Fuji S1500 TSV


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Easily Confused
Aug 13, 2008
Fuji S1500 TSV. Good value? Unfortunately it's a new model so there aren't any reviews I can find. But the price looks good, compared to other places that will stock it. I'm still on my 30 dayMBG on the Fuji S5800 and can't decide whether to go for the newer model or save £70 by sticking with the older one. Any thoughts? :33:
Compare the features of one against the other, what does the newer one bring over the old one ?
Am after a Nixon P90 but going to watch and see if this comperes and if it has any of the same features.
I ordered this and received it today, i've been having a play with it and its took some stunning pictures and it is so easy to use, the automatic scene recognition is ammazing it just knowa what its doing all by itself, definately not going back
I ordered it and it arrived yesterday. Great, as I am going on holiday today so am planning to really try it out. I had the S5800 still in the 30 day MBG, but sent it back for this one. Fingers crossed!

Mine arrived on Friday, very pleased with it. Photos from it are on Flickr, my user name is mick motor photos. I have started a Flickr group for this camera, group name is Fuji S1500 Camera Users. If you have the camera then please take a look and join in if you want. QVC were giving a 4GB card with the camera, great but my Epson printer will not work with cards above 2GB !!
Mine arrived on Friday, very pleased with it. Photos from it are on Flickr, my user name is mick motor photos. I have started a Flickr group for this camera, group name is Fuji S1500 Camera Users. If you have the camera then please take a look and join in if you want. QVC were giving a 4GB card with the camera, great but my Epson printer will not work with cards above 2GB !!

hi Mick motor photos and a massive warm welcome to the forum

enjoy your time here
It's been very good for what we use it for, the quality is very good

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Just wondering how folks who got this camera were getting on with it. I had one replaced becasue the face detection didn't work. The replacement...well, face detection works, but it's very picky. The auto scene mode seems most of the time to just be on "auto" meaning it can't find the right mode. Occasionally I get landscape, but not any of the others. My pictures taken in bright sunlight seem washed out. Anyone else having less than wonderful results?

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