Gemporia still sinking


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Actually, I have stopped buying from TJC because I bought a pair of amber earrings from them, in good faith, then got a letter saying they had tests done on their amber and some of the tests said it was amber but others - they did not say how many - said it was not. I could have a refund or a whole 25 per cent discount if I kept them. Now forgive me but 25 per cent off because they might be plastic - or god knows what - when they had a tiny bit of silver was hardly generous. I returned them but now I cannot trust them. Why did they not test them first? I tried to mention this on trust pilot and, despite me having the letter, TJC said it was not true and tried to pull the review down. Really shifty behaviour, not buying from them any more.
Don't trust them, they're worse than Gemporia. I wouldn't buy a pair of drawers from them! They're as crooked as a dog's hind leg!
Actually, I have stopped buying from TJC because I bought a pair of amber earrings from them, in good faith, then got a letter saying they had tests done on their amber and some of the tests said it was amber but others - they did not say how many - said it was not. I could have a refund or a whole 25 per cent discount if I kept them. Now forgive me but 25 per cent off because they might be plastic - or god knows what - when they had a tiny bit of silver was hardly generous. I returned them but now I cannot trust them. Why did they not test them first? I tried to mention this on trust pilot and, despite me having the letter, TJC said it was not true and tried to pull the review down. Really shifty behaviour, not buying from them any more.
The only thing worth looking at TJC for are silver chains, if you need one that is a decent weight either as a necklace or as a suitable gram weight for a pendant (I think it's usually recommended to be at least half the weight of the pendant). Their parent company's size and buying power makes their offering usually way better than anything Gemporia has ever offered, especially with Gemporia's £4 P&P added on.
The only thing worth looking at TJC for are silver chains, if you need one that is a decent weight either as a necklace or as a suitable gram weight for a pendant (I think it's usually recommended to be at least half the weight of the pendant). Their parent company's size and buying power makes their offering usually way better than anything Gemporia has ever offered, especially with Gemporia's £4 P&P added on.
Yes, you're right about this. They have their large company behind them which makes all the difference
Gemporia are showing in their 'just missed' section a 1ct diamond (I3 diamonds) MIDAS bracelet for ....... £399! If it was set in gold I would think its still too expensive for I3 diamonds but in silver!!!! Never in a million years.
We complain here, obviously, about Gemporia's lack of transparency, etc. but what about the lack of information on jewellery items from Gemporia's main rival TJC?
No authenticity cards EVER, no mention of treatments EVER, nothing on graphics about treatments EVER, the
silence is deafening. As for gold weights, they're only shown on their more expensive gold items, especially their chains, & never on their lower priced 'Maestro' 9k gold range and others. In fact, they show the gold weights, only when it suits them! Getting back to Gemporia however, in the early days Steve Bennett endeavoured to be ethical & transparent, sourcing gems at the mines & providing information and disclosure on treatments, whenever possible. He succeeded in building up a good, well respected jewellery business, which was both financially successful and entertaining to watch.
However, since the current 'Dastardly Duo' of the two Jades - Troth & Thompson - ook over the reins, all that effort and hard work has gone by the wayside. They have destroyed the company's good name, built up over the years, & reduced it to the dire mess it is today.
Has anyone noticed that sometimes they have 2 different gold weights for the same item. I have mailed them about this a few times. Last time was a diamond necklace with one weight on screen and another on web page. They responded that they would look into it and get back to me. Needless to say nothing since and last time I looked it was still the same . I must say I do get certs with everything I buy but how accurate they are I have no idea. However the thing I hate most about them is the way they change the supposed full price. GET 30% OFF screams the headline . Sure right. On a supposed full price that has gone up by hundreds. I’ve complained about this on trust pilot a number of times but they keep doing it. Surely a breach of advertising standards. This is TJC not Gemporia .
Has anyone noticed that sometimes they have 2 different gold weights for the same item. I have mailed them about this a few times. Last time was a diamond necklace with one weight on screen and another on web page. They responded that they would look into it and get back to me. Needless to say nothing since and last time I looked it was still the same . I must say I do get certs with everything I buy but how accurate they are I have no idea. However the thing I hate most about them is the way they change the supposed full price. GET 30% OFF screams the headline . Sure right. On a supposed full price that has gone up by hundreds. I’ve complained about this on trust pilot a number of times but they keep doing it. Surely a breach of advertising standards. This is TJC not Gemporia .
I thought it was just me. This absolutely drives me nuts like you I have complained via email also by text on the live show, asking why do they think we don't what they are doing obviously. I need to use trust pilot they definitely don't like to see poor comments there!
There’s one particular style of ring that I don’t like at all that they sell every now and then and it’s their NY CloseOut deals. All of them set in 14k white gold and covered in one to four carats of teeny weeny diamonds, usually I1 I think. These are typically sold on cruise ships where you have one small store selling nothing but these rings so giving their customers absolutely no chance of comparing them to anything better.It’s all extremely cleverly done because a lot of these passengers will be buying pressies for their other halves on their special trips. They end up paying thousands of dollars for okayish diamonds with little to no resale value at all. That’s also why they end up on Selly Telly I guess.
Gemporia are showing in their 'just missed' section a 1ct diamond (I3 diamonds) MIDAS bracelet for ....... £399! If it was set in gold I would think its still too expensive for I3 diamonds but in silver!!!! Never in a million years.
If that's the one Hattie had on last night, she was recommending it as kids' jewellery. So long as the parents were all for it.

Personally, if I was going to spend multiple hundreds buying a diamond bracelet for my daughter, I would be: a) putting it away for her 18th, and b) wanting something better for the price than i3 diamonds and gold overlay. Nothing tells the recipient how much you love them more than inferior gems and gold plating.
And here we go again with the hype for another tourmaline, indicolite this time. The same speil as ever and non stop talking from Toby. He could do this in his sleep he’s that slick by now after years of practice. I find him incredibly insincere.It’s ALL hard sell and hyperbole.And after all the hot air they look exactly like the last lot.
And here we go again with the hype for another tourmaline, indicolite this time. The same speil as ever and non stop talking from Toby. He could do this in his sleep he’s that slick by now after years of practice. I find him incredibly insincere.It’s ALL hard sell and hyperbole.And after all the hot air they look exactly like the last lot.
Yes he has seriously stooped to the level of everyone else.
I sent a message asking if they were dyed, went unanswered and not shown on TV. Shocking !!
They do this all the time. I've lost count the number of times I've messaged in asking them to explain about something or other i.e. the double blue aquamarines recently launched and shown again yesterday, were described in the details as 'grey' so I asked why and, no surprise, it wasn't addressed either.
Gemporia yet again making absolutely no mention on screen that the chocolate coloured pearls are coated. Extremely misleading and deliberately so seeing as the entire presentation is about the colour.So hard to find, extremely rare she keeps saying but it’s utter cobblers.
I can't watch Gemporia any more. It's not entertaining, and watching misleading cash grab after cash grab just makes me angry.

I feel very, very sorry for anyone who thinks that they're getting real deals, never mind that they're buying items that will accrue in value over time.
I’ll always remember an interview that Steve Bennett did where he stated quite clearly that it’s not about the actual value of the gems, they’re sold on Potential value which could be anything you say it might be.Perfect get out clause.Very very murky shady practices tbf.

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