I have so many strawberries I don't know what to do with them. I bought 6 plants over a decade ago and have grown more from runners over the years.
They're everywhere in the garden now. I put them in pots to start with as my Springer is fond of cocking his leg on everything and much as I love him, I don't want the taste of dog pee on my strawberries. The ones I've left grow wild are quite pretty along the path so they can stay and get a special watering.
We have a lot of wild strawberries growing behind us and they've crept in, too. I've put the runners in pots as they're absolutely delicious. Smaller but better than the bought ones any day. I made wild strawberry jam a few years running. Not in big batches, only a few jars at a time and then from the ones I've built up in the freezer. But OMG, it's the best jam ever.