Good Grief Alexis!


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We take the P*ss out of Q presenters no more than we take the P*ss out of ourselves. Look at poor old Burly in the laundry thread at the mo and we`ve all had a turn at times. It`s what life is all about and in reality if i had 2 friends turn up wearing almost the same outfits and one old enough to be the other person`s Mother then quite tongue in cheek I`d be asking who they`ve come as ? In fact my husband`s daughter tries to dress and look just like her best friend ( don`t know why but hey that`s her choice ) and her Dad calls them " Me and Mini Me ". Most of what`s said on here is no more offensive than a friend or colleague might say in jest and it`s a good way to be in life because walking on eggshells all the time isn`t fun. The one thing I do object to is when someone can give out the funny comments but isn`t man/woman enough to take them. I shall sign off now as Baggy Arse which is what my husband calls me when I`m wearing jeans because he says my bum is too flat to fill them and they always look baggy on the bum. Charming lol !
Laughter is the best medicine. And i wish i had a baggy arse (if only) :envy: Good plump cheeks in both areas LOL
Laughter is the best medicine. And i wish i had a baggy arse (if only) :envy: Good plump cheeks in both areas LOL

Happy to swap with you, like Vienna's mine is more of a 'hinge' than an 'arse' & I really hate it; I wear size 8 jeans & you can still grab a handful of fabric on the 'top of the thigh/bum area' if I've had them on for more than a few hours! OH says I should either stop moaning or do 'bum exercises' but I'm too far gone to stop with the former & too lazy for the latter! LOL
Is this forum not public then?

Yes it is but JR most probably doesn't read the Zillions of comments made on here about her, however if someone sends her a tweet she would probably read it along with a lot more people than ever read anything this forum.

If someone tweeted me that I looked like I was appearing on telly with my daughter when obviously it wasn't I would be upset.
I Bought the warm one yesterday. It was a good tsv with useful big sizes this time and not a bag of samples, like last time. Alexis seems very upwardly mobile, one of the money money money, people. Bet she wears the trousers in their house!
I don't think she is the boss, you always hear her talking about her husband going away and her
packing his case, so in my mind that means she's chasing after him. I wouldnt be doing that, he
can pack his own case. Did you see your french guy on earlier selling the perfume tristar. ???
I don't think she is the boss, you always hear her talking about her husband going away and her
packing his case, so in my mind that means she's chasing after him. I wouldnt be doing that, he
can pack his own case.

Not necessarily, she might be a total control freak & won't allow him to do his own packing?


As a complete aside to that, I do all the packing in our house!

Not necessarily, she might be a total control freak & won't allow him to do his own packing?


As a complete aside to that, I do all the packing in our house!

:cheeky: Err KWC does that not mean you could be a (cough cough) control freak yourself :angel:
Not unkind at all...Julia is 56 Alexis is 37 so its completely possible !!
I would not have said anything at all if Alexis was in her 20 s, after all Julia has a son and daughter in their twenties(her son might even be thirty, I don't know)Of course you are right, Julia can be her mother if she had her when she was 19 yrs old.
I think that people feel good when positive and encouraging comments are made about them and it is nice always to make others feel is an ability that we humans have and it does not cost anything.

I think in that one tweet, you might have made Julia feel old and her self moral might have been dampened. I try to think how I would feel if I happened to be that person.
I don't mind people pointing out things to me if that is said to improve my behaviour, mannerism or looks. Julia can change her weight, her hair style, her make-up and her mannerisms , but not her age.
I admit that the dress she wore was not suitable around her middle, but she has good legs.
Kathy wears very short dresses and Alison Keenan wears very short dresses...........short dresses don't suit Kathy who is 52 yrs old but no one has said anything about that. Alison is in her 50s.
Yes it is but JR most probably doesn't read the Zillions of comments made on here about her, however if someone sends her a tweet she would probably read it along with a lot more people than ever read anything this forum.

If someone tweeted me that I looked like I was appearing on telly with my daughter when obviously it wasn't I would be upset.

Seriously? Youd be upset? If I appeared anywhere dressed almost identically to a woman 20 years younger than me, to whom I bore a passing resemblance and someone commented that we ook like mother and daughter I'd agree and have a chuckle about it. We are hardly going to pass for sisters afterall are we? But then I dont happen to think Im still Gods gift to men at my age anymore.
I agree, Julia has to do the tweets (instant communication) and live on TV too. You can't really get more public than that. I don't know how old you are but if you are near to JR's age put yourself in her shoes. If you are much younger then just you wait, you got it all coming your way.

As I have posted, I don't think think the dress was a good call, but there but for the grace go us all. I am sure that I have made fashion mistakes (not that I give a flying fig about "fashion").
Dripping, now your talking! - on hot toast especially with some of the meat jelly from underneath, yum!

Must dash, just realised I've forgotten to put the peacocks away for the night!
Years ago on a cold day, in Wakefield I had a hot beef and hot dripping sandwich ...was heavenly, yum-yum!
I like cheese topped with strawberry jam on a thick slice of crusty bread!!
Im only 6 years younger than her so I have all the same ageing issues but Im not vain.
I have not tried with philly yet, but will have a go, thanks for the recipe:giggle: Anything comforting on a cold ,wet and miserable day.

If you are following my recipie to the letter then please remember to squash the bread down until you hear the crunch (crucial to the finished dish):clapping:
If you are following my recipie to the letter then please remember to squash the bread down until you hear the crunch (crucial to the finished dish):clapping:

You can't possibly have a crisp bread without squashing the bread.

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Butty even...the sheer thought of your recipe make me take leave of my senses. *off to buy some Philly

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My Yorkshire parents packed cheese and jam butties for me in my packed lunch for a Brownie Thinking Day event and my Lancashire fellow Brownies thought it highly amusing, I was mortified (but it is a surprisingly yummy). I assumed it was cross Pennine thing but I'm not entirely sure. Being the only red rose in a patch of white I blamed all their weirdnesses on their yorkshireness, but now I know they were just weird.

Jude xx

PS I've eaten jam butties with crisps in , lightly crushed as per the recipe
If you are following my recipie to the letter then please remember to squash the bread down until you hear the crunch (crucial to the finished dish):clapping:
:happy: I do that too, I find that the bits stick to the bread and butter (in case of the philly, it will help it more)

You can't possibly have a crisp bread without squashing the bread.
There are so many out there who have not tried this , I bet........we might have started a crisp buttie trend:giggle:

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Butty even...the sheer thought of your recipe make me take leave of my senses. *off to buy some Philly

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In your case, do you think there might be a "hidden reason":thinking:

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