The grand opening was full of awkward moments. Firstly Kelly "robot" Hoppen just looks like a tired old mop with an old blanket thrown on top of her and in the morning show with Miceal said "we all have to look good in bed" followed by an annoying chuckle. What a hussey! In the 11am Liz Earle show Craig said "guaranteed snuggles" what the hell does that mean? The evening show with Lulu G shrieked "I love red lips" and she is just an overated "all about me" narcicissistic fish wife. Am just watching the 9pm Liz Earle show and I've lost count at how many times Jill has said "yeah/yep".
Rant over!!! Anyone out there with any other weird moments from today?
Rant over!!! Anyone out there with any other weird moments from today?