Greenseasons Festive hamper dispatched - anyone else.


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Simon Sims

Registered Shopper
Dec 22, 2008
Just had an e.mail to say my Greenseasons Festive hamper has dispatched today.

I thought they were dispatching Dec 9 -13th.

Well hopefully it will arrive tomorrow as it is frozen, if it gets held up and is stuck in a warehouse over the weekend it will have defrosted.

We will have to wait and see and hope it isn't like last years fiasco.
Hi ours states dispatched the 4th Dec, we are still waiting it will be going back if not delivered today.
I've had the same email stating that my hamper had been dispatched, and my credit card was charged at the beginning of the week. I phoned up QVC today as I knew they shouldn't be going out until next week, and several times on-air the presenter promised that no money would be taken until it was dispatched. Customer Services told that the meat hamper had NOT been dispatched, and wouldn't be until next week. When I asked as to why I'd been prematurely charged, no-one could give me a valid reason, all they would do was mutter off a note on their system that didn't seem to have any relevance to my question. When I said I wished to complain because they couldn't give me clear reasons as to why I'd been charged after all the promises made on-air, she said she'd make a note, but it was better if I wrote letter. Not very impressed, especially as I had no other issues with advanced ordering previously.
Hi Just rang customer services, seems it was not dispatched on the 4th , only the payment was processed early so supplier gets paid on time, orders will actually be dispatched from monday, could have said that in email.
Hi Just rang customer services, seems it was not dispatched on the 4th , only the payment was processed early so supplier gets paid on time, orders will actually be dispatched from monday, could have said that in email.

What a load of rubbish, I don't believe for a minute that the supplier will get paid when they send the goods out there's always quite a delay with these things. Even if QVC do pay the supplier promptly it's down to them to sort their working capital not to take the money early from customers. They should stick to the date they promised to dispatch, some people plan their finances around theses things and might not have the money in their bank to pay earlier than planned.
Just had an e.mail to say my Greenseasons Festive hamper has dispatched today.

I thought they were dispatching Dec 9 -13th.

Well hopefully it will arrive tomorrow as it is frozen, if it gets held up and is stuck in a warehouse over the weekend it will have defrosted.

We will have to wait and see and hope it isn't like last years fiasco.

We ordered a 'Kings Realm' hamper from QVC a few years back and if my memory serves me right it said it had been dispatched but i'm sure it came via a 24 hour courier a few days later, something like UPS or FedEx.

It came in a HUGE polystyrene box with loads of dry ice, the meat was still totally frozen, rock hard! I hope yours is too, i'm sure it will be fine :mysmilie_59:
I ordered when it was a TSV but cancelled after seeing a presentation weeks later where there was a big lump of fat on the top of the turkey, clearly visible each time they carved a slice.

No hamper yet, so probably dispatching 9th Dec as they promised.
Money taken from account Thursday, i thought they weren't allowed to take money till the goods were dispatched.
The money was in the account, but they did say many, many times on air that money would not be taken till goods were dispatched on the 9th of December.
They're not supposed to simon1966. It's down to distance selling laws I think, if they promise not to charge customers until dispatch they've made an agreement, and if they suddenly move the goal posts, they've broken that agreement whether it's verbal or not. The excuse given by Customer Services about paying the supplier to make sure we receive them on time doesn't hold any water, QVC have already paid for the hampers when they sell them, it's their job to make their money back! I may be wrong, it might be different for advanced orders, but the point stands, they still shouldn't have taken the money yet and perhaps they should advise their presenters not to make such statements.
Hamper arrived this morning via parcelforce - all items were frozen solid.
Dry ice disappeared so not likely to remain frozen the 48 hours they said it would. They might get some unhappy customers with defrosted meat.

Just hope the meat cooks and tastes nice - we will see.

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