Graham Again ...


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I think a lot of people don't sign up for 'the drop' as they have no real idea of what it's all about and whether it's worth paying for. I think an open day/weekend would give people an opportunity to view the whole site which may well generate new income by encouraging existing memebers to join the VIP scheme. Let's face it, no-one would buy anything off QVC without seeing the product first!.

True, but some do have I will not pay mentality. I belong to some other forums and both have a pay to join after being free. Unfortunately many left when they changed to pay to view the sites. One site in the end had to open up the main forum again as free as so many left. It was a total waste land. is for many really all about the shopping channels and that is all. That is the only parts of the forum they are interested in. There are members on who have been here through the many changes, infact from the being of I remember when the VIP section was introduced, quite a few members long standing just did not want to pay. They had previously had access to the Drop for free, but decided not to pay to become VIP members. That was and is their choice. There was quite a heated debate on here about the having to pay to become a VIP.

As I said £10 a year will pay little towards the running of the site for Graham. He needs the advertisers. When a lot of pop up ads started appearing there were a number of complaints on here. Graham pointed out he needed them to help the site keep running. How many members of will pay £10 a year? Thousands? As I said a drop in the ocean.
I think a lot of people don't sign up for 'the drop' as they have no real idea of what it's all about and whether it's worth paying for. I think an open day/weekend would give people an opportunity to view the whole site which may well generate new income by encouraging existing memebers to join the VIP scheme. Let's face it, no-one would buy anything off QVC without seeing the product first!.

I am one of those who has no clue what "the drop" is. I agree that the site is worth paying for-even just the main site, as I have had enough tip offs from Sazza and SCW in particular to make it worth my while being on here. But the drop is something I know nothing about, and don't even know how to access or pay to join it-can someone enlighten me please?
I am one of those who has no clue what "the drop" is. I agree that the site is worth paying for-even just the main site, as I have had enough tip offs from Sazza and SCW in particular to make it worth my while being on here. But the drop is something I know nothing about, and don't even know how to access or pay to join it-can someone enlighten me please?

Take a look at this thread where Graham has explained.
I presume most people go through a cashback site and pocket it for themselves,sorry Graham :(
QVC's "Marketing" Manager - its debatable that he/she understands what marketing means from the response Graham has received. This site must make QVC a fortune what with all the heads up we get on TSV's,OTO's and many more via Sazza,SCW and Tabathaxx. I know from my own experience that there has been times when i've only bought something because of - i find watching the channel very boring at times and rely on is never boring) to advertise the bargains and the lovely forumites to give their opinion - this influences my purchases - NOT channel 640. I've said it before but will repeat - The forumites on are amongst QVC's biggest spenders - i know personally that my annual spends go well into the thousands(i dare not add up an actual spend!!) and of that sum most of my spends has been generated by reading I'm getting fed up with QVC's attitude to this site - they are isolating some of their best customers - now that certainly is not marketing in my book? As Graham has said this person will not be QVC's marketing person forever so maybe some sanity will return at a later date? Get your finger out of your behind QVC and give a loyal servant a little bit of revenue - you know you want to!!. Good Luck Grahamx
Well my saga of getting my out of pocket charges back regarding the double payments continues, well in error I emailed Steve Hoffman who is now CEO of QVC in Italy it was forwarded to the UK CEO Dermot Boyd with the message:

"Can you get this guy off my back?"

Such contempt for the customer, and stupid to leave the previous emails in a reply.
What a great example to set for the rest of the workforce, especially CS. :rolleyes: :mad:
Well my saga of getting my out of pocket charges back regarding the double payments continues, well in error I emailed Steve Hoffman who is now CEO of QVC in Italy it was forwarded to the UK CEO Dermot Boyd with the message:

"Can you get this guy off my back?"

Such contempt for the customer, and stupid to leave the previous emails in a reply.

Charming!!!! :rolleyes:

QVC clearly need some lessons in CS!!!
On the plus side it is nice to know that is independent from QVC and able to continue to be a tool for the masses to debate 'yay' or 'nay' to a companies products and/or the way they try to sell them to us.

I bet half the leaders in the Middle East are saying "Get these guys off my back" and look what good it'll do them.
Well my saga of getting my out of pocket charges back regarding the double payments continues, well in error I emailed Steve Hoffman who is now CEO of QVC in Italy it was forwarded to the UK CEO Dermot Boyd with the message:

"Can you get this guy off my back?"

Such contempt for the customer, and stupid to leave the previous emails in a reply.

Graham: you've obviously misunderstood what Senor Hoffman was saying to young Master Boyd.

QVC does not operate in any way that belittles or ignores the customer. It is also never wrong: surely you've read the threads on this site of yours that state this again and again and again...

I admire your bravery in taking a stance that could be construed as being anti-QVC, but you do realise that you are being FAR too negative, and FAR too thin-skinned. There are more important things to do than relate how an organisation has all the customer service skills of the Waffen SS; have you SEEN the news?!?

You have every right to voice your opinion. But I (and my perceived minority of like-minded wombats) will do everything we can to undermine this as we simply don't agree with it.

So there.

Graham: you've obviously misunderstood what Senor Hoffman was saying to young Master Boyd.

QVC does not operate in any way that belittles or ignores the customer. It is also never wrong: surely you've read the threads on this site of yours that state this again and again and again...

I admire your bravery in taking a stance that could be construed as being anti-QVC, but you do realise that you are being FAR too negative, and FAR too thin-skinned. There are more important things to do than relate how an organisation has all the customer service skills of the Waffen SS; have you SEEN the news?!?

You have every right to voice your opinion. But I (and my perceived minority of like-minded wombats) will do everything we can to undermine this as we simply don't agree with it.

So there.

:giggle: Welcome back, fighting fit and fit to fight!
Graham: you've obviously misunderstood what Senor Hoffman was saying to young Master Boyd.

QVC does not operate in any way that belittles or ignores the customer. It is also never wrong: surely you've read the threads on this site of yours that state this again and again and again...

I admire your bravery in taking a stance that could be construed as being anti-QVC, but you do realise that you are being FAR too negative, and FAR too thin-skinned. There are more important things to do than relate how an organisation has all the customer service skills of the Waffen SS; have you SEEN the news?!?

You have every right to voice your opinion. But I (and my perceived minority of like-minded wombats) will do everything we can to undermine this as we simply don't agree with it.

So there.


:) :) :) Fabulous!
Well my saga of getting my out of pocket charges back regarding the double payments continues, well in error I emailed Steve Hoffman who is now CEO of QVC in Italy it was forwarded to the UK CEO Dermot Boyd with the message:

"Can you get this guy off my back?"

Such contempt for the customer, and stupid to leave the previous emails in a reply.

Thats absolutely disgusting but I'm not at all surprised.

WHY do we bother with this lot ?:mysmilie_503:

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