorter, darker hair. My hair is fine and straight just like hers, and we can't wear it long because it just becomes straggly rats tails with no body and no shape. I think her hair is absolutely awful the way it is now, and she desperately needs to have a makeover.

People tend to look in the mirror and see what they want to see rather than the reality, be it hair, make-up or anything else. Some think they look better than they really do and others will always think they look terrible. It's all in the eye of the beholder as these posts show but can't see the harm in giving our opinions.

Absolutely agree. The only older woman I've ever seen who could really carry off long hair is Lauren Bacall - and that was because of the whole package, the face, the voice, the walk, everything. And she's one of a kind, the rest of us often need a reality check and have to accept that - sadly - we're not Lauren Bacall.
Judy Dench, fantastic woman and had the same haircut since the 1960s. She suits the style is happy with it and stuck with it. :mysmilie_59:

Oh and once long ago in a beauty magazine they did an article about hair styles and cuts. Different hairdressers giving tips etc.

Interesting but this is very very true. If the length from the very bottom on your ear lobe and the joint of your jaw(you can feel it with your fingers), if the distance is longer than half an inch then never cut your hair shorter than below your jaw line. Your face is not shaped for short hair.

Jerry Hall has a long jaw so will look awful with short hair.

Mine is a quarter of a inch if that, hence I can get away with very short hair.
Every time the likes of Dawson, Franks et al appear with their tresses, I'm itching to send them for a nice, neat bob - shaped to suit. Please, please, please don't think it makes anyone look younger - it ages you!!! If you've dyed your hair blonde or whatever to hide the grey and your face still makes you look your age, keep your hair short.



It's not opinions I object to though... it is the blanket 'get older = get shorter hair' comments that are posted here so often.

You have said quite categorically (and with an angry looking smilie, and referring to them by surname only which is a bit rude) that people should cut their hair when they age... doesn't that depend on the person, individual choice etc?

Would you get that angry about a check out operator in Tesco having long hair? Would you go up and tell her to get a hair cut?

Their hair - their choice.

If their employer feels their appearance is unacceptable then they will address that I'm sure.
I watched the TSV launch of the last EGO hairdryer - JF was raving about the volume it gave her. The before and afters looked identical! Now, don't get me wrong, but as a curly girl, I would kill for naturally straight hair, but not like JF's. Unfortunately, hers tends to look lank and greasy and that's what ages her rather than the length. She just looks too tired to care for it. I'm not keen on her wearing a ponytail either - shows off too much of a stringy neck. Maybe she should try the Big Hair for some oomph!

AD's is totally the wrong shade. Something cooler would suit her tends-to-ruddiness skin tone better. I notice she seems to be battling hair loss, too. Maybe she should try the HairMax and some of the hair fibres QVC sells.
Frankly I`m just happy I`ve still got hair. Throughout my life I`ve had it long, short, bobbed, straight, curly, coloured or not coloured and we all just take it for granted. So many of my friends or colleagues have had cancer treatments resulting in hair loss and just last week one of them paid £196 for a really good wig because the ones offered to her for free were downright awul. So live and let live I say. The luxury of having a choice in which style you wear your hair or don`t wear your hair is precious so there should be no right and no wrong styles, shapes or colours for any woman of any age. I know throughout my life I must have worn styles which didn`t suit me, as have most of us I daresay but its my face in the mirror and if I`m happy with it then sod everybody else. PS at the moment I have very short layered hair, this time next year I might have dyed it pink and be wearing it down to my shoulders, hey ho !
It's not opinions I object to though... it is the blanket 'get older = get shorter hair' comments that are posted here so often.
Yet these comments are apparently prejudiced, not an opinion, as you said earlier.

You have said quite categorically (and with an angry looking smilie
Come on - a smiley with a zip over its lips doesn't mean my lips are sealed completely any more than an angry smiley means I'm fuming. It draws attention to my point - and it worked.

and referring to them by surname only which is a bit rude
Is it rude or isn't it? And if it is rude, why pick up on this when other posters have said much, much worse about presenters and you haven't picked them up on it?

that people should cut their hair when they age... doesn't that depend on the person, individual choice etc?
Neither you nor I can control what length people wear their hair and it is up to them to choose what they want. It suits older people better when the hair is generally shorter and softer. Take a look round you.

Would you get that angry about a check out operator in Tesco having long hair? Would you go up and tell her to get a hair cut?
Their hair - their choice.[/I]
This forum isn't about Tesco operators!
I really like Jill Frank's hair. It's clean and shiny and a lovely colour. It suits her.

I am 40 and have shoulder length straight blonde hair, which always used to be natural but now needs a bit of help. I colour it with an Avon one which is the best one I have ever used. My 60 year old mum refuses to cut her own shoulder length dyed light brown hair. The other week I had a shock. I saw that mum's roots were white. I tried to picture her with short, white hair and realised how old she would look if her hair was short and not coloured. Mum looks fantastic with her medium length bob, she is slender, fit and dresses really classily.

