Greedy Presenters Grr!


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Aug 28, 2010
I submitted a post on this subject recently & randomly switched on QVC today only to hear Jackie Kabler ask Dennis Basso if he fancied giving her a gift of a coat worth £135 and he asked why not? Do these presenters think that once they've asked for something publicly their guest is somehow obliged to agree? Or is that precisely why they do it, because they are unlikely to be refused on national television. I guess I must be feeling hard done by as I cannot afford to buy as much as I'd like to from QVC right now. It certainly does annoy me when I witness well paid presenters angling for freebies when they are much more able to afford to buy QVC's wares, with or without their staff discounts.
Do you think it might have been lighthearted?

A bit like 'do you think I could fit in your suitcase' when someone says they are going somewhere exotic.
I hope once they're off air, he turns round and says Sod off ! If you want one,buy one ! lol
Probably all a sales ploy to make viewers think the item is nicer than it is if a presenter actually wants to own one. Tis just another piece of manipulation and even if it isn`t then it just shows the level of morality within Q and why I never believe a word any of them say.
I guess it depends on the context and how it was said, hopefully in jest otherwise it's just brazen begging.
Good for her, they are great coats in winter time. I love wearing mine.
Shame on Jackie for wanting a Basso coat :mysmilie_51:

Whilst I find the fur trade to be truly disgusting, I still find it amazing that people feel it's ok to wear sheepskin, kid leather etc whilst vilifying people for buying a Basso coat.
I would have thought it was obvious why people would wear sheepskin as opposed to the fur of a wild animal. I eat lamb therefore I consider sheepskin as a by product of the meat industry at least the conventional meats sold to eat in Britain. Same with ordinary leather shoes.
Is one method less cruel than the other though? A lot of fur is 'farmed'... which is even worse because the animals have no freedom in life before being killed for our pleasure.

I just don't get it...
I just prefer to only wear what I am also likely to eat. When it comes to animal skin that is.
Is one method less cruel than the other though? A lot of fur is 'farmed'... which is even worse because the animals have no freedom in life before being killed for our pleasure.

I just don't get it...

l have to say l don't either - l don't eat or wear other animals. That includes wool, because there's terrible cruelty in wool production, silk, pearls etc.
I thought this thread was about Charlie Brook who stuffs his face non stop when he is presenting cooking shows. It makes me feel sick he eats that much and makes him look very greedy.
Yes, he does tend to shovel it in as though he hasn't eaten for a fortnight !!! I also get the feeling that his contract was never in doubt during the cut-backs, as I imagine he's a bit of an ....... well, I don't need to spell it out. Am always a bit suspicious of a man who has never tasted alcohol (as he admitted on air recently).
I thought this thread was about Charlie Brook who stuffs his face non stop when he is presenting cooking shows. It makes me feel sick he eats that much and makes him look very greedy.

Have to admit I thought it was going to be about Craig. How he wasn't ill after that recent Thornton's show I will never know!
Have to admit I thought it was going to be about Craig. How he wasn't ill after that recent Thornton's show I will never know!
I could have probably beaten him in the chocolate stakes years ago. I have a very sweet tooth and I love chocolate, chocolates, bars of chocolate mmmmmmhhh.
We all have a conscience; the difference is, what that conscience tells us is morally correct and morally wrong; what is legally right and legally wrong. The people who advocate Basso's range of fake fur clothing, are obviously cognisant of the route taken to turn the living animal into a piece of clothing yet, according to their conscience, that is acceptable. My conscience not allow me to wear one of his pieces, as it dictates to me that it would be ethically wrong, plus I have no desire to wear his range, or help fund the cash cow, the genuine fur range. So, never say "they don't have a conscience"; they do, the standards set by it are not very high. Shame on them. Having been vegetarian for 30 years, animal welfare is extremely important to the way in which I live my life. How would a mother feel if her unborn baby was removed from her womb, prior to birth, in order to assuage someone's vanity? A fur - fake or otherwise - coat is not a necessity but - and I feel this is a misnomer - an option. He is an abhorrently offensive and sleazy individual whose relationship with QVCUK does not encourage me to tune in. On a daily basis, I have to check online what the tsv is, and I haven't actually watched the channel in days. Why QVCUK will not acknowledge that the consensus is, that the butcher is not welcome on the channel, I don't know. Ultimately, money talks and the Q reacts accordingly. It has always been my opinion, if you don't have your principles, you have nothing, no guidelines and certainly no moral code.
I have never once believed that the presenters "rush" off air to order something,I have never once believed that they order on air from their ipads.I also do not believe that they get the presenters gifts that they ask for on air.I just dont - I just think its all either for "show" to generate sales -ooooh CH is ordering that I love her style,I must buy that!! - or its light hearted banter - or its just something to say I really love that so you must buy it too!!! i just think its all for show.
They bring Charlie on to every possible food programme he's available for because he shovels it all down, regardless. But then they all do - I remember Pipa mmmming over a pie with a disgustingly thick, soggy-bottomed (ie it wasn't properly cooked) crust that made me gag to look at it, and she doesn't exactly look like she's greedy.

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