I don't think all older women should have short hair. But I don't like hair of Goody's length or Jilly's either. It looks silly on anyone, young or old but when a person is older you get more of a shock when they turn round.
Never mind Ann Dawson needing shorter hair, curlier hair, darker hair, or different make-up or clothes ... I know exactly what she needs: peanut butter! The Vitamix man earlier gave her a spoonful of the stuff he had just made and she couldn't talk for several seconds! I kind of hoped she would work her way through the whole container of the stuff and make it the best presentation hour ever. Sadly not.
Well, I'm 47 with hair half way down my back and dyed red. Been like that for about 4 years.

Until today that is. It's now a red chin-length bob!

We're going to a Mods & Rockers party tonight and I was going to wear a wig but decided to go for the chop instead. I'm going to tell my friends it's a wig. Wonder if I can fool them!

Hubbie not keen but Mum & Dad love it.
Just keep moving forwards: don't settle for a mumsy do, sensible shoes* and a fawn cardi and keep trying new stuff that's my advice.

*I only wear sensible shoes but still buy gorgeous high heels!
Just keep moving forwards: don't settle for a mumsy do, sensible shoes* and a fawn cardi and keep trying new stuff that's my advice.

*I only wear sensible shoes but still buy gorgeous high heels!

I stick with emu boots or flip flops when not at work. Oh and a pair of knee highs with a relatively sensible heel. I can't walk in high heels if my life depended on it so don't buy them. I just marvel at others who do buy those beautiful creations.
Just buy 'em and wear them lying down hun! :mysmilie_479::mysmilie_857:

Not that I condone shop-lifting but if I could run fast :mysmilie_850: I could just snatch the single display shoe in the shops to bring home and admire...I don't really need a pair! :mysmilie_498:
I couldn't give a monkeys whether presenters over a certain age have long or short hair - if they want to look a disaster in front of millions that's up to them. But in all the years I've watched Q, Anne D has never got it right in the hair department - she has cheeks ! and women with 'cheeks' should have more 'bounce' in their hair. I believe there used to be a dark haired lady doing cosmetics who had the same problem - she had hers in a 'flat' bob. I have a friend with the same problem - loves to have chin length/knee length poker straight hair, but it sits lifeless on her cheeks and does her no favours. Stick a few rollers in it to give the volume, and long or short, it will work wonders and transform how they look. Clare obviously does, because her hair is the ultimate in 'bounce'.

JF has elf-ears when her hair is up or pulled back, so I too would keep them covered up.
Sara G has an unusually long neck, and does her best to distract from it.

These are not criticism's, purely observations - (before certain forumites have a touch of the vapors about what I've said)

I don't think Jill would suit short hair at all

Agree. Jill wouldn't look any better with shorter hair imo. Julia Roberts would looks better with a few inches off, not because of her age, just because I have seen her in shorter Ken paves pieces that are more flattering for her. Jilly looks really good will long hair, Kathy's hair is just right for her, so is Debbie's. Not sure about Anne Dawson.
The Vitamix man earlier gave her a spoonful of the stuff he had just made and she couldn't talk for several seconds! I kind of hoped she would work her way through the whole container of the stuff and make it the best presentation hour ever. Sadly not.

LOL and did you see when Heather from NailsInc came on to join her at the end of the show? they looked like mother and daughter.
I've always thought AD copied Heather's look - the hair and geek glasses.

Heather must find it a little disconcerting to sit opposite her older self for a Nails Inc hour!

Incentive to stop smoking Heather!
Update: my two girlfriends were completely fooled and thought I had just bought another wig (the first one was brown)!

Interestingly, my male friends realised it was my own hair.

Fab party and most people made the effort. Lots of bald guys in wigs!
These are not criticism's, purely observations - (before certain forumites have a touch of the vapors about what I've said)

Well, I hope they've got the smelling salts ready!

Jill Franks looks MUCH better with her hair pulled back off her face instead of hanging lank - as I said earlier.
Jilly Cooper needs her hair cut much shorter and SHAPED to suit her face, which looks smaller because of the lankness.
Ann Dawson needs a complete makeover. She is actually quite an attractive woman but her hair does nothing for her.
Goody needs to be told that blonde, long and lank dates and ages her.
Only the beautiful and the young can get away with long, lank hair. Look around you.

A male friend once said someone is "16/64". I had no idea what that meant till he told me it means 16 from the back, 64 from the front. Nice to keep up with the times, I suppose. I wonder if I'm in that category, gawd help me? Maybe I should also adopt the Maggie Thatcher style to make sure I'm not fooling anyone.

I'm surprised that nobody at QVC has had a gentle word in their ears. Or maybe they have and it hasn't worked because they think that long and lank means younger and trendier. But, as has been said, it's up to them if they want to look a disaster in front of millions.

